Out of the Darkness

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Stiles said quietly, "Hey did you guys see that?"
"See what Stiles, its just darkness!" Nat responded.
"No, I just saw something. It was green....in...in the book Oshtur had a green cloak type thing. Its got to be her right?"
"It might be. What direction was it?" Leo asked.
Stiles pointed the torch in the direction and said, "This way!" 

They were walking in the same direction for another 30 minutes. "Are you sure it was this way, Stiles?" Romanoff enquired.
"Yes, I'm sure. Wait. Maybe it was this way. Honestly, guys, I'm not too sure anymore." Stiles dropped down and sat on the floor and for some reason, his back was against some wall. He immediately shot back up and touched the wall. He kept going until he felt something. A lever. 1...2...3....he took a deep breath and pulled it.

Nothing happened. Stiles was about to sit back down when the ground started shaking; get more and more intense. Then a loud screech came from above as the wall slowly began to sink into the ground.

Back on Earth Steve was in Wakanda meeting up with Bucky and king T'Challa. He was here on business reasons. Tony wants to venture out. He wants to build a Research and Development lab here in Wakanda with Shuri and Parker leading once they finish high school (or whatever the Wakandan version of that is). Bucky decided to stay in Wakanda for a little longer after the blip (everyone returning from the snap) he couldn't let his sheep starve now could he. Rogers and Barnes's next stop was the newly opened Starbucks in Wakanda. Bucky got the Star-Spangled Frap whereas Steve got a simple ice coffee.  Steve asked, "You still enjoying the Wakandan life? Ya'know we all miss you back in New York."
"It's peaceful here Steve. So many bad things have happened in both of our lives. I feel safe here. Don't you feel like you have done enough for this world? Because I feel like you have done too much."
"I have been having the same thoughts. I...I... I'm erm thinking about giving the Shield up."
"What would you do? I know you, Steve, you cannot just sit and do nothing."
"Well, that's another reason why I was here. I wanted to ask if you wanted the Shield. The team need a Captain and you have come so far, Buck. Shuri is 3000% sure the brainwash HYDRA shit is gone. I need someone I can completely trust to take this."
"Steve that's a big decision.
"I...I know but I know you can do it. And I'll be right by your side training etc. at the facility. Look you don't have to decide now, that's why I came to you before I make a decision like this. You and Stiles are the only ones that know I'm even thinking about it. 
"Well, when its time to make the decision let me know and we will decide together." Bucky put his arm around Steve's shoulders. Then lent back and continued, " Anyway how is Stiles. How comes his not here?"
"He's on a different planet. Still trying to find this Oshtur person with Nat. He's okay. But he another reason why I'm here; talking to you. I think I've found my dance partner Bucky. I want to propose. But you know me, I can't do this romantic stuff...Stiles does that best not me. I just don't know how to go about it."
"Congrats Steve. I had a feeling he was the one! and I think I can help with some prep."
"Thank fuck"


As the wall finally dropped to eye-level, tiny fragments of light now begin to show. The wall drops even further and keeps going until it merges with the ground. Stiles, Nat, Leo and Torgo all look at each other and begin to search the newly opened space. It was a smaller space than the vast emptiness they were roaming. Maybe this is why the robot could only sense one person. They are all hidden behind these walls. The room was the size of a standard living room, yet had not furniture which made the room look bigger than it was. Stiles searched every corner until he found what he was looking for. 

There standing was a green figure. Stiles knew it was her because the all the books he read had sketches of her and that green cloak. her hair was jet black, down to the shoulders. She turned around with a big smile on her face. "Stiles is that you?" She dropped to her knees crying. "I....I've been here so long. I knew you would make it." Stiles helped her up and she pulled him into an embrace. Oshtur looked up at Natasha and gave her a smile and nod during the hug. She then thanked them all for helping her leave this empty, dark, eerie dimension. 

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