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"Shut up guys." Luke mumbled.


We had spent the day watching movies, to which I was sitting next to Luke, cuddled up to him with his arms wrapped around me. When 5 o'clock rolled around, the boys decided they were hungry, as always.

"LETS GET PIZZA" Mikey screamed grabbing Amy by the hand and pulling her up.

We all agreed, so the boys each grabbed their 'girl'. Ashton grabbed Katie's hands and pulled her up into a kiss. i rolled my eyes at their cuteness, it's sickeningly adorable. Calum held Charlotte's hands and helped her to her feet. To my surprise Luke got a grip on my fore-arms and pulled me into a hug, his face went into my neck.

"Let's go get pizza" he whispered into me, i laughed as a response. Luke held my hand as we all walked to the Pizzaria. It happened to be the same Pizzaria that Luke had taken me to when i had first arrived, to get to know me. i smiled at the thought.

Everyone was having their own conversations, we was walking in pairs, in a line, yet Luke and i weren't speaking so i decided to strike up a conversation.

"Penny for your thoughts?" I asked, smiling up at him. At my voice, he turned to look down at me.

"What?" he laughed instead of properly answering me.

"I was just asking what you're thinking about?" I smiled at his cuteness. I guess they don't use that phrase over here in Australia.

"You." He smiled adorably at me. "Oh god that was cheesy as parmasian." He burst out laughing, alongside me. "What are you thinking about Beautiful? Or as you said, 'Thoughts for a penny?'" He smiled, and seemed exceedingly proud for 'remembering' what i had said, i felt a little bad for bursting his bubble.

"It's actually 'Penny for your thoughts?' not 'thoughts for a penny?'" i said, holding my stomach from laughing so hard. Luke's cheeks tinted red, bless. "And i was thinking about how we're going to the same pizzaria that you had brought me too when i first moved to Australia." This caused Luke to seem a bit happier, i'm not too sure why though, but i wont complain, i love it when he's happy.

It wasn't long before we had reached the little pizza shop. We walked in, and i looked around at all the booths where people were sitting down, enjoying their food and just generally having a good time with their friends. I spotted a table of about five eighteen year old boys, great.

We sat down in a booth, and ordered what we wanted to eat. Around ten minutes later, Katie stood up and told us she was going to the toilet. Nobody really thought anything of it, as it was just the toilet, so everyone just nodded, Ashton kissed her cheek before she left. The group just went back to the conversations they were having before Katie spoke, Luke and Ashton were speaking instead of Luke and I. I watched Katie go, and saw that group of boys from the booth a couple tables down, about 3/5's of them also walked up to the toilets. Me being the paranoid person i am, i said to the group that i was also going to go to the loo.

The toilets where around the corner, behind a wall, which worried me a little. When i had turned the corner, i saw one of the boys backing Katie into a wall, smirking as he did so. The other two boys that were there were watching, laughing at the slightly scared looking girl.

"I'm not scared of you, i hope you know that." Katie put on a brave front. I was unsure what to do, because honestly, it's pretty easy to see that i would be a hell of a lot weaker than one of these men, let alone three, so i turned around to go get one of the boys, preferably Ashton, as he is Katie's boyfriend.

"Where do you think you're going, sexy?" i inwardly groaned, of course this would happen to me as well.

The man grabbed my arm and threw me against the wall, next to Katie. I smiled sympathetically at her. I felt a sloppy kiss on my neck, then the man started sucking roughly on my neck, he even bit me! Goddamn that hurt. But then he stepped back, as did the man molesting Katie.

"We'll be right back, don't go anywhere." One of them men spoke gruffly, throwing us into a little room nearby. I sighed and stood up, hugging Katie tightly. I heard a beep.
My phone. I forgot it was in the pockets to my jeans. I grabbed it quickly and phoned Luke, but then I heard the door handle jiggling, so I put my phone in my jeans again.
"Hello? Helloooo?" I faintly heard Luke's voice, and I was silently praying he wouldn't hang up. The door burst open, and the men where back.
"We're gonna have a real good time, you girls will be screaming our names. I shivered in disgust, and I could see Katie fighting back the urge to gag.
Two of the men seemed to be discussing something in the corner of the room. The other man was not so slowly making his way towards me. Katie stood there, wanting to help but not knowing what to do. I silently told her to run with my eyes. But she shook her head no.
As I was trying to communicate with Katie, I hadn't realised the man had reached me, until he ripped my shirt off, literally ripped it off, causing me to scream. This time Katie did run, I just hope she was running to get help.
I was shaking and crying. I didn't know what to do, I wasn't strong enough to stop him, so I just stood there. The man was leaving hickeys on my chest area up to my neck.
Someone please help me.

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