Search and Rescue

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Stiles is pacing up and down the corridor. Its been over 24 hours since Natasha was due to return from Meekan. She hasn't even sent a transmission or anything. Steve sent a message to Torgo but they haven't seen it yet. Nat is not the type to divert and not tell anyone. "Something must be wrong Steve!"
"Nat is stronger than all of us if something is wrong, Romanoff is the one that will find a way out of it." Steve pulled Stiles into an embrace to stop him pacing and stop the shaking.

A phone beeped from the table. Stiles ran to check, it was Torgo. They haven't seen Natasha at all. Stiles shaking became worse. She is gone because some stupid quest he sent her on. "We will find her Stiles. She can't be that far."
"Its space Steve, she could be absolutely anywhere."
"Then we someone who knows space better than both of us."
"To do what Steve?"
"To find her, you...we owe it to her to go out and search."
"She's probably millions of miles away. It could take months, maybe years to find her. Look at Quill took his dad years to find him."
"I don't care how longs it's going to take Stiles. We will find her." Steve left dialling a number on his phone.

A few days had past and Still nothing from Natasha. Stiles was out on the bench in a wold of his own when a ship landed. It was the Guardians...and Thor. Steve came out to welcome them. He and Thor hugged. "So where is Romanoff?" Thor asked.
"That's why I brought you guys here." They all started walking towards the benches. "She was meant to return a few days ago. We haven't heard anything. I thought you guys would be best qualified to help." Steve looks devastated like he's lost more than a friend, but a sister. Nebular also looked angrier than usual, her and Nat became friends when she was on Earth.

Nebular agreed to help as the rest of the Guardians had bigger problems something to do with some high Priestess woman. Thor might join later on if she still has not been found. Shuri also agrees to join the search as well as Leo. Team complete, its go time. Shuri made some modifications to the ship first, allowing everyone to have a seat and living area below. As well as lots of other random additions and weapons she had been working on. Leo had made some sort of device that tracked Natasha to the nearest solar system. The one they were going to happened to be one of the largest; with over 20 habitable planets.

"Divide and find. This device thing said that she is on one of these planets. Stiles and I will go to the first 5. Shuri and Leo the next 5 and Nebular the next 5. Then we re-group and continue.
"Don't forget about me Cap."
"Danvers, glad to see you got my message, you're with Nebular. Remember, be safe and keep your communications on." Everyone got in their own pod and went down to the first planet on their list.

Steve and Stiles got the most Earthy planet. Almost human-like beings but red. They both had some translator device installed by Rocket before leaving home. Apparently, Earth is one of the only planets that don't have them installed as newborns. Where to begin the search? Shuri had given them some device locator but it needs to be within range to find Nats phone and the ship. They both walk around in and out of shops, public areas try to get the pod to cover the entire planet to search. Nothing. No one found anything on any of the first planets. The next 4 came back empty as ever too.

The team re-joined back at the ship late after each searcing 5 planets.
"So she has to be within the last 5. It's too late now, we continue first thing in the morning." After everyone ate Steve and Stiles went to bed. It has been a long ass day that has not returned any results. Steve slept far on the side, he normally sleeps closer to Stiles. He seems to be very distant with everyone Romanoff means a lot to him. He can't lose another person, not after losing Sharon.

Steve woke abnormally later than usual. Everyone had already gone leaving him to search the final planet on his own. Stiles went with Leo leaving Steve in his deep sleep. Cap got into the pod and approached the planet. Again, it was like the very first one, human-looking beings but mainly red. This planet looks different than the first one. They were still dealing with everyone's return, buildings still wrecked and not being fixed at all. It was horrible. Steve searched and searched. He was just about to give up and return to the ship when the device started beeping. The ship was close. He lowered the pod and kept searching.

There it was, hidden in the side of a damaged building. He landed and went to see if she was there. The ship was wrecked, smashed things everywhere. Nat's phone was on the floor, but she was not here. Steve shouted for her a few times but nothing. "Guys, do you copy? I've found the ship and her phone, but she's not here. I'm going to continue to search around the building."
"Copy that Cap, we are on route, over." Leo replied.

Steve carefully looked around the building it doesn't seem like anyone is here. Empty room after empty room, no sign of Natasha or anyone for that matter. Steve approached an ajar metal door, some light was escaping from the dilapidated hinges. The door cried with pain as he opened it, to Steves disappointment the room had no life. However, there was a chair in the middle with ropes. Left on the floor was a part of Natasha's suit. She was here. Steve suddenly turned as another door cried with pain from above him. He looked at the chair and used it to jump up through the massive hole in the ceiling. The foot-steps getting further and further away, Natasha was not alone. Cap followed the steps until the stopped, but then something worse happened, a ship rose from below him and left the planet. "Romanoff is gone, wrecked orangeish ship just left the planet. Anyone got eyes on it?"
"We see it, Cap. I'll try and shoot a tracker to the bottom of it. We will find her." Nebular responded.

Steve rushed back to his pod to get back to the main ship, but on his way, he found something else. "No, it can't be." Steve picked up the pin and placed it into one of his belt pockets. Steve rushed back to the main ship where the others were all waiting. "Did you get the tracker on?"
"Sure did. We will have their location soon."
"Any idea who done this?" Stiles asked.
"I think I do. I found this while searching the building." Steve got it from his pocket and showed everyone. "I have no idea how this could have gotten to that building, Natasha wouldn't have it. It must be Rumlow. He is the only person I know to have this Hydra pin."
"Steve, he died back in 2016 remember, it was right before all the accords. I remember seeing his file in with my research." Stiles replied.
"Shit! Then I have no clue who it is." Cap walked downstairs leaving the rest of the team to examine the pin. Stiles left it a few minutes then joined Steve.

"Hey, we will find this bastard and Natasha. Like you said if anyone can survive a space kidnaping, its Nat."
"I know. It's not that." Stiles joined Steve on the couch.
"Then was is it?" Stiles enquired softly.
"It...its just every damn time I think the battle with Hydra is over, they always come back. I just don't think its a winning battle anymore." Stiles could hear the sadness in Steve's voice. "They have taken it too far now though, Romanoff is family. This is a battle I will never give up on." Stiles nodded and pulled Steve in for a hug. They sat there in the silence for a few moments.

Nebular came down with some information. "I've run some tests on the pin thing, its origins are from 1944."
"That son of a..."

****A/N: I can't believe this has hit over 500 reads 😮 I hope everyone is enjoying reading as much as I am writing.
Thanks 3000!

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