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*A/N: I have seen Endgame. This story does contain some parts of the film. If you do not wish to read spoilers please refrain from reading until you have seen Endgame. Major events will not be included for a few more chapters*

Stiles, Liam and Sharon arrived at the briefing room early, some agents were already seated and waiting. Ben was there, Stiles looked over and smiled walking over to greet him. They sat near each other. After 10 minutes the room was packed full of people. Then they arrived. The remaining Avengers. Black Widow, Captain America, Bruce Banner, some Raccoon, Thor and War Machine. They all look melancholy. Steve was the first to speak. "Today we have lost a tremendous amount of people, loved ones, friends. We are all feeling the loss. We need to work as a team to locate Thanos. Thank you for all being here and fighting, we are sorry for any losses." He gave a small nod to the room before Nat continued. "Thanos is powerful, but for all, we know he is alone. He holds the 6 infinity stones of the universe. You will all be given some more information on Thanos and the battle that has just occurred. Thank you." 

Everyone was left sitting in the room. What kind of introduction was that? The Avengers had gone to their separate section of the building. Sharon looked at her phone and got up. "Let's go you'se two. We got work to do". Stiles and Liam looked at each other and got up. They followed Sharon into the restricted area where the Avengers were discussing where the Titan could have gone. Sharon walks over to Steve. "Sharon, you made it," Steve said going in for a long embrace. "Who have we lost?" She replied softly. 

"Bucky, T'Challa, Wanda and more. We don't even know if Tony is alive." 

"We will do our best to find them, Steve. I have some help. Meet FBI agent Stilinski and his trainee Liam." Stiles and Liam walk over in shock. 

"Hi, Sir...erm.Captain." Stiles responded shuttering.

"You can Call me Steve, Stilinsky, is it." Steve replied shaking his hand."

"Stilinski, but everyone calls me Stiles."

"Stiles it is. " He also shook Liam's hand before introducing you to the rest of the team. "Stiles, Liam, you will be working here with Sharon and us try to locate Thanos. I know it might be a lot at first but if you persevere I think we can find the bastard." 

"Damn, that language Rogers." Nat said from the couch, Steve smiled and continued. "Sharon will show you both to the office. It was nice meeting you Stiles and Liam, I just wish it was under better circumstances." Sharon took Stiles and Liam to their joint office, all three of them would be working here with the Avengers to track the Titan. 

10-Days Later

Still nothing. Everyone has been working round the clock, hardly had any sleep and yet no one has found a single trace of Thanos. No one has given up hope, although it feels like they have. Nat also has a side project she gave to Liam, Hawkeye has gone rogue. He needs to keep tracks on where he has been, while the rest of the team still dig deeper to locate Thanos. However, this old pager thing Fury had has gone off on its own, no one still had any clue what the hell it was and why it was so important to Fury.

22-Days Later

Hope really has been lost. Thanos still not located. The remaining Avengers still feeling lost and responsible for this losing battle. Hawkeye is still being tracked by Liam. Nothing from Tony or any of Rockets Guardians, and to top it off, still not a single sign from Thanos. Where is this purple testicle faced prick? Stiles and Sharon had gotten to know each other a bit more now. She came over to Stiles and Liam's for a meal that evening. While enjoying the meal the ground began to shake. "What the hell is that?" Liam asked.

"Let's find out" Sharon responded getting up from her seat. Stiles, Liam and Sharon stood at the entrance looking up into the sky. A ship came floating down, with a person underneath it. The hatch opened revealing Tony and the other remaining Guardian, Nebula. Tony looked near death. Malnourished was an understatement. Tony and Steve spoke while the strange glowing woman came over to Stiles. "Who are you?" Sharon asked politely

"I'm Carol Danvers, I know Fury. He called for me, I got his message on my pager. But who are you?" The last section she directed completely at Stiles.

"Erm, I'm just an Agent. Like these two."

"I think deep down you know you are more, I can sense it. Are you sure you are 100% Terran?"

"Terran? Do you mean human? I'm not sure why I wouldn't be 100% human"

"Yes human. I don't think you are 100%." She replied and left to go back to the other Avengers on the patch of grass. "What I may not be 100% human, how the fuck does that work?" Stiles lately responded with only Sharon and Liam being able to hear. 

"To hell if we know. We will run some tests tomorrow. Hopefully with Davers help." Sharon replied before walking off talking into her mic for paramedics. 

Stiles spent the night thinking about what the glowing goddess said. He knew his dad was human. That man could not be any more of a typical human dad. Maybe it was passed down? He couldn't sleep. He knew she was right, Stiles has never felt fully human. He just thought it was because he was in Scott's pack, but the feeling goes further back than that. All the back to when his mother was still alive. Liam came in to offer as much comfort as possible. Stiles finally drifted off, still uncertain of who he truly was. 

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