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Shit, I didn't close the balcony curtains.


I looked up and saw Luke, he had a blush evident on his face, as he looked away. I ran forward and shut the curtains, before shoving on a tee that came down to the middle of my thighs. I opened up the curtains again and walked out onto the balcony. I couldn't see Luke properly, so I climbed over my balcony, and onto his. I walked inside his bedroom and sat on his bed, mesmerised by all the posters. Until I heard a gasp. The same gasp I heard earlier.

I turned around to see Luke, with water droplets racing down his toned body, with only a towel wrapped around his waist. I stood up from the bed, and slowly traveled towards him. When I was close enough, I gently ran my hand down his chest. I heard Luke's breathing hitch. I'm not entirely sure where this newfound confidence has come from, but I like it.

I stood on my tiptoes to kiss Luke's neck, I reached up, pulling him down so I could reach. Luke led us over to his bed, where he sat down. I sat on top of him, straddling his waist. This cause his eyes to widen. My lips attached to Luke's neck again, sucking ever so slightly, causing him to lean his head back, giving me more access. I then ran my tongue ever so lightly over the top of the love bite I gave him, doing the same on the other side of his neck. I pulled back slightly, biting my lip. I could feel mini Lucas growing harder underneath me. I leant down to whisper in Luke's ear.

"Take off my shirt." I felt him shiver, but he complied. Once again, Luke looked away. I grabbed his head, turning it so he was looking at me. "You don't need to look away." He looked at me. This just made little Lucas harder, and I'm glad I have this effect on him. "Want some help with your...problem?" He nodded, and I smirked.


*Luke's Point Of View*

I don't know how this escalated so fast, but I for one, am not complaining. I've never done anything so, intimate before. I like it.

"Want some help with your...problem?" She asked me in a seductively low voice. I nodded, which caused her to smirk. She unwound herself from me, and whipped off the towel, the one thing keeping me covered. Her smirk grew. "I guess Little Lucas, isn't so Little after all." A blush appeared on my cheeks, and a smirk grew on my face, as well as her own.

She wrapped her petit hand around my hard on, and started pumping, agonisingly slow.

"Go faster." I said into her ear, as I felt her shiver at my speaking, but she complied nevertheless.

I tried to keep moaning to a minimum, as my family are in the house, and my brothers would tease me non-stop if they heard. But I don't want to think about them right now, I want to think of the beautiful girl in front of me. We didn't have to wait too long before I had hit my climax. Alex licked my tip, then leaned over and kissed me lips softly.

"See you later doll" she winked before placing her shirt back on, and climbing onto her own balcony, into her room. She closed the curtains this time.

What is this girl doing to me?

A/N: hey guys, if you wanna follow me, that'd be great, thank you!


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