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A/N: This keek is just amazing oh my god 


"Hello dears! My name is Liz Hemmings ."


The woman, who had introduced herself as Liz, welcomed us inside her home. Not that I hadn't been in here before, but it was just so beautiful, I let awestruck.

"LUKE! BEN! JACK! COME DOWNSTAIRS AND MEET THE NEW NEIGHBOURS! I'm sorry, what were your names?" She smiled politely at us.

"My name is Jessica Stacey. This is my husband, Philip Stacey(A/N:I forgot if I named him, so he's called Philip now), and this is my daughter, Alexandra Stacey." My mother shook Liz's hand with a hard grip. I inwardly sighed.

"It's Alex, nice to meet you Liz." I smiled at her.

My back was towards the stairs, at where I could hear sniggering behind me. I turned around and came face to face with Luke. "Hello, Alexandra." He smirked at me, putting emphasis on my real first name. I fake glared at him, before we started laughing Softly. Liz started to speak, so my attention went to her.

"These are my sons, Jack, Ben, and Lucas." Liz informed us.

I turned back around to Luke. "Hello, Lucas." I mimicked, putting the same emphasis on his name that he did to my own.

Liz was leading us down to what I assume is the dining room, when suddenly I got pulled backwards. I looked at my kidnapper, before laughing quietly. "Hello Jack." He smirked.

"Hello beautiful." I blushed.

"So, uh, why are we still here, whilst they're over there?" I asked, befuddled.

"I just wanted to introduce my self properly, to the girl Luke fancies."

"Wait, what?"

"It's so obvious Luke likes you, I mean, he kept talking about you, since he got back, from being with you." Jack replied to me, my face was glowing crimson.

"Well, he wouldn't like someone like me."

"We'll see. Let's catch up, before they start assuming things." Jack winked before jogging ahead. We reached the dining room, Jack was a few seconds before me though, as he had jogged ahead. Jack sat down in a seat, leaving two seats left, as there was 7 of us, at an 8 people table. I sat down opposite Luke, it went like:

Liz at one end of the table, my father at the other. Ben sat next to Liz, then next to him was Luke, and next to Luke and my father was Jack. My mother was also next to my father, and I was next to her, with an empty seat to my left. Luke was opposite me.

I kept catching eye contact with Luke, and it just made me feel fuzzy inside. About half way through the dinner(which was stunning by the way, as if it came from God himself). I felt a foot touch my own. I looked up, to see a smirking Luke, looking right back at me. He started playing footsie with me, which I just thought was mega cute.

My parents were so awkward, like, they can never not be strict anymore, since the accident, they basically did the same thing I did. Shut the world away. So they aren't exactly the easiest people to befriend.

"Now, Jack and Ben, run along. Us adults are going to have some adult talk, Lucas, Alex, would you wash up for me dears?" Liz asked kindly, I couldn't refuse, so I nodded.

"Of course." I said smiling, before Luke could decline. He huffed and stood up with me, collecting the plates to put in the sink. The adults had gone into the living room, whilst I assume Luke's brothers went back up to their rooms.

I was washing, whilst Luke was drying. I was focused on a dried ketchup mark on a plate, I believe was Ben's, when I felt a bubbly liquid across my cheek. I wiped it off, and looked up in disbelief to a giggling Luke. I grabbed some bubbles myself, and flattened them against his nose.

"HA" I laughed at him. Luke grabbed the washing up liquid and squirted a bit on my cheeks. I had turned around to get some more bubbles out of the sink, and when I turned to face Luke again, I was shocked to see his face, inches from my own.

"Hi." He said, smiling down at me. I looked up at him with wide eyes.

"Hi." I replied, In barely a whisper. My voice was so quiet, I hardly heard myself, so I doubt he heard me. Before I knew what was happening,

His lips were pressed against mine.

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