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I miss it here already.


I can't believe this is actually happening. We've been through security, Joe had a special pass which meant he was able to come through with us to the gate.

I've read about things like this happening in books, but, I didn't think it actually happened, let alone to someone as ordinary as me?

After 15 minutes of pure silence between our little group of people(mother, father, Joe and I), our flight number was called.

"Flight 212 to Sydney, Australia please line up now with your boarding passes ready, thank you." I sighed as I heard the woman, slightly glaring towards the area. I know I shouldn't be angry with them, they're just doing their jobs, but they're also cutting my time left with Joe.

My mother and father shook Joes hand, saying the usual "stay safe" and "good luck in the future" before stepping away and letting us have a moment.

"I'm gonna miss you so goddamn much Alex" Joe exclaimed as he crushed me in a bone-breaking hug. I was trying so hard not to let my walls down in public, because let's be honest here, if you was about to get on board a plane, and you saw what looked like a couple, hugging and crying into each other's arms, don't tell me you wouldn't stare, because you'd be lying, and I don't want to attract that kind of attention, or any for that matter. As soon as I felt the cool wet slide onto my shoulder, off of Joes face, I couldn't help myself anymore, tears streaming down both of our faces, what a sight we must look.

"I love you so much okay Joe? You're my brother, forever" he kissed my cheek, mumbling an "I love you too sis" into my hair as he gave me one last hug. We parted, and that's when my parents told me we needed to leave now. They looked at Joe with fake sympathy, it was blandly obvious that they didn't actually care that they was breaking us.

I handed the lady my boarding pass, taking one look behind at the boy I grew up with, before heading to the seat she told me was my own. I started to read my book, Divergent, as the plane took off. I waited until we was safely in the air before turning on my mobile, it's on aeroplane mode don't worry, and plugging in some earphones so I can listen to some sweet arse music.

Apparently I fell asleep, because before I knew it, it was time to get off the plane, as I was shook awake by my demanding mother. I slightly glared at her, turning off my music and picking up my flight bag. I checked I had everything I brought with me, I did.

Slowly, we made our way off the plane, and as soon as I took a step off, the heat hit me like a ton of bricks.

"Holy shit." I mumbled. I was still in my yoga pants, so to say I was hot was an extreme understatement. No way was I going to change though, I hate showing my legs, for personal reasons, Which is England was good for me, I never really had to show my legs.

We waited at the baggage claim, and collected our bags(obviously), they were all one of the first to come out, luckily for us. We walked out of the airport, finding our taxi that we had called to take us to our new house. I'd say 'home' but it's not a home, it's a house, not my home.

The taxi ride was only half an hour long, so we don't live too far away from the airport, alright I guess. We arrived at the house, and I was, can you say, shocked? The house was larger than my home in England, it looked glorious, I can't help but wonder if the inside matches the beauty of the outside.

I looked to the left of the house, finding another, looking quite similar in size and beauty. I hopped out of the car, grabbing my suitcase before my father stopped me, and went up to the door. Mother had already opened the door.

"Hello hon, your room has your name on a sticky note on the door." she beamed at me. I rolled my eyes and made my way up the stairs.

Straight away I found the room that said 'Alexandra'. I rolled my eyes for the second time in the same minute, ripping the sticky note off the door and entered the room.

My mouth hung wide, and my eyes nearly fell out of their sockets. The room was truly stunning. There was even a balcony! I ran towards it, finding the key inside the door already, opened it and took a step outside. To the right was a beach, nice, a beach house, I could get used to this. Right ahead of my balcony though, was another, and standing on top of that balcony, was a blonde haired beauty staring right back at me.

Maybe Australia won't be as bad as I thought?


A/N: hey guys! Remember to vote if you like it, thanks for reading ☺️


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