Agamotto's realm

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"Danvers is that you?" Stiles replied placing the coms into his ear.
"You bet your ass it is. Now, what's the plan?"
"Erm...I didn't actually think Steve or my dad would have actually let me I didn't plan this far ahead." Stiles replied with an awkward laugh at the end. Nat looked over at Stiles with a killing stare.
"Okay, well think of one then kid," Carol responded.
"Well, I was thinking it might be easier to find my bother Agamotto first. He could then lead me to my true mom."
"Okay, good. Tell me more about this Agamotto guy."
"From what I can remember...he has the same magic abilities that I do. He can shapeshift...I read that he came to Earth as a Tiger once.  I think he lives in his own dimension. "
"I think I know someone who can help. Nat set a course for a planet called Mekkan its in the Kirthon star system in the Milky Way. It should only be a few jumps away from here. Follow me to the jump point."
"On it! are you sure this person can help" Natasha replied. 
"Positive". Nat followed Carol through to the jump point...and the next 3.

They arrived at the planet Meekan, Carol had told them to wait before entering the atmosphere. She comes back up giving them the all clear to enter. Meekan was not like Earth. It was much more grey. Mekkans didn't need oxygen or anything like that, luckily there was enough plants and trees to produce oxygen allowing Nat and Stiles to breath. As the hatch opened stood at the end was Carol as some metal looking guy thing. He has bigger biceps than Thor. "Nat, Stiles. Meet Torgo. He went with me to help other planets when the whole Thanos situation happened."
"Hi, big fella." Nat introduced her self with a big smile. Stiles just slowly waved with his mouth wide open taking in the sights all around him. 
"Welcome to Mekkan, as you can already see we are not humanoids like yourselves. We were created by the humanoids that once lived on this planet, unfortunately, they were wiped out by a virus; which has long died out. Danvers tells me you are looking for Agamotto. Or at least his dimension. The last I heard of him was at least 400 years ago when he was back on Earth. Now, I can create a device that will allow you guys to enter the dimension safely. But it will take a few days."
"Thanks, Torgo. It really means a lot." Stiles replied softly. Torgo nods and walks off into a lab.

"Now we wait" Carol added. Stiles walked off back into the ship and rummaged through his bag. He picked up the device Shuri gave to him. The first thing he saw was a message from Steve "Hey Stiles. Hope the adventure is going as planned. Keep me updated. Steve x" Stiles was going to reply but decided to HaloChat instead. Stiles got Steve up to date with how it was going on planet Meekan. Steve sounded happy but his body language was not reciprocating. Stiles had to reassure him that everything will be okay. Stiles wished he could be right back at Earth to give Steve a reassuring hug. The chat had to be cut short when Steve was called on by Agent Hill. "Be safe Stiles." the chat cut off abruptly.  Natasha walked in to comfort him. "Steve's lost a lot throughout his life. I'm glad he has finally found you." The pair just sat in the lower deck of the ship throughout the night, Carol had to leave, she might be back in time to join us through the dimension. 

Day 2
On the bland planet of Meekan, Stiles and Nat were so bored of sitting on that ship, Torgo sent his pal Hegrog to show them around. He took them to the huge underground city, robot things flying around everywhere. Hegrog proceeds by visiting the museum, showing them the history of the humanoids that once lived on Mekkan and how over the past thousand years they have advanced and evolved into the complex beings they are today. There wasn't much else Hegrog could show them apart from the lab. Their technology was so much more advanced than anything you would find in Wakanda. Shuri would have a hell of a grand time here. 

In this lab Hegrog introduced them to the only other humanoid on the planet, Leo was once a Kree but left and found refuge on Mekkan. He has been a huge part of their advancements over the past few years. Leo was a tallish, muscular guy, dark hair and green eyes. Leo said he will take over from Hegrog and he went on talking about how the dimension portal was getting along. It was almost complete. Natasha was paying attention to every word coming out of the guy's mouth. Either she likes him, or she's getting ready to ask questions. Yep questions after questions about its safety. He assured her the portal will be fully stable. 

Day 3:
Stiles woke to the sound of banging, Hegrog was knocking on the side of the ship. "Guys, it's ready! if you got suits, suit up." Natasha was already up and ready to go. Stiles just grabbed his suit and chucked it on. "Let's go find my brother" Nat nodded in acceptance. Hegrog was still waiting outside. "Carol returned yet?" Nat asked. 

"Nope, but we do have another person willing to go in" As the arrived at the lab Leo was already wearing his green version of Carol's suit. "You don't have to do this Leo." 
"I know, but I want to. So let's go." He clicked open the portal then handed both Nat and Stiles a device which allowed them to re-open the portal when its time to go back. Leo walked in first followed by Stiles then Nat. 

Stiles shielded his eyes from the blinding light as he walked through the portal. The lights concentration gradually got lower allowing him to see the vast emptiness of the dimension. It was just purplish sand hills that seem to go on for eternity. "I'm going to go up and scan for life," Leo announced. Stiles looked up and watched him fly up. "Where could he be. Stiles, it doesn't look like anything is here" Nat said softly. "Guys, I see something, just over that hill. Looks like some sort of building. I'll go ahead and meet you both there." 
"Okay!" Stiles shouted back. 
"Damn wish we could fly right now." Nat joked. 

After walking about 2 miles they made it to the top of the hill. They could finally see the old building in front of them. It was large but ancient. Leo was waiting for the door. "So, my scanner has come back negative for any signs of life, but we can still look if you want." 
"We might be able to find something that will lead us to him or my mom," Stiles suggested. Nat opened the door, the property didn't even have a fully functional roof it was that old. After an hour of searching the place, they found nothing apart from an old magic book and what seems like from what he read one of his moms rings. Leo opened the portal and they went back to Mekkan. 

Carol was there along with Torgo and Hagrog. "Did you find anything?" Carol inquired. 
"Just these. He was nowhere to be found." Stiles showed her the artefacts. 
"There might be a reason for that. Stiles, you might want to sit down." Stiles pulled out a chair, his leg was shaking. "I went to find out more about your brother...and I'm sorry but he was killed a few years ago. It's too soon to be in any of the books. Again, I'm sorry I had to tell you this bad news." Stiles looked devastated, the shaking had stopped. 
"It's okay. Thank you for helping. I think I need to go back home now Nat." 
"Sure thing Stiles. Thank you all for helping, and to you Leo for coming in with us. We could do with a man like you." 
"Well let me know if the journey continues. I'll be happy to help, any time." Nat and Stiles slowly walked into the ship, Stiles went straight down to his room leaving Natasha to get them back to Earth. 

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