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Stiles shut the world out. Finding out who he is meant so much to him. He never, never felt like he fitted in no matter where he went. With his brother dead, how the hell was he sposed to find his true mom? He spent days, weeks in his apartment in DC. Ben tried getting him moving, but nothing worked. Not even the giddy optimistic Steven Rogers could do anything...until he brought a friend. 

Stiles shouted "COME IN" to the knocking at his door. A little girl opened and run in. "Hey there Morgan, what you doing here."
"Daddy said we are here to cheer you up"
"Is that so." She smiled and pulled his hand until he was forced to get up. The little girl pulled him along to the living room where Tony and Steve were on the couch.
"Not going to lie, kid, you look rough. Trust me, I've been there. You saved my life, so I'm here to repay the favour."
"It's no use, Tony. You might as well just let me go back to bed. I don't want to waste your time."
"Waste my time how. What is laying in bed all day going to achieve? Absolutely nothing Stiles. Now get yourself cleaned up your my plus one to some tech expo." Stiles looked at Steve with evils knowing it was all his doing. 

The expo would have been Stiles' dream place to be and to be there as Starks plus one would have been the cherry on top. However, Stiles walked about the place as if it was empty, lifeless. Tony tried and tried again to bring back the spark in Stiles; getting him to try tech on, even mentioned that he saved his life during his talk. All Stiles wanted was to go home. Tony is not one to give up, but when the day is over, there is not much else he can do. He gave Stiles a hug before taking Morgan back home. Which just left Stiles alone with Steve. Steve was about to say something and lent forward to get off the couch but Stiles turned around walked into his room. Steve felt useless. 

Stiles got straight into bed, but couldn't drift off. He grabbed the magic book and ring they found in his brother's realm. He put the ring on and started flipping through the book. It was mostly random nonsense like books back in the sanctum. All the reading finally make Stiles tired enough to fall into a deep sleep. 


Stiles opened his eyes to a blinding light. He was back in Agamotto's dimension he got out of the bed and started yelling if anyone was there. No one answered. Stiles went room by room making sure he was alone. As he walked into the library he noticed a book open. It was the same book he was reading, but it was on one of the last pages titled "Ring of Oshtur". Stiles sat down to carry on reading. Key parts stood out. "Two rings, that allow thought communication." Stiles only has one. His mother must have the other. Just as Stiles was turning the page to continue he heard a book drop onto the floor. "Hello?" he got up to investigate. He looked but no one was there. He headed back to the table. As he approached he noticed someone there. "Hello, who are you?" The figure turned her head. "It's me, Stiles."
"Yes. But I don't have long, come sit."
"I felt your presence when you put the ring on. I'm sorry that you were not able to find your brother. But Stiles, I need your help."
"Anything. What is it? "
"You see when Agamotto was killed I ran away and got trapped in some other dimension. I have been here for years, I have tried everything to get out. But then you managed to get in and out of another dimension to get the ring. Stiles, you are my last hope to return to Earth."
"How am I supposed to know which dimension you are in?"
"Trust the ring"

Stiles shot awake. Steve ran in. "Stiles are you okay?" Stiles took a moment to catch his breath. 
"I just spoke to my mom. She told me to 'trust the ring' we need to go get her."
"Okay. I'll call Romanoff so you can fill us both in."
"Thank you cap" Steve nodded, but he turned back around before leaving the room
"Glad to see you got your spark back." Stiles made a small smile while Steve left the room. 

Natasha arrived within a few hours ready to hear what the new information. "So, the book states that of both people have each ring on they can communicate with each other," Nat said looking confused.
"Yes, but I've been trying for the last hour, no answer. But because Oshtur made them she could feel that I put it on and communicated to me in my dream.
"Okay" She looks even more confused now.
"She told me that she is trapped in some other dimension, and has been for a few years. She said to 'trust the ring' and that I'm her last hope." 
"Okay, so in theory, we need to go back to Mekkan and give Torgo and Leo this information?"
"Okay, we leave first thing tomorrow." 

For once in a while, Stiles did not want to sleep. He knew he had too but he was too excited to continue their adventure and finally meet the person who can answer all of his questions. Stiles managed to drift off just past midnight when Steve come to bed and wrapped his protective arms around Stiles. Stiles woke before Steve, packing and preparing for Nat to be as punctual as ever. Steve woke just in time for Romanoff to arrive, he gave Natasha a hug and then during his hug with Stiles he tilted his head up and gave him the best good-bye kiss Stiles has ever had. "Be safe." were his last words as Stiles and Nat exited the apartment. The ship was not too far away back at the Avengers HQ site. As the gates opened Stiles could see how quickly the clean up is happening. Piles and piles of wreckage ready to move to landfill. God knows what Stark and Cap have planned for this site once it's all clear.   

Nat and Stiles got into the ship and once their system check was done they were off to Mekkan. Nat had sent Leo message letting them know they are returning. The journey back to Beacon Hills takes longer than it does to get to another planet in this ship. Torgo and Leo were already waiting at the ship landing site. Stiles gave them a full catch up of his dream and the reading in the book. Leo is not fully sure how she came to him in the dream, but then again Oshtur is a god, who knows what she can do. Torgo said it could take a few weeks to fully understand the ring and make it work as a locator. He suggested going back home until then. Stiles was disappointed he had to wait even longer but it means they still have a chance. He called Steve letting him know once again they will be back for a few more weeks, he also reassured him that he will not be a miserable Stiles who don't leave his room let alone the apartment.

They were back home before 8pm, Steve had booked a meal for him and Stiles since they were going to be back so early. Nat was going to join but a text popped up on her phone and she said she already had plans. Steve and Stiles went to a nice restaurant, had a few drinks. Stiles could see how happy Steve is.

The next few weeks Stiles helped work on plans for what's happening at Avengers HQ site. Top secret he can't tell anyone...Tony's orders. Neither Trogo or Leo have messaged saying they have finished. Nat went to Meekan on her own to get a proper update on any developments. She should be back any minute. 

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