New York, New York

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"DAD...You up?" Stiles shouted up the stairs.
"Good we got hospital today. Finally, get those test results."
"WHAT?" Stiles rolled his eyes at his father's response.
"DON'T WORRY JUST HURRY UP" He shouted back up.

Steve was drinking a coffee on the couch. They have been in Beacon Hills for over a week now. "Stiles, Natasha phoned me this morning. I'm needed back at the facility. I'll go with you to the hospital but then I need to go."
"You don't have to come with us, Steve. I've got this."
"I want to be there for you Stiles."
"Okay. Love you."
"I love you too." Stiles walked over to Steve as he stood up. The kiss was as passionate as you would think after just saying the 'L' word to each other for the first time. They stayed in an embrace with Stiles' head resting on Steve's shoulder until Noah finally came down the stairs.
"Come on use two. We ain't got all day to cuddle." they both smiled and followed him outside to the car.

The silence in the waiting room was a killer. It was hunting Stiles, he hated silence sometimes. Steve and Noah, on the other hand, looked at peace; chilled. Stiles took a deep breath and asked the pair if they wanted a coffee. Just as Stiles returned with the hot drinks the Doctor arrived and called out for Mr Stilinski. Here we go, Stiles, thought to himself. Steve waited outside, thought it would be best to let them hear the results first.
"Take a seat Mr Stilinski."
"It's Noah. You can call me Noah."
"Okay, Noah. You know why you're here. We ran some tests due to our suspicion of lung cancer. We have those tests back." The Doctor left a long dramatic pause like this mans life is some sort of game show. "They are positive for Stage 1A lung cancer. I am so sorry to have to give you and your son this terrible news. As always you can request to get a second opinion. But this type erm which is a type of non-small cell lung cancer which makes up for near-on 80% of lung cancers. "

Stiles could hear what the man was saying but he wasn't listening. Nothing was going through. Then all of a sudden the room went silent. Noah was not going to ask anything, it's just the sort of person who just deals with things. Stiles has to step up. "So what are the treatments of this cancer?"
"Good question. Luckily this is just a stage 1A. Which means we could perform surgery and cut the tumour out. Then follow the surgery with chemotherapy or radiation therapy if it is required. As I said, you can always get a second opinion and look at other treatments. However, I would recommend getting it as quick as possible so the cancer does not spread.
"Thank you so much, Doctor Meng." Noah stood up and shook the man's hand. "I'll get in touch soon." The man nodded. Stiles then stood up and also shook the man's hand before opening the door and leaving the room.

Steve put his phone down and looked up as he saw Stiles and Noah approach. Stiles went straight in for a hug, squeezing him as tight as he could. Steve looked up at Noah who slowly nodded his head, this made Steve hug tighter; comforting Stiles. "Come on, let's go home" Steve suggested.
"Uhummm" that is all Stiles could let out at the moment. Stiles walked as slow as a zombie back into the house and just slumped himself onto the couch. Noah practically did the same; like father like son, Steve thought.

Stiles and Steve were sitting at the table eating. "Stiles, you know I still have to go today. I don't want to leave you or Noah but I still have responsibilities."
"What if we both come to New York. I mean Tony, Bruce and Shuri have better minds than any doctors."
"Would your dad agree to this."
"Shit, probably not. What if I don't give him the choice. This is the best option for him."
"I'll let you figure that out. Just let me know within the next few hours. I'll have to leave soon."
"Okay, I'll go speak to him now."

