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*Major Endgame event at the end of this chapter!*

Stiles woke confused to the sound of Liam snoring. He tried hard not to wake the sleeping beta as he got up. He sat on the couch sipping his coffee thinking about what this day could mean for him. He still hasn't been able to process what Carol had said to him. As Stiles was staring into the distance he was abruptly brought back into the world by a loud knocking at the door. It was Sharon, she was ready to get going. She was a morning person, unlike Stiles and Liam. Stiles opened the door still wearing just his lounge pants. "You not even dressed yet? Fuck it we haven't got time. I need to run these tests now, we have bigger problems to deal with when the team wakes up." beforeStiles could even put his coffee down he was dragged out of the room and taken to one of the medial rooms where Carol and Bruce were already waiting. "So Stiles, we are going to take some blood samples. Run some tests. Shouldn't take too long." Bruce said in a friendly voice.
"Not going to lie, guys, I'm not a big fan of needles or blood. I fainted when my best friend had a tattoo" Stiles responded sounding worried.

"It's fine, many people are the same, just look the other way and keep talking to Carol, Sharron and I and boom it will be over."

"You sure?"

"100% sure" 

"Okay" Stiles looked the opposite way but as soon as he could feel the needle enter his skin he looked over and instantly passed out. Stiles woke some hours later still laying on the medic bed. Carol and Liam sitting on the chairs beside him. "What are you two staring at" Stiles demanded. 

"You!" Liam swiftly responded.

"No shit, but why? Are the tests complete? Where is Bruce?"

"Bruce is busy with the other Avengers. But the tests are complete." Carol added. 

"Okay. What's the conclusion?" 

"You are definitely not fully Ter...Human. I also ran my old scan using some Kree tech. You are half a god."

"Glowing lady say what now?" 

"The tech came back about an Elder God known as Oshtur. Sharon is searching for more information now. We should know more soon. I'm sorry Stiles, that's all the information we know."

"That's okay, this is just a hell of a lot to process right now. Can someone update me with the latest from the Avengers?" 

"Sure. Tony is currently in the room just down the hall he passed out after having a small conflict with Captain Rogers. He is fine now, he just needs to rest."
"Is that all?"
"For now yes." 

"Okay, can someone please help me up, I need to get dressed and help in some way." Liam nodded and grabbed Stiles hand and torso as he got up from the bed. Stiles left the room and went back to his room to get washed. During the shower, he let the water run as he dropped down to the floor. He sat he imagined being back in Beacon Hills.  He and Scott would always sit by a big window as kids and watch a huge storm cause destruction to the little town. Back then was a much simpler time for everyone. Scott was a normal kid, so was Stiles. Everything changed too quickly. Stiles was woken from his flashback by Friday Tonys AI. "Agent Stilinski. Sharon has requested you meet her immediately in the Library." 

"Thanks, Friday. Let her know I'll be there in 15."
"Sure thing Sir."

Stiles made his way to the massive Library. Sharon was the only one there. "Hey Stiles, how you feeling." 

"A lot better after that shower. It's just loads to process on top of the snap and everything that's happened."
"Well brace your self, I found out a bit more about Oshtur."
"Okay, I'm ready."
"Oshtur was believed to be one of the Elder Gods of Earth. She, however, left Earth long before the Elder conflict. She was also reported to have a child known as Agamotto. He is also not on Earth but has been before. Oshtur is believed to have mystical powers both here and in astral planes. I also found that she is an immortal being. "
"Okay, that's all great but what does any of this have to do with me"
"Well, Carol's device said that she had two children. We believe that you are her second child. After having Agamotto she may have decided many, many years later to have another child."
"But my mother was human and dead."
"Yes, we have read the file on Claudia. We don't think Claudia was your true mother Stiles. We found a confidential file that told us she had been sterilised 3 years before she fell pregnant with you. Oshtur may off given your mother the miracle of a child. Hence why you are a demi-god.
"This is all hypothetical right. We don't know anything for real?"
"For now yes. Carol will try and do some more digging later on. But Tony's book collection is old and rare. The information about Oshtur is more than likely true. As well as the machine saying she had two children."

"That is true. Thank you for spending time in searching. I mean I'm sure you have better things to be doing."

"Any time Stiles. And yes I do. Nebula and Rocket have some more information. C'mon lets go." both Stiles and Sharon got up and headed to the meeting room. They sat at the side as Nebular and Rocket spoke. apparently, when Thanos snapped his fingers the Earth let off a huge energy signature. That same signature was found again on another planet. "He used the stones again?" Nat responded looking at the hologram of the planet. 
"So why don't we just go get them?" Carol added

"we have lost to him before what makes it any different this time" War Machine responded.

"You didn't have me!"

"Well let's go get this son of a bitch then." Steve added.

"Just like that?" Nat responded.

"Just like that," Rogers replied.

The next day

The Avengers set off in rockets now fixed jet to head to Thanos. Stiles, Liam and Sharon were their Earth support. The Avengers arrived at the planet. Captain Marvel had told them that it was empty. Only Thanos remains. Alone, vulnerable. The head down to find Thanos is some old wooden hut. He was thrown onto the floor by Marvel. "Wheres the sones you purple prick" she demanded. The rest of the Avengers stand at the entrance waiting for a reply.
"You will never get them. For I am inevitable."
"What did you do to them, we know you use them again."
"I used them to destroy them, almost killing me at the same time."
"You're lying."
"My father is a lot, but he is not a lier." Nebular responded.
"Thank you daughter..." woosh. In a matter of seconds, the Stormbreaker sliced right through Thanos' head. 
"What did you do?" Nat asked Thor.
"Well I went for the head"

The Avengers returned to Earth with nothing other than a broken gauntlet and zero hope for the return of the dusted.

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