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"This is temperamental Scott" Bruce disclosed.
"I know, but what else we got?"
"Let's do this!"
"Hey, you sure I'm gonna come back?"
"Erm...yeah sure why not?" Bruce replied. Steve and Natasha both looked over at Bruce concerned. The machine had already begun and Scott was taken by the portal. Moments later he came back...well sort of. It was him but...old. Something had not gone right. "Bruce fix it!" Steve demanded. Bruce fiddled with the machine before wooshing old man Scott back in. This time he came out as a kid. In again, worse, we get baby Scott. Bruce gives the machine one last hit, finally bringing Scott back to his normal happy self. "I did tell you guys this was temperamental." Steve gave him the raised eyebrow before going outside to get some air. 

Stiles was a few floors above and could see Steve. They haven't spoken much about that night, too much has gone on. Steve doesn't even fully know Stiles' full strength, to hell Stiles doesn't know his own strength, he feels just as temperamental as that time thing. Stiles was going to talk to Steve but he could see something in the distance. Steve could hear the car racing towards him. He moved towards the road and the vehicle stopped right beside him. "Had any luck?" Tony joked as he stepped out of the Audi. 
"Of course we haven't. I knew you would come around Tony. We have missed you."
"Well, I just had this feeling that you could not do this without me. By the looks of it, I was right."

Tony and Bruce got straight to work

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Tony and Bruce got straight to work. Leaving the remaining Avengers to rest for tonight. Stiles was in the communal kitchen when Steve walked in. "Now you look like a guy that needs a coffee" Stiles proposed.
"That bad?"
"That bad." Stiles poured the soldier a cup before joining him at the table. 
"Thanks, you were right I did need this," Steve said sipping his drink. 
"We also need to talk about what happened the other day." Steve sighed and sat back in his chair. 
"What's there to talk about. I like you, Stiles. If you like me, we can be a team."
"Just like that?"
"Yeah, just like that."
"Okay then, partner," Stiles replied with a small smile, Steve reciprocated. The pair were alone for a brief amount of time when Natasha walked in. "Hey boys, save any for me?" She poured herself a cup and joined the table. It was silent, everyone sipping on their beverage. "Am I missing something?" Nat questioned smiling. Steve looked over at Stiles before looking at Natasha. "Er...I don't think so." Steve responded.
"Nope, nothing" Stiles added.
"Boys, it's me, auntie Nat. I know." Steve put his head down with a smirk on his face.
"Fine, we are together, okay?" Steve replied.
"Awe, you'se are so cute. You both suit each other." Stiles just stayed silent drinking his coffee. 

All of the team joined the table when their take-out arrived. Just a few moments of normality as everyone scoffed down their food. Stiles and Liam still could not believe they were in the same room as all these powerful people. Even though Thanos' decimation was over 5 years ago, the pain and loss feels as if it was yesterday. Liam found it hard a lot. He lost his Alpha, his pack, he is an omega, well was. Because of Stiles newish abilities, he has been able to help Liam and they have sort of become a pack now, with Stiles as the alpha. It was all so surreal. It did not take the pack of hungry Avengers to scoff down a few pizzas, but then everyone sort of dissembled; leaving the room just to Steve and Stiles. 

"Stiles?" Stiles snapped out of his daydream and turned to Steve.
"Yeah Cap?" Stiles replied softly.
"Let's do something mundane"
"Like what Steve? where has this all come from?"
"I...I just have a feeling that once...if we manage to get this time heist thing working, that things are going to change. I just want to do something normal before the shit hits the fan."
"Tony and Bruce will get it working. I can feel it. What did you have in mind?" Steve looks up at Stiles.
"Well, I have never been to a dance."
"They don't just do dances as they use too. I think I've got an idea. Meet me on the roof in an hour. Deal?"
"Deal" Steve walked over and embraced Stiles. Stiles then walked off giving Steve a cheeky smile before leaving the room. Steve had no idea what Stiles...and FRIDAY were going to plan. 


 Steve got a message from FRIDAY with a mission. To go to his room and change into the provided clothing. Once that mission was done he was given another; to head to the roof. As Steve opened the door the first thing he looked at was Stiles. Standing in the middle, in a black tux. Then Steve started to look around, the whole place had been set up with lights, a dance floor and a table that said DJ but it was just a stuffed toy with FRIDAY written on a name tag. Steve just smiled and walked towards Stiles. "Is this normal enough for you Cap."
"It's perfect, how the hell did you get all this in an hour?"
"Come on, the Tony Stark still owns this place, there were party props stored everywhere, FRIDAY just had to tell me where to find them" Steve shook his head smiling. Just as he got to Stiles FRIDAY hit the music, playing Steves 40's playlist. Steve gestured his hand out to offer Stiles a dance, he accepted.

As they swayed song after song, they just seemed to live in the moment. Let themselves out of their head and just dance. Stiles laid his head on Steve's shoulder as they continued to dance. However, the music began to change as more modern music began to play. As Happier by Ed Sheeran began the door opened reaving the rest of the Avengers all dressed up. "Thought you could have a party without us Cap?" Nat asked with a smile. 
"Of course not Romanoff." Just for that night, the team lived in the moment. Enjoying it while they could. Stiles and Cap broke off to dance with other people. Steve and Natasha danced while Siles moved on to Liam. Clint and Scott were a funny one to watch slow dance. Rocket and Nebular were not the dancing type. However, Tony, Tony was the dancing type. He and Bruce managed to escape the lab just for 10 minutes. 

Steve and Stiles both ended up in each other's arms by the end of the night. 
"Thanks, Stiles, this was exactly what we needed. What I needed."
"For you, anytime." Steve leaned in for a kiss leaving everyone (bar Natasha) in shook as they kissed while dancing. Nat just smiled and continued dancing with Clint. Everyone left at 10 when the roof became a tad cold. But that did not stop Stiles. He pulled Steve to the front of the building looking at the city in the far distance. Stiles wrapped his arms around Steve's torso and Steve placed his arms around Stiles' shoulders as they stand. 


As his eyes adjusted to the light Stiles woke to Steve's sleeping face. Stiles just laid there staring at the sleeping soldier. He had never seen Steve so at rest. He didn't want to move and wake him, but he really had to pee. He managed to gently get out the bed without waking Steve. When Stiles arrived back into the room Steve was gone. Stiles exited the bedroom to find Steve in the mini-kitchen making them a coffee. "Better wake up. Today's a big day. FRIDAY told me Tony and Bruce finalised the machine. We will be ready to suit up by dusk."
"Jesus they don't mess around do they."
"None of us do. Not when it's for the people we care about." 

Stiles spent the whole day helping to prep the Avengers and help finalise their plan. Clint and Sharron were heading to Vomir 2014  to retrieve the soul stone with Rhody and Nebular heading to Morag to wait out for Quill for the Power Stone. Steve, Tony, Scott, Natasha and Hulk to New York 2012 to get the Time, Mind and Space stones. Finally, Rocket and Thor set off to Asgard 2013 to gain the Final stone from Jane. 

The plan was set. Everyone in their places. Steve gave his typical "This is the fight of our lives" speech before Stiles set the machine and on Steves mark started it. Within a matter of second, the Avengers were gone. Sucked into the Quantum realm. They each had enough Pym Particles for one trip there and one back, so they better not fuck it up.

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