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The flight to DC felt like forever. The jet had to keep diverting due to smoke from fallen planes. Stiles sat on his laptop trying to get more information from the FBI. However, Liam sat staring out of the window looking at the world below come to terms with the events have occurred. As the jet flew over DC Stiles joined Liam. Cars piled into each other people running around, lost, distraught wondering where their loved ones had gone. The plane made its descent there was chaos all around, the remains of a plane scattered over the first runway. People injured still emerging from the wreck. "Jesus save us all," Liam mumbled out.  

"I don't think he can deal with this one" Stiles replied sarcastically. Liam turns round to look at Stiles, giving him 'You know what I mean' eyes. The pilot emerged from the cockpit ready to leave the jet. "The car should be pulling up soon, sorry for the longer flight"

"That's okay, thank you for getting us here as quickly as you could," Stiles responded. The pilot opened the jet door letting Stiles and Liam out first. The car was already close by, ready for them to get straight to the FBI headquarters. Stiles opened the door letting Liam in before entering the vehicle himself. The driver immediately pulled off. Stiles would normally have to get Liam checked in with a visitor badge, but not today. No one was at the reception, Stiles used his ID to get through to the main building and made his way up to the briefing room. The room was much emptier than usual, less than 50 sit in the big theatre-like room waiting to be briefed. Stiles found Ben and sat next to him. "Ben this is Liam, a friend from back home, Liam this is Ben, FBI agent and the person I live with." They both shook hands. "So what in the hell has happened?"

"They haven't told us much. All we know is that half the universe has been wiped out because of some alien guy. I think people higher up are trying to get some more information before they tell us" 

"Damn that's all I know too. Where the fuck is everyone else, you can't tell me only 50 of us remain?" 

"There are more, they have been sent out to help civilians, they kept the high profiles here." 

"Makes sense" The conversation continued for another 10 minutes before the FBI's director came out to address everyone.

"Like you, all know half of the universe has been wiped out. The Avengers have failed in protecting Earth from an alien known as Thanos. Thanos has 6 infinity stones, these stones have given him the power of destruction. It's now our job to ensure the remaining people are safe from any further harm, but to also join forces with other intelligence like the CIA and Avengers. The world is counting on us to try and bring justice to their loved ones. You will all be partnered with someone who has the same expertise as yourself. This may not be someone from the FBI, but they will be trained fully just as you were. This is level 1 top security, the information you find on your secure phone is to be kept secure. We will keep everyone updated on the devices, and you all should do the same. Thank you." The director left the stage leaving the room to complete silence. A few moments later phones started bleeping. Missions arriving. Ben had been paired with an Avengers force operative. Stiles a CIA agent. Stiles contacted the agent and set up a secure meeting point. 

Stiles and Liam entered the secure apartment. The agent already inside sitting on an armchair. "Hi I'm agent Carter, I wasn't expecting two agents." 

"Hello agent Carter, I'm agent Stilinski, but you can call me Stiles. This is my colleague Liam, his new."

"Have you both read through the brief? We have been tasked on the front line, we are to head to the Avengers headquarters in preparation for the Avengers to arrive back. Hope you'se are ready to get them brains working."

"Our brief was not as detailed as that. We just knew we had to meet you." 

"That's fine. The jet is on the roof, you both ready to go?"

"Ready as we will ever be," Liam responded with a smirk. 

"Then follow me". Stiles and Liam followed the agent up 4 flights of stairs onto the roof where a StarkJet was sitting. The hatch opened allowing them in. Agent Carter sits in the pilot seat sets the destination before turning round to continue a conversation. "The flight shouldn't take long, Its a fast jet." Stiles and Liam are still in shock that they are in a Starkjet. During the journey, everyone got to know each other a bit more. The agent's full name is Sharon Carter. She was head of the Joint Counter-Terrorism Centre, but before that, she was an agent of S.H.I.E.L.D, assigned to be Captain Americas 'look-out'. She was clearly trusted and good at her job. 

The jet landed on the roof of the huge white building. You were greeted by another agent in Avengers branded uniform. She had three level 1 passes in her hand. "Hi I'm agent Smith, Here are your level 1 passes. I will show to your quarters before giving you a tour of where you will be working. Follow me." Everyone takes their pass and follows the agent. "Agent Stilinski and friend, you have this living space, with two bedrooms and a kitchenette, Agent Carter, you are in the one opposite. We have uniforms and other clothing already placed for you. Please make your way to the briefing room in half an hour". Stiles and Sharon noded each other as they used their pass to enter the rooms. 

The place was massive, bigger than Stiles apartment back in DC. "That's not a kitchenette, that's a full-on fucking kitchen," Liam said in awe. "Let's go check out the rooms" 

"Like a puppy in a new home," Stiles responded. Stiles opened his bedroom door, it was huge, double bed, flat-screen TV walk-in wardrobe with a huge en-suite. Stiles could do nothing but look round. He could not believe the opportunity he has been given. He will do anything to get his family back.

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