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"Stiles Stilinksi, will you marry me?"

"YES, YES and YES. Rogers." Stiles jumped off of the couch and Steve lifted him into a kiss before putting the ring on Stiles' finger. Stiles looks down at the ring in awe. It's a simple silver ring with one small stone embedded into the centre; the colour of Roscoe the Jeep. Stiles then looked up at Steve who was still looking a tad nervous. " you like it?"
"Steve I love it. I love you" Steve smiled and leaned in for another kiss. Stiles loosely wrapped his arms around Steve as the kissing became more intense. Hands were moving lower, clothes coming off one by one and they move closer to the bedroom with every pause for air.

They lay in bed, both staring at the ceiling and both thinking about their future together. Steve turns his head to the side and asks, "Stiles. Have you eaten yet? It's only 6 and I was thinking if you haven't we should go do something to celebrate."
"I had pizza for lunch but that was a good 6/7 hours ago. What do you have in mind?" Steve thought for a few seconds before replying.
"Hmmm...just a meal and a drink?"
"I'm down for that. I'll jump in the shower." Stiles leaned in for a small kiss before getting up and showering. 


The bar was less than half full when they arrived. Stiles found a nice table by an open window as it was a hot night in New York. Once they had both were seated Steve passed Stiles a menu and they looked for a few moments until the waitress appeared to take the drink orders. Steve ordered the usual coca-cola in which he will add some of Thor's alcohol to it when it arrives, whereas Stiles ordered a vodka and coke with lime. Once the waitress had gone Stiles and Steve discussed what to order. Stiles was set as soon as he picked the menu up. Stright to the burger section. Steve, on the other hand, likes to branch out when it comes to food.
Well sometimes.
Tonight he is going for a classic steak.

The waitress returned with the drinks and took their orders. One steak; medium-rare and one Bacon-Attack burger. The waitress once again left leaving Stiles to start the conversation. "Did anyone else but Bucky know about this?" He asked.
"Not until the party last night. I'm sure everyone knows my plans now."
"But no one knows you still went ahead with it so soon. Hell, I haven't even called my dad or anyone back in Beacon Hills."
"It's okay. It can be our little secret for tonight and we can tell everyone tomorrow."
"Our little secret" Stiles repeated with a smile on his face. The conversation continued until the food arrived, then it was pretty much silence until the plates were empty.  

Steve neatly stacked the plates and placed them to the side to help clear the table. The waitress appeared a few moments later to collect them in which Steve asked for another round. She thanked them for staking the plates and rushed away to make the drinks. "So Rogers. Ever since you told me that you were thinking of retiring it been on my mind. Have you thought about it anymore?"
"I have. And I've spoken to Bucky on it too."
"What did you say to him?"
"I said that I wanted to pass my Shield over to him."
"Wow." Stiles paused to let the information process. "That's a big responsibility, Steve. What did he say to this proposal?"
"He thought the same thing as you. But. He said he would think about it and when or if I make the decision, he will make his too." Stiles nodded. 

Four more dinks later and they were still not ready to leave the bar. They were mid-conversation when Stiles phone began to ring from his pocket. He pulled it out and said, "It's Scott."
"Answer it might be important. Plus I need to use the bathroom anyway." Stiles nodded and answered while Steve got up and walked away from the table.

The phone call was brief. Stiles knew one thing; he had to go back to Beacon Hills. Steve returned just as the call was ending. He paused and looked at Stiles before he sat down. "Stiles, what's wrong?"
"Beacon Hills is in trouble."
"Some supernatural shit is always going down in Beacon Hills. But this. This is big. Scott needs me there. You are more than welcome to join, we are going to need all the help we can get." 


Stiles, Steve and Natasha were on the jet and ready to head over to Beacon Hills. Unfortunately, Bucky and Falcon had not long been sent on another mission, Bruce was with Thor and Loki at New Asgard and Tony was having his monthly date night with Pepper. So it was just the three of them. During the journey, Scott had sent over an image of a page out of the bestiary. "Amarok! What in the hell is that?" Romanoff asked. 
Stiles replied reading from the image, "It says here that an Amarok is a creature of the night. He seeks lone hunters who dare hunt in the dark hours. From what I'm reading. It's a giant werewolf that kills people that are alone during the night."
"Has Scott confirmed any of this though?" Steve asked.
"No. I'm guessing he will give us more info when we arrive."

Stiles loved coming home. The sights of the smaller town life and the smell of gasoline coming from Roscoe as Scott pulled up to collect them from the jet. "Hey, bud," Stiles said.
"Hey, Stiles," Scott replied with a cheery smile.
"Scott I was talking to the Jeep." Stiles replied jokingly.
"Oh.....Well hi anyway." Scott and Stiles smiled as the trio got into the car. 
Steve inquired, "So what else can you tell us about this Amarok thing?"
"I'm going to show you," Scott replied.

They arrived at Beacon Hills Memorial Hospital and greeted Melissa who took them straight to the ward on the east wing of the hospital. The ward was empty with the official reason being 'maintenance', but the real reason is all the beds were filled with the Amarok's victims.
The ones that didn't die anyway.

They went room by room looking at the people that were almost torn limb from limb. Some in comas, the majority near death. Next Melissa took them to the morgue. All of the chambers were filled. The next person to go would have to be stored over at Eichen House.
"So how the hell do we stop this thing?" Stiles asked as they were leaving the hospital.
 Scott replied, "That's the thing, Stiles. No one knows."

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