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5 Years Later...

The Avengers are scattered across the universe. Stiles and Liam were still at the Avengers HQ with Nat. War Machine was keeping an eye on Hawkeye now. Captain Marvel was helping as many planets as she could. Okoye back in Wakanda. Steve supporting the remaining people of New York. 

Since there has not been much work to do anymore. Stiles has had plenty of time to read more and more about Oshtur. 3 years ago he visited Wong in the New York sanctum. Here he spent time learning the arts. Wong had even more knowledge on Oshtur considering she is the reason behind the mystic arts on Earth. In fact, the relic that held the time stone was created by her extremely powerful son Agamotto. It was known as the Eye of Agamotto, it was created when Agamotto was sorcerer supreme. Wong senses a great power in Stiles, which is why for the reaming 3 years Stiles has spent a lot of time at the sanctum, helping protect it while learning more and more about his powers. Liam has also improved over the 5 years. He and Stiles have become very close and reliant on each other. He has been able to get more and more control over ever full moon and no longer has to be locked up.

Tonight Stiles and Liam are going on a double date. Liam has been dating a girl called Megan Lane. They had met online, she too was a werewolf. However, Stiles has not has too much luck, so today he has stuck his neck out. It's his first date with a guy, Jonathan. Stiles has had no luck with girls, never really has. Plus he came out a bisexual a long time ago, he just had never met someone who was right for him. They decided to go to a small restaurant. Places seemed empty since half the population was wiped. As they seated Stiles noticed Steve at the other side. He was with another person but he could not see who, he looked for once, Siles smiled as continued to look at his menu. The date did not go to plan. Liam got too drunk, the lightweight. Which means the double date turned into a single date quickly. Leaving Stiles with the random person he had only just met. The evening changed fast, Stiles was not enjoying himself. Something felt off about Jonathan. Stiles got up to go to the bathroom but when he came back he noticed something bubbling in his drink. Before he could confront his date, Steve walked up and punched the guy in the face. "I saw what you did punk. I don't like bullies." the guy did not even put up a fight he fleed immediately. I mean wouldn't you if fucking Captain America wanted to start a fight with you? You got no chance against those biceps. "Thanks, Steve."
"Any time Stiles. Who was that guy anyway?"
"Some guy I met online. Looks like a have no luck with men either. If you don't mind me asking, why were you here?"
"I was here for the same reason, everyone wants love. I didn't have much luck either. He just will never live up to Peggy or Bucky." Stiles spat out his drink a little bit.
"Yes, Stiles I'm what the youth call bisexual...I think." Steve sat down and they sat at the restaurant talking, laughing until they had to leave. Steve offered Stiles a lift on his motorcycle. Stiles agreed but Steve did not take Stiles back to HQ, instead, he stopped at Brooklyn bridge where they stood looking towards the city. The wind was strong. Steve pulled Stiles closer, Stiles wrapped his arm around Steve's torso. Stiles looked up into his perfectly blended blue eyes with the hint of green. At the same time, Steve looked down into Stiles' dark hazel eyes. At that very moment, Steve leaned in for a kiss. Stiles felt Steves soft lips lock onto his. The kissing became deeper, more passionate. This was Stiles and maybe even Steves first kiss in the past few years. They got back onto the motorcycle, Stiles wrapped his hands around Steve's torso as they drove off. They pulled up to a block of apartments. "Steve, this is not the Avengers HQ"
"No, no it not, its too late to drive there tonight. You are staying at mine"
"Do you have a spare bed or clothes?"
"Nope!" Steve said smiling.


Steve and Nat were having a catch up at HQ. "You know I keep telling people to move on. But not us" Steve said to Nat. Just as she was about to reply, the monitor beeped. They were getting an incoming call. Nat answered. It was Scott Lang, asking to be let in. "Is this a recording?" Steve enquired.
"Its the front gate" Nat responded. They let Scott in, turns out he had been in the quantum realm for the 5 years, but to him, it felt like 5 hours. Once he was filled into all which has happened, he comes up with a wild plan. "What if we can enter the realm and exit at a different point in time?"
"Are you suggesting time travel, Scott?" Steve replied not fully interested in this plan.
"I know it sounds like science fiction, but what other options do we have?" Steve looked at Nat and gave her the 'what do you think' eyebrow raise. "But I can't do this, we need someone with a much bigger brain." 


The lake was huge, the house homey. Nothing around but sweet nature. Outside the house was a small teepee. "Morgan, Mom wants to know if you want lunch."
"Yes, daddy" Tony walks over to the pink teepee to find his daughter where a blue version of the Iron Suit helmet. "That's Mommy's anniversary surprise. You been digging the garage again? Seems like we both like it in there." Just as he picked Morgan up a black SUV pulled up outside. Natasha, Steve and Scott left the vehicle, with Stiles still sitting inside. They told Tony about Scott's plan but he took none of it. He has everything that he could want. A wife, daughter, a home. "Not everyone was as lucky as you Tony, this could be our only chance at getting them back" Steve added.
"I've said no. If you stop talking shop dinner is at 6." Tony got up with Morgan and entered the house. The Avengers got back into the SUV, without Tony. They have a backup.

They met up with Bruce at a diner back in New York. Over the 5 years, he had that talk with Hulk and decided to stop treating him like a disease. They had become one. It was strange. A big green guy with faded grey hair and glasses, nope not normal. Bruce said he can help but its experimental and far off.

Late that night Tony could not sleep. Back to work he goes. After a few tries, he figures it out. Before he could do anything else he got interrupted. "Morgan, it's past your bedtime."
"Cant you read me a story."
"Once upon a time there was a girl that went to sleep. The end"
"That's not a good story dad."
"But it's still a story, now go to sleep. Love you."
"Love you 3000"
"Wow! 3000 that's a big number. " Tony left the room. 

"I think I'm the favourite she loves me 3000"
Pepper laughs "wow 3000".
"I think I've done it" Tony added staring back at his work. "Time-travel, I've solved it."
"What you going to do about it?"
"What if I just forget about it. Put the spanner down and go to bed?"
"I've spent my life trying to get you to stop Tony. Why stop it now?"
"Because I have you and Morgan. I'm happy." 

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