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The next few days were as painful as the first. Tests after tests, Noah was desperately missing the smaller Beacon Hills life. Tony said this should be the last day of tests and they should have the best option for Noah tonight. Leaving the rest of the day to kill. Wanda had the idea of taking Noah sightseeing, he said he had never been to New York before. Stiles agreed and the three took off.

They were shattered by the time it got to lunch. They had been all over the place. Museums, Central Park, you name it they went or are planning to go. 

A month has passed since Noah had the operation to remove his cancerous tumour. Today could be his last day in New York. For a trip that was only sposed to be a week or so, has made its way to over a month very quickly. Too quickly. Stiles loved having his dad around again. Sometimes he misses his old life in Beacon Hills. But that all changes when he looks at Steve and all his other friends that he has made here in New York; he feels more and more at home every single day.

The results came back negative.
Noah Stilinski is officially cancer free.

Everyone was ecstatic. As an extra surprise, Stiles had Steve got pick up Scott, Malia and baby Mia. They were waiting for him back at the apartment. Stiles opened the door with Mia already crying giving the surprise away. Noah walked in with a big smile on his face giving Scott and hug and pat on the back. Stiles got to meet and hold Mia for the first time. To Stiles' surprise, Steve is very good around children; giving him baby feels. No Stiles, I'm not ready for that! he thought to himself. 

The day swiftly turned into evening and Noah, Scott and the gang had to get heading back to Beacon Hills. Steve gave Stiles a kiss good-bye as they all left. Before Noah left Stiles stopped him to give him a good-bye embrace. "You take it easy old man. I don't want to hear that your back to work for another two weeks. Bruce's orders."
"Yes sir, son! You take it easy too. And for goodness sake come visit more. Beacon Hills misses you; a lot." Stiles nodded and Noah exited the apartment, closing the door behind him. 

The apartment felt empty. Stiles had either had Steve or Noah present. He knew Steve would be home late, maybe even early morning. So he watched Netflix, showered and went to bed just before 11 o'clock. Steve coming in did not wake him; he hadn't been sleeping very well while waiting for the results, so knowing his dad was safe allowed him to finally get some deep sleep. 

Steve woke him up at 9 with a coffee and a kiss on the head. He was already in his running gear ready to go. Stiles drank up changed and they went for their morning run. Stiles preferred the run back in DC than New York, but this is where the facility was based so this was where he had to be. Once the run was over Stiles showed and went with Steve to the building site. It's not far off from being completed. Tony and Steve still had sealed lips on what was being built as not all of the building is visual. Stiles asked last month but Steve had said nothing.

Stiles followed Steve in where they met with Tony and Natasha in the open reception area. Steve and Tony walled in front while Stiles walked with Nat. "So, I know we haven't spoken in a while about Meekan. How's it going up there?" Stiles asked.
"Well, the robot came back two weeks ago. So firstly, we know the portal allows us to go in and come back. Secondly, its scan results came back with the dimension just having one life form. Which I guess is Oshtur. We can schedule the next mission later on; there is no rush now we know we can do it." Stiles let out a sigh of relief. 
"Great! I feel bad pushing her to the bottom of my thoughts, but my dad's illness took priority over everything."
"I'm sure she will understand Stiles."
"I hope so!" by the time they had finished talking Stiles looked in front of him realising they are in a section he had never seen before.

"So this is what you guys had been hiding huh?" Steve and Tony smiled and nodded their head.
"You like it ?" Tony asked
"I fucking love it. Amazing idea." 
"It was Steves idea and as always I made it happen. Gotta give it to the old man." Steve looked over to Tony with evils.

Stiles was standing at the entrance to a little hidden street, inside a building. You could clearly see the different sections all around the circle. The idea was for all the Avengers to live here, in the facility, but in there own space. A home within a home. Tony showed them more around; gym, cinema room, communal kitchen and seating. Then he showed them the only complete section; Stiles and Steves section. It was small yet felt huge. There was an open plan kitchen with sleek black furnishings; with gold extras to make it pop. Before the kitchen was the living room with a TV mounted on the wall, new couches and every extra you think Tony would add. To the right was an open door that leads you down some steps and that's when the rooms open up massively. To the left was the master bedroom; huge king bed another TV, walk-in wardrobe and bathroom with a walk-in shower. The final room was a study with two desks mini fridge and everything Steve and Stiles could need. 

Tony said most of the rooms were of the same design with some small changes to suit the occupants. "So, what's the master plan with the whole building?" Stiles enquired, Tony gestured Steve to answer that one.
"Well, the plan is to keep this as the Avengers main facility. We would live here as well as the others. Here we would train agents and the team. Stiles, we want you and Romanoff to have your own team. A new space unit. Out of all of us, you both have the knowledge and power. Natasha has already agreed." 
"Holy shit. A space unit? Our own division?"
"Times are changing Stiles. Our threats have way surpassed Earth. You don't have to decide now. The building is not complete yet. And the plan is forever changing." Tony added.
"No, I'm in."
"Oh, that was easier than I thought" Tony replied. "We will give you more info when the whole thing is ready to go."

A space division? Team with The badass Black Widow! Is this fucking real? Stiles thought to himself for a whole week. This is not the news you just accept; this shit needs processing. In other news, Stiles and Natasha were finally ready to head back to Meekan and get Oshtur out. 

Steve and Stiles laid in bed after waking; having a chat. Seve was happy that Stiles accepted the promotion. He believed he was more than ready to be more than an FBI agent. After their run, they shared a shower before Stiles got ready to go back into the void of space. Stiles drove to the facility where Nat was already waiting next to ship ready to go. 

They arrived back on Meekan. It had been a while since Stiles had been here; he was delighted as ever to be greeted by Hegrog. They went straight down to the lab where Leo and Torgo were busy doing god knows what. Leo looked up and Stiles saw Nat crack a smile to him through the glass out the corner of his eye. The lab door opened and they sat and had a chat. 

They looked through all the test results and how the portal worked. It worked just like the other one. But one vital point was that it could not be re-opened from the inside. Therefore, Hegrog would be the man...robot-man on the computer; allowing them to re-enter. Also, they need to have back-up oxygen tanks just in case.

Hegrog opened the portal and they all step into the darkness. Time to bring Oshtur home. As they walk in they could see nothing. After walking about for what felt like four hours was only one, Stiles finally saw something...The colour green. 

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