Mission Report: 2023

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Stiles could do nothing but wait. What if one tiny thing went wrong, there are no do-overs.  Stiles and Liam took there mind off of the situation by having a work-out session. Liam needed to get rid of some anger that has been building up over the past few full moons. Stiles thought a painful sweety work-out should do the trick. They hit it hard, even done a full lap of the HQ. Stiles usually watches Steve do this run every morning. Stiles wishes he had the leg power to lap this place the hundreds of times the solider does. Just lapping it once has filled every muscle in his body with enough lactic acid to make him ache all year.  Stiles just sat down to rest when the machine turned back on. The team arrived back onto the podium. Everyone but Sharon. Steve looked devastated. He knew he had let Peggy down. She had sacrificed herself in order for Clint to get the Soul Stone. The rest of the team were happy...and alive, but things did not go smoothly. 

First off, Tony and Scott fucked up with the tesseract, allowing 2012 Loki do to disappear to god knows where.  Which means Steve and Tony travelled back further using their last Pym Particles to go back to Camp Leigh where both the Tesseract and Dr Pym were. Apart from the minor fuck up and the sad loss of Sharon the mission was a success. Now all Tony has to do is make a new gauntlet and then SNAP! everyone comes back. Making the thing was the easy part, but deciding on who snaps their fingers is the difficult part. Tony suggested him, but they all saw how much is damaged Thanos, almost killing him. Bruce said he will do it, its basically Gamma radiation, which is what he is. Everyone slightly agreed, but enough to let him do it. As he places the new gauntlet onto his hand you could see the power rushing through his veins. Steve was telling him to take it off. Bruce said no, to leave it on. With all the strength he had...SNAP! The safety shutters came up letting the team leave the room. As Scott looked outside at the birds chirping, Clint's phone was ringing. Just before he could answer BOOM! A massive missile smashed into the building. Everyone was blown into the wreckage.

Stiles and Liam were lucky enough to have not been blown back far. Stiles had used his new skills to create a forcefield around them. Sadly, that was not the case for everyone else. Rhody, Rocket and Bruce were at the very bottom, with a burst pipe that was filling up very quickly. Scott woke up in a load of debris, but he can move. "I'm on my way guys just try to hold on". Clint woke right next to the Gauntlet. He grabbed it and went to run, but there was a noise coming from in front of him. It was the Chitauri. He ran as fast as he could while fighting off the aliens. He managed to escape killing them all. As he lay there, Nebular approached. "Hey, I know you" Clint croaked. He handed her the Gauntlet. "Farther I have the stones". Clint looked confused AF. Just as Nebular was about to leave the future time Nebular along with 2014 Gamora entered to help Clint get the Gauntlet back. You see back in 2014 the old Nebular was able to see the memories of the future Nebular as they were both at the same time. Allowing 2014 Thanos to know everything that has happened in the past 5 years. So 2014 Nebular went back and brought 2014 Thanos to 2023 along with the whole Chitauri army. 

New Nebular had enough of 2014 Nebula's shit and shot her allowing them to get the Gauntlet back. Meanwhile, Cap, Iron Man and Thor were at the main stage, with the inevitable beast himself, Thanos. He was just sitting there waiting. Now, this is going to be the fight of their lives. While the three fought as their lives depended on it, Stiles and Liam got a notification from FRIDAY, she was still up and running. "Agent Stilinkski and Dunbar. In case of emergencies like this my protocols are set to make every Agent working alongside the Avengers an armoured suit. Hold out your arms and they will come to you. Be safe." 
"Suits?" Liam gasped. "OMG we are gonna be Avengers" Stiles just rolled his eyes and put his arms out. Within minutes a suit was in his arms ready to be put on. The suit was like the red and white time one, but all black with the grey Avengers logo. "Ready Liam!"
"Ready! I lets fight this prick so we can go home."
"You feel them too?"
"Yep, they are back. " Stiles and Liam met up with Rhody, Rocket, Ant-man and Bruce before heading down into the wreckage. Thor, Cap and Iron Man look like they have already taken a beating. Steves Shield had the top half taken off. But this had happened.

We all knew Cap had it in him! Just as the Avengers lined up to fight, so did Thanos' army, a huge fucking army at that

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We all knew Cap had it in him! Just as the Avengers lined up to fight, so did Thanos' army, a huge fucking army at that. "Cap do you copy" Steve pressed the device in his ear in confusion. "On your left" Falcon said as he flew through a portal. Then loads of portals opened, leading everyone from Wakanda and Titan to the fight. "AVENGERS............ASSEMBLE" Cap shouted as the two armies ran towards each other. The battle was on. How the hell do we stop this? Thanos bringing his whole god damn ship through the tunnel broke it. "Hey guys, I think I have another idea" Scott exclaimed, he got his keys out of his pocket and clicked the button. The van noise played. "can anyone see an ugly brown van?" Steve asked 
"Yeah but you're not gonna like where" Valkyrie responded. "Get the glove to that van, Hope and I. Should only take a few minutes to get it up and running." Scott said to Steve. 
"You hear that guys, we need to get the stones to the ugly brown van.". Which was placed right in the middle of the battlefield! 

The Gauntlet passed person to person, Spider-Man, Valkarie. Just as they were getting closer to the van the ship above them opened fire on everyone. All of the sorcerer's put up shields, including Stiles. As the fight continued, the machine started firing upwards. "What is it shooting at?" Tony asked. 
"Something just entered the atmosphere," FRIDAY replied. Everyone was looking up at the bright light which flew straight into the ship; multiple times, causing it to explode. Carol then returned to the surface ready to join the fight. "Captain," she said to Steve he nodded as they both ran towards the fight' Cap wielding both the Shield and Mjolnir. Stiles managed to get close to the van while Wana battered Thanos with the debris. Spider-man still had the Gauntlet, he was wrapped within his iron arms holding onto to the glove with his life. Carol appeared. "Hi." 
"Hi, I'm Peter." 
"Hey Peter, you got something for me?" He passed the gove to her still shaking. Carol headed for the van but was stopped by Thanos. He managed to get a hold of it, Carol tired her best to stop him from closing his fist. Thanos headbutted her, but it hurt him more than it did her. Thanos threw Carol away, leaving Stiles and Iron Man to try before he snaps again and wipes out this whole universe to make his own. 

Stiles was using all the power he had to help Tony. Strange looked over and put his index finger up suggesting this was the one. Stiles was able to get to the Gauntlet, but Thanos thew him away, and Clang, he snapped. But when he turned the stones were gone. He looked and stared at Stiles who had the stones and the Iron-Gauntlet on. SNAP. Thano's army started to dust right in front of him. Thanos sat down, took his helmet off and accepted the defeat before turning to dust himself. They won, Thanos is no more. However, it took a lot out of Stiles. Just as he began to walk towards Steve, his vision got blurry, then everything went dark as he fell into Steves' arms.

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