Stiles walked into the living room with green tea. "Here you go."
"Thanks, Stiles."
"So, I've been thinking."
"Humm have you now."
"I think you should come to New York. You can stay with me and Steve. And Tony and Bruce can be your second opinion."
"Stiles, you know full well that I can't up and leave Beacon Hills. I'm the Sheriff."
"But you're out of service."
"I...I just can't Stiles."
"Dad. Rember that time you were in the hospital when I was 17, you said you were the parent, and you were sposed to take care of me. Not the other way round. But it doesn't have to be like that. We are a family. We take care of each other; whatever it takes." Stiles paused for a few seconds before continuing. "And I believe going to New York will get you the best care possible. Please just let me do this."
"We do take care of each other Stiles, but who will be here for little Beacon Hills?"
"Parrish. Get Parrish to act as Sherrif. You know he can do it. Plus they have Scott and the rest of the pack. Also, we are only a few hours away. I've thought this through. What do you say?" Noah just looked at Stiles before giving him a small smile.
"Fine. I'll give Parrish a call and let the department know. You better be right about this son."
"I am! I'll let Steve know you're coming with. Then I'll go pack."

Steve turned the jet on while Stiles and Noah sat down and prepared for the journey. Noah's expressions were not reciprocal to the "I'm fine" comments. Stiles could do nothing but reassure him that Beacon Hills will be fine without him for a while. Plus Parrish will keep them updated every day. Steve has already phoned Tony and asked him if both he and Bruce could help. They should be prepping scans, tests and god knows what else while they were in the air. Noah is the creature of habit type of person; change is not something he likes and will all the little supernatural changes over the years this sudden move might just put him over the edge. At least it's not permanent.

The hatch opens revealing the building site of a facility, Tony with his signature shades on was already waiting on a bench with Morgan. They stood up and walked closer to the jet, Noah, Stiles and Steve began to exit as they meet in the middle. "Is this the man himself. Noah Stilinski. You raised a hell of a boy." Tony said as they shake hands. They keep conversing and getting to know each other. Stiles was walking at the back, holding little Morgans hand as they walked through the only fully built building on site. "Well, this is where you will be spending most of your time in New York." Tony said pointing to the lab looking room. "At least it has a nice view I guess." Noah replied whilst he examined the room. "Dr Banner will be here tomorrow. So, for now, I would recommend heading home and relaxing for the night." Noah nodded his head and Steve lead the way out to the car. Stiles had ordered a takeaway whilst they were driving so it arrived not long after them.

The next morning Noah woke to an empty apartment. Stiles and Steve had gone for their morning run. He sat peacefully on the couch with his coffee until Romanoff walked in. They both looked at each other with confusion before Noah introduced himself. Nat made herself a beverage and sat on the adjacent couch. They spoke about Stiles...and Steve until they came back from the run. It wasn't long until they were in that lab room, Noah being set up with wires and god knows what else. Stiles sat outside talking to Natasha about the next space trip. "Torgo and Hegrog said they won't go in without us. They don't know what's in there, and neither do we. They said about sending in a robot to scan."
"To scan for what? I know she's in there, I can feel it."
"Stiles, this is a prison dimension for a reason. We don't know what other nasty creatures may have been sent there. If they escape we would be fucked."
"Okay, so send in the robot thing to scan the place. And when I next have a dream converstion I'll ask if anyone or anything is there with her."
"I'll get on the phone to Leo now and let them know. Stay strong. " She got up patting him on the shoulder.

"So, it's definitely lung cancer," Bruce announced to the table. "Like his medical files say it is Stage 1A. Tony and I along with Dr Cho will work towards finding the best and quickest way to remove the tumour. For now, it doesn't seem to be spreading. But that could change in an instant. We will get back to use as soon as we can." Bruce awkwardly nodded and left the room leaving Stiles, Steve and Noah sitting in Silence. Moments later the door opens and Wanda walks in. "Is this a bad time?"
"Not as all Wanda. Is everything okay?" Steve responded.
"Yeah, I just wanted to know if you guys were hungry. I've made Fajitas?"
"We would love some. Thanks. Wander is it?" Noah replied.
"Wanda. And okay great! They will be ready in 10." Steve gave her a soft thanking nod and she quietly left the room.

They all sat around the table devouring Wanda's food. It was a good type of silent when people were content eating. These guys have fought more than one alien army, let's hope they can beat cancer, for Noah's sake.

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