Knowhere to run

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"What? Do you know who it is Steve?"
"There is only one person it could be...Schmidt."
"Johann Schmidt? Like Red Skull himself? The creator of HYDRA?"
" Yes! he disappeared into space when he touched the Tesseract back in 1945. I can't believe that bastard is still alive."
"Why take Natasha though? and why wait this long?" Stiles asked confused.
"I don't know. Let's go find out." Steve shot up and went upstairs. Stiles and Nebular followed.
"Have we located him yet?"
"Yes, he is on a path to Knowhere."
"How can he be on a path to nowhere?" Stiles asked.
"Knowhere is a place. I've been there before. It's been deserted since my farther's decimation. It's a good place to set a trap Captain."
"We will be careful. Danvers set a course to Knowhere."
"You got it, Rogers."

"Of course, this punk decides to hide in a skull!" Steve said as they approach the celestial remains

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"Of course, this punk decides to hide in a skull!" Steve said as they approach the celestial remains.
"So what's the plan here Captain?" Leo askes.
"Nebular and I will go down in a pod first. Let him think we are alone. Danvers will search the place while we try and distract him. Then on my mark, the rest of you come down if needed." Everyone nodded in agreement.

Cap and Nebular got into a pod and headed down into the skull while the others wait patiently. Danvers left to go search the rest of the remains. Nebular landed in a blank spot letting Steve out first. They stayed together on this one, Red Skull is dangerous and likes to get his own way.

Steve heads over to an opening, Nat was tied to a chair inside. Steve tried to get her attention but she was out cold. "Team I've found her... Go find that red bastard"
"You got it Cap" Stiles responded. "Danvers, you found anything?"
"Nope, no movement at all this end. He has to be with Cap."
"Steve, did you hear that? He is there, please be careful." Stiles added. The coms went silent Steve didn't reply.

"Why if it isn't Captain America"
"Schmidt, stop this."
"My legacy will never die Steven. Cut off one head, two more shall take its place. Always."
"Why Romanoff? What did she do?" Steve sounded pissed.
"Bait Steven. It was the only way to get your attention. Make you leave Earth, I was going to go for that Stiles but it was too easy. I knew for sure you would come to the rescue for the Black Widow."
"Well, I'm here. You have my attention. What do you want?"
"I want to watch your plans burn, tremble just like you did to me all those years back, leaving me to be cursed on Vormir. That's where I saw you. Mourning your friend." Just as Red Skull stopped talking a rocket blasted straight towards the ship. Then another, to Earth. Steve turned around to grab Nat but she suddenly burst into flames.

Everything around him was burning, everything, everyone he loved. He needs a plan. Fuck Schmidt, he is the last of Steve's worries. Everyone in that ship is going to die when it plummets to the ground. Romanoff is going to burn alive and so is Earth.

Steve ran in grabbing Natasha first, waking her up. "Come on Romanoff wake the hell up."
"Rogers you shouting at me again?" She opened her eyes with a smirk on her face.
"We haven't got time for this Nat. We need to get that ship down safely. Any ideas?"
"Is there any water we could send it too?"
"Danvers is there any?"
"Yes to the left about 500 yards out. I'll push it towards the water. Focus on letting Earth know."
"Got it."

Steve got his phone out of his pocket and called Bucky. "Buck, Earth has a missile on its way. No idea how close. We are too far away."
"Great more problems. I'll get Rhody and T'Challa to help."
"Okay, be, safe Buck."
"You too Steve." Bucky hung up leaving Steve to now deal with Red Skull, who sat watching all the drama.
"They will never stop that missile Steven. Everyone on Earth will die. And you won't be alive to witness it." Schmidt flicked a switch and beeping came, from a box near Natasha.

The beep became faster as each second passed. The bomb would kill everyone. Nat ran towards it getting a blade from her belt."I can stop this Steve, this guy is from the 40s."
"Hey so am I"
"Just shut up and get everyone out of here"
"Pffft I'm multi-tasking." Nat smiled as Steve ran towards the crashed ship, diving straight into the water. Steve pulled Shuri out first before Carol arrived to help and pull the wreckage out from the shallow water.
"Nat... How's it going?" Danvers enquires.
"It's taking longer than I thought it would. The beeping is just getting louder and upping its pace. Danvers flew over picked up the box and yeeted it with all the power she had in her out of the remains. Just as it left Knowhere the device exploded, it would have been a big enough blast to kill them all.

Everyone relaxed now the threat of burning alive was over. However, Red Skull was still on the run. Cap and Danvers did a full sweep of the celestials remains but found nothing. Schmidt was gone. "I'm sure that's not the last we will see of him." Leo sighed. Shuri walked into the damaged ship to see if it would still work. It was severely fire damaged but lucky enough they put it in the water quick enough for it not to burst any fuel tanks.
"I might be able to get this thing going again," she said walking out dusting the black from her hands. Steve nodded and pulled out his phone.

He dialled Bucky, no answer. He tried again but nothing. Did they manage to stop the missile on time? He bloody hopes so. It took Shuri a few hours to get the ship somewhat functional enough for them to get home. The journey home felt like it took an eternity, probably due to the silence and nerves. No one was answering the phone, leaving the team unknowing if Earth is still full of life.

They approached the planet we call home. Steve let out a big sigh of relief, looks like the diverted the missile to little ol' Pluto. Considering it's now no longer there. Shuri landed the ship back down at the old HQ base. Building work was getting on swiftly thanks to Tony's little helpers.

The hatch door opened revealing Bucky and Sam along with T'Challa and spidyboy (as Shuri calls him). The team exited the ship to greet the others. "So how did ya do it!" Stiles asks.
"Well, we used one of Shuri's extra space suits to divert the missile to Pluto."
"hmmm, not as exciting as I thought." Steve just smiled at Stiles and kept on walking.

Later on that evening the team were having a small victory celebration; pizza, booze and music. Steve, as we know, can't get drunk, which sucks Stiles would love to see what type of drunk he is. Was he an emotional? Or maybe an angry... Ohh he could be an overly happy lovey-dovey drunk. Anyway, Bucky asked where the missile had actually come from, Steve didn't really have the time to tell him at the time. "It was Schmidt. Yep that HYDRA bastard is still alive after all these years."
"Jesus. Did you manage to get him?"
"No Buck, he got away..again...I sacrificed myself back in '45 thinking I was getting rid of that punk for good, It was all for nothing Buck. HYDRA still grew and he still lived."
"So do you Steve; and so do I as well as all these people. They would not be here if you hadn't of stopped Schmidt's bomb from hitting New York. Your sacrifice was not for nothing; it was for everything." Steve pulled a small smile and gave James a hug.
"Thanks, pal. I needed that."

Stiles may have celebrated a tad too much that night. He woke in Steve's bed completely nude, no clothes in sight with a massive headache. Why do I always take it too far? he thought as he rubbed his eyes and stretched. He managed to find his underwear and his phone. Stiles sat on the bed and opened Snapchat he clicked on his story and watched the embarrassing videos from last night. He and Parker were up on the bar dancing. "How the hell did we get to a bar?" he whispered in confusion. "You got the bright idea to move the 'celebration' to the bar. It was hilarious to watch. Wish I could have been of your intoxicated level." Stiles smiled at the half-naked super soldier. "You saw all of this."
"Stiles, who do you think recorded most of it." Stiles buried his head in his hands. "That's what you get for teaching me how to use the SnapVid thing." Stiles just burst into laughter.
"You spent the whole night using this app to get its name wrong. It's Snap...Chat Steve, Ch-At. "
"The same thing right?"
"Sure Steve, sure."

Steve and Stiles spent the day resting and talking about the future; Steve's future.

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