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A/N: hey guys, just a warning, this chapter might be a little triggering for some people, so just be cautious okay? I love you guys, I'm always here if you need to talk to anyone💕

@nicelil5sosgurl: just kill yourself.


What does one do if this gets said to them? Why are they acting like this anyway? They don't know who I am? I sighed.

"Hey guys, I better head off home now, it was nice meeting you all." I smiled a little, hearing a chorus of "bye!"s and "nice to meet you too!"s and "see you later!"s. I sat up and left the house. Alex has left the building. I reached my house and opened the door. I ran as fast as I could upstairs, and went into my room. I hadn't unpacked yet, so I looked for my box that said "Alex's bathroom stuff" on it. I found it and looked inside for my tin. My tin has a passcode on it. I silently typed in 1210. Her birthday. The Tin box made a clicking noise, and it opened. Inside was my babies. The only things that didn't leave me, besides Joe, but I couldn't tell Joe all of my problems. I picked up my razor. I softly smiled at the blade in between my forefinger and thumb, and let it do its magic.

One cut for being fat.

One cut for being worthless.

One cut for being ugly.

One cut for not being good enough.

Before I knew it, the blood was rushing out of my arms, my wrists being the worst. If you think about it, would it be so bad if I killed myself? I mean, my parents would be better off, they're never around anyway, it's just one less body to pay for. Joe will be able to live freely, he won't have to worry about looking after me anymore, he could find a nice man to make him happy instead. And Ashton, Katie, Amy, Michael, Calum, it wouldn't effect them in anyway, I mean, they hardly know me, so they'd be fine. And lastly, Luke. I've come to the conclusion that I fancy Luke, but, there's no way he could ever like me back. Just look at me. So he'd be better off because he could just forget he ever met me.

I took a deep breath.


*Luke's Point Of View*

My arms propped me up into a sitting position, when my hand touched something. A phone. I picked it up and studied it. There was an All Time Low phone case on it, it's Alex's.

"Hey guys, I'm gonna quickly drop Alex's phone to her, she left it here." I told them as I was jumping up out of bed. I placed my black vans on quickly, and shoved on some jeans and a shirt. I jogged down the stairs and out the door. I walked across the garden and to Alex's front door, knocking on it. I waited patiently. Ten minutes later, she still hasn't answered. I know she was in there, because she left my house about five minutes ago. I tried the door handle, and lucky me I guess, the door was open. I stepped inside, shutting it behind me. I went upstairs, thinking that she probably just couldn't hear the door when I was knocking, because she was upstairs. I opened a door and found an empty bathroom. I closed it, and opened another two doors, both being empty. There was one more door. I walked over to it, and slowly opened it, not sure if I'd like what I saw.

I was right. I didn't like it.

Inside the room, was a beautiful girl, tears flowing like a waterfall, her face flushed from crying. Blood pouring out of both of her arms, and a shiny, used razor blade in her hand. I gasped, and ran over to wear she was. Alex had just seemed to notice I was there, and tried to back away from me.

"Alex, come here darling. Please." A tear slipped out of my eye. I walked forward, grabbing the blade and putting it in my jeans pocket. I cradled Alex in my arms, and Carried her to the bathroom I first walked into, and placed her gently on the side. I lifted her head up, and wiped the tears on her face.

"Shh, shh, it's okay, don't cry beautiful. Let's get you cleaned up, alright?" I spoke quietly to her. I found an antiseptic wipe and placed it gently on her arm. "This might hurt a bit okay?" She nodded so I continued. I wiped both of her arms, and placed plasters over the cuts. I then lifted one of her arms, and looked her in the eye. I kissed each of her cuts, without breaking eye contact. I repeated this action on the other arm. "You're too beautiful to do this to yourself." She hugged me, and I couldn't help but ask.



A/N: I just wanted to let you guys know that if you ever need to talk, I'm here. Nobody deserves to feel this way, and you can talk to me☺️stay strong💕


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