Oh Brother

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"BROTHER? Are you the god of stupidness? Does that look like a man? Thor that's Oshtur the elder goddess of balance and