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Five years had passed since Stiles had left Beacon Hills in his past. Now his a fully trained FBI agent working in their National Security division. Every now and then Stiles heads back home to Beacon Hills. Today was his first break for 8 months, he has just finished a major operation.  so, he decided to book a whole week off to spend some quality time with Sheriff and find out what's been going on in little ol' Beacon Hills. He arrived at the airport to Scott waiting for him by the entrance. Scott jumped out of his seat and ran towards Stiles giving him a long embrace. Stiles and Scott had not seen each other in over a year so they had a lot to catch up on. Stiles immediately noticed his Jeep in the carpark. "Still running strong then?" as he tapped its hood with a smile.

"Had a few problems, but it was worth fixing,"  Scott replied whilst entering the vehicle. The journey back to Beacon Hills was long enough for Stiles to find out Malia was pregnant, only by 2 months but Still, Scott was going to be a dad. Stiles already knew Scott proposed last year but this was new to him. Stiles didn't have anyone like that. He had been on a few dates with some other agents but none had worked out, he just had no spark with any of them. Scott pulled the Jeep up outside Derek's loft. "Scott why we at Derek's? I had plans to meet my dad in half an hour." Scott just smiled and exited the Jeep. Stiles joined him into the alpha's apartment. As they got to the top floor Stiles became more confused. It was too quiet, couldn't hear a single voice on the other side of the sliding door. Scott left the elevator first and double nocked on the door before sliding it open. He this gestured Stiles to go in first, which he did. 

As Stiles walked in everyone popped up giving Stiles a minor shock, because he had a feeling this was going to happen, he had been away on a mission during his birthday last month.  He smiled and greeted everyone while Scott went and got him a drink. Noah was the last to welcome Stiles home giving him a hug and with the usual pat on the back. Stiles sat down on the couch with Noah opposite, Derek and Liam next to him and Scott, Malia and Lydia on the other side with Noah. Chris and Malissa were in the kitchen prepping some snacks. The whole lot was here to see him, just him. Stiles would never admit it but he really fucking missed these people. They are his anchors, they keep him focused on work and being safe. The day turned into night quickly with all the chatting and drinking going on. Stiles decided to leave at 12 with Noah because he didn't want to third wheel in a cab with Scott and Malia. It felt weird going back home. Stiles was too use to his own space, well apart from his roommate Ben. Noah went straight to bed leaving Stiles on his own.

Stiles woke to a loud bang at the door. Scott and Liam had let them self in. After throwing on some clothes Stiles went down to greet them, and to get his first fix of coffee. After chilling on the couch for half an hour Stiles got up to actually get showered and dressed. As Stiles got out the shower he could hear Scott and Liam talking, they sounded concerned, Scott could feel something happening. Stiles rushed down still in nothing but a towel to see what was going on. "Scott? You don't look too good."

"It happened all of a sudden. I can feel something in the pack bond, but I've never felt this before Stiles" Liam replied looking concerned for his alpha.

"It's fine, let's get him to Deaton. Hopefully, he has a clue to what is going on. Let me throw my clothes back on, get him to the car!" Liam nodded as Stiles ran back upstairs. 

Stiles drove like a maniac to the Animal Clinic and rushed Scott inside. Derek was there, he could feel it too. Deaton had no idea what was happening. After five minutes Malia also arrived with Lydia. They all felt it, yet Liam only felt it through the pack bond. What in the world was happening? Deaton suggested it could be something to do with nature, something has become unsettled, but if it was that it should be affecting all the supernatural, not just a few. Then it started happening. Scott looked over to Stiles, just as he was about to talk he disintegrated to dust. Everyone looked petrified. Lydia was next to follow in Scotts steps, then Derek, Malia. "Stiles you need to find out what in the hell is going on," Deaton said just before he disappeared like the rest of them. Stiles was left staring at Liam in silence. What could they say to each other after witnessing everyone suddenly turn to dust?

Stiles grabbed his phone and called his dad. After a few minutes of dialling, he finally answered. "Stiles what kind of supernatural shit has just happened. Half of my deputies just turned in to dust."

"What, it happened to normal people? Scott, Malia, Lydia, Derek and Deaton, they dusted too. I don't know what's happing. I'll call the FBI to see if they have any intel. I'll come to the station.  Stiles immediately hung up knowing his dad was alive and safe. He got out his secure phone and called the office. It took 10 minutes before someone answered. Liam drove them to the station while Stiles got intel from the FBI. 

They rushed into the station and Stiles told the Sheriff what had happened. "Turns out some alien guy has wiped out half the universe. "

"What? Can you take this seriously Stiles." Noah replied looking un-impressed with that comment.

"I am, it's something to do with the Avengers, Its too high up for me to know more over the phone. They have sent a jet to come get me. They need as many people as they can back at the office."

"Wait, so the alien thing? it's real? half the universe? how in the..."

"Yes, it's real. I need to get to the airport. I will keep you updated, and could you do the same please dad?" 

"Sure thing. You got this Stiles!" They hugged before Stiles and Liam rushed out of the station and back into the Jeep. They arrived at the airport within half an hour, with the roads being emptier than usual. The jet was landing as they arrived and went through the back entrance with Stiles FBI clearance. "Liam, you can stay here and go back to the half-empty Beacon Hills or you can get on this jet with me and try and get our family back" 

"Lets fucking do this Stilinski!" Liam replied after a small thought pause. 

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