The end of the line

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A/N: So, guys here we are the final chapter or the end of the line 😉. I hope you all have enjoyed reading as much as I have writing it. Thanks for the votes, the comments the lot.

I was thinking of having a second one focusing on Natasha and Stiles Space team but idk yet. Anyways, enjoy...

Steve was dressed in a navy three-piece suit. Today is the day he thought would never happen to him. His wedding day. Bucky walks in holding Steve's tie. "Thanks, Buck."
"Anytime pal. You look good by the way. Stiles is a lucky man."
"I'm the lucky one Bucky. Lucky to have him and to have you as my best man" Bucky smiled as he placed Steve's tie around his neck. Bucky checks his watch.
"It's time Steve."


5 Months ago:

His pulse stopped, and for a split second so did Steve's heart. The doctors read Bucky's time of death then covered him up. Steve fell to the floor. Stiles heard all the shouting and came running in and pulled Steve into an embrace. Tears were running down their faces; including Sam's. Steve looked up as they wheeled his best-friend out of the room. "Sir, does he have any family we can contact?" the doctor asked.
"No, I'm his family," Steve responded with a tear rolling down his face.
"I'm sorry for your loss sir. We will try and rush the autopsy to find the reason for death."
"Thank you" Steve replied while wiping his eyes.

"Sam, what the hell happened out there?" Steve asked.
"It was just a normal mission. We got ambushed. I got injured but I don't think he did."
"He must have been. We will find out soon but something was not right with him. I just didn't know what. I guess I do now."

Sam got the all-clear the next day as was able to leave the hospital but Steve, Steve did not want to leave. His pal, his Bucky, his last family member was dead. Just laying a few floors down in the morgue.

Sam, Natasha, Stiles, Wanda and Steve were all in the Avengers Facility when Fury, Hill and Danvers walked in. "What's this about Fury? I'm not exactly in the mood for your lies." Steve asked.
"Nice to see you to Cap. We are actually here about Bucky. Do you know where he is?"
Steve angrily replied "Yes. Presbyterian hospital, morgue. Any other questions Nick?"
"Yes, just one. Have you had his autopsy report yet?"
"No the hospital is too busy they haven't got round to Bucky yet," Stiles replied.
Carol left the room without saying a word.
"best we go follow her." Nick directed towards Steve, who got up and left with Nick.

Presbyterian hospital morgue, the smell of chemicals filled the air. Nick showed the M.E his credentials and she left them in the room alone. Carol found the documents and said, "Number 13." Nick went over to the draws and opened up number 13. He pulled the cover off revealing the body.
"What in the hell is that," Steve asked looking at the green person figure.
"That Cap is a Skrull. They came to Earth back when I was a SHIELD agent; which is when I met Carol."
"But why did he look like Bucky?"
"They are shapeshifters," Carol responded.
"But why Bucky? Where is the actual Bucky."
"He is not on this planet Steve." Fury replied.
"Then where is he?"
"He is on a mission with Spider-man and Falcon."
"So Sam is not even Sam?"
"No, sorry Steve. I need them in deep cover. But now we have an issue. We can't locate them."

They were all once again back at the facility. All eyes on Nick, including Tony's; who already looked pissed. Nick cleared this throat and began, "Three weeks ago I sent Falcon, Winter Soldier and Spider-Man on a mission to Morag. We had word that a red-figure was habiting the planet. We have reason to believe that figure is Johann Schmidt. There has been a lot of activity happening on the planet. Which makes us think that he is up to something. Therefore, I sent them three in without causing any suspicion here on Earth by sending down the Skrulls." He paused and let Carol take over.

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