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"What do you mean to give up Steve? 'I can do this all day Rogers' does not give up" Stiles exclaimed
"I know Stiles but I've been fighting the world's battles since 1940. I think it's time to move on. Let others do the fighting."
"Like who Steve, they still need a captain?"
"I'll still work for the Avengers, training etc. But I think someone else should take the Captain America role and responsibilities."
"How sure are you about this?"
"quite sure. Not 100% yet."
"Okay. Just don't make any decisions without fully thinking it through." Stiles got out of bed and made him and Steve a coffee.

Stiles checked his phone, he had an update from Natasha. While they were fighting Red Skull Torgo and Hegrog had managed to finish the portal device. Stiles could go see his true mother. They planned the next adventure two days from now; rest is still needed after almost burning alive in celestial remains. Steve and Stiles have another date planned for tonight. It was Stiles' turn to pick the location. He sat scrolling through Google for almost an hour. New York had too many restaurants for Stiles' liking. Hmmmmm what should we do? Wait I've got an idea.

He searches for any Drive-in Cinemas and one pops up and boom they are showing movies from the '40s tonight. He notes the address down and goes to Walmart to get some movie snacks. Steve had to shoot off to the Avengers facility site to see how work was getting on. Leaving Stiles alone and bored. He put Netflix on and laid down on the couch. Within ten minutes he was in a deep sleep.


"Stiles...Stiles. Wake up." a voice whispered. Stiles shot up. He was freezing, where did all the wind come from. "Where the hell am I?"
"Stiles it's me."
"Oshtur? Why am I back here?"
"I brought you back here. Its been over a month since we first spoke. Are you any closer to getting me out?"
"I've been really busy. The universe just doesn't want me to be happy. I think we are close. I'm going to find out within the next few days. I promise you won't be in here for much longer."
"Okay son, I trust you." Stiles felt a tug on his shoulder.
"Stiles, Wake up...Stilinksi!"


Stiles woke with his eyes still half shut. Rogers was sassily posed with his hands on his hips. "Have a good nap did we?"
"No...not really, Oshtur came to me again. Asking how close we were. I said hopefully soon." Steve sat on the couch and pulled Stiles in for a hug, Stiles rested his head on Steve's shoulder. He could easily fall back to sleep on that huge ass shoulder.
"Shit! What's the time? We have got to get for our date! Dress casual. Maybe put that sexy leather jacket on!" Steve rolled his eyes.


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"Sure. Are you going to tell me what you got planned?"

Stiles got into the driver's side of Rogers' Chevrolet truck
"Why are we taking the truck?"
"You'll find out soon enough. Now get in punk." Steve opened the door and jumped in. Stiles drove to the drive-in. Steve sat on his phone for most of the journey so he missed all the signs giving away where they were going. Stiles pulled in and brought the tickets. Steve looked at the bright " '40s night" sign. Stiles found a perfect spot in the middle and reversed into it. "Come on." Steve looked confused. "Come on...trust me.". Stiles excited the truck and went to the back and opened up the top revealing duvets, pillows and snacks.
"You always have to go that one step extra don't ya."
"Would you have me any other way, Mr Rogers."
"No, I would not Mr Stilinksi." They both hopped onto the truck and got comfortable before any movies started to play. Stiles could sit cuddled to this man for eternity; he was looking at Steve more than he was the movie. Whereas Steve was very engrossed into the movie.

The whole night was perfect. Just Siles and Steve, no interruptions. That was soon about to change. Stiles' phone started buzzing, waking him up. It was Scott calling him. "Hey, bud what's up?"
"Hey, Stiles. Sorry to call so early in the morning."
"That's okay. What even is the time?"
"3 am."
"Jeez, that is early. Is everything okay Scott?" Stiles moved out to the living room so he didn't wake Steve up.
"It's your dad. Stiles, he was rushed to the hospital."
"Shit. Is he okay? what happened?"
"He was on the night shift with Parrish. He was driving and just passed out; almost crashed the car. Mom said its too early to know what it is yet. I'll keep you updated.
"I'll be there in a few hours."
"Stiles you dont.."
"I said I'll be there in a few hours."
"Okay, See you soon." Stiles cut the phone off and woke up Steve. They both packed a few days of clothes and drove to the Jet.

Stiles was shaking like mad, he hasn't had a panic attack in a while; but if anything could set one off, it would be this. Steve could do nothing but reassure him that Noah was strong and we can get through this together. It helped a little, but not much. Steve landed the jet on the hospital roof. Stiles ran straight out towards Melissa. They hugged before getting straight to the "How is he." conversation. They are still running tests, they still have no clue what it could be. Stiles waited and waited. Steve had to get him to sit down after pacing the hallway for nearly an hour. Scott was there the whole time too. Giving them a chance to catch up. Steve went to go get everyone some food because it was getting late. Stiles went into the room his dad laid there looking lifeless. He was ready to let out a tear when Melissa walked in with a tablet in her hand. "Are they the results?"
"Yes. You might want to sit down Stiles." Stiles sat down beside his dad.
"The pass-out was due to dehydration."
"Okay, so why did I need to sit down for that?"
"Well, the doctors noticed a lung infection. So they ran another test, but it came positive for Squamous cell carcinomas. Which is the most frequent type of lung cancer found in men. I'm so sorry Stiles." He sat frozen, he didn't even breath. "Stiles. Breath. More tests have been booked. We think its a Sage 1. Very early on!" She sat down on the chair beside him. He buried his head onto her shoulder and cried. Melissa put her arms around her adopted son and patted his back.

Stiles stayed in the hospital for 2 days now. "Stiles, you need to go home and change," Steve suggested softly. "He's awake and fine. And I'm sure he doesn't want to smell you right now. I'll be here. Just go back, shower and have a power nap. Okay?"
"Okay. Promise you will stay here?"
"I promise Stiles." Stiles went to lean in for a kiss but didn't because of his smell. Stiles got home had a very long, hot shower were he sat listing to the water fall onto him. He fell straight asleep as soon as he hit that cloud of a duvet.


"Oh, what now? Can't I just have a peaceful nap?"
"Is everything okay? I could sense your distress."
"Well, you sensed right. My dad has lung cancer. So I'm sorry but I think you'll be here for a bit longer."
"I understand Stiles. I'm so sorry. Could you use any magic to help him?"
"Help him how?"
"Relieve any pain? Find a solution faster. Cancer isn't a new thing Stiles. I'm sure you will find something! Remember I am always here if you need me."
"I'll have a look. Thank you."


Stiles woke up and checked the time on his phone. 5 pm. He had been asleep since 10 am. He called Steve to check-up on his dad; everything was fine. Last few tests were done and he should be ready to come home within the next few hours. Stiles spent the hour cleaning and getting the house ready for Noah to return. He even went and done some grocery shopping to get Noah's favourite foods. Then he drove to Beacon Hills Memorial Hosptial where Steve, Scott and Noah were waiting outside. " 'Bout time son was getting a bit cold out." Stiles let out a small laugh and pulled off.

Steve tried to help Noah in but he said he didn't need the help. He entered his house and straight away sat in his favourite armchair. Steve sat on the couch while Stiles thanked Scott in the kitchen. Stiles asked Scott how baby Mia is doing and when will she meet uncle Stiles; soon hopefully. Stiles tried to be as happy as he could on the outside, but on the inside, he is petrified of losing his dad. The full cancer tests take a few days, they are in the waiting game now.

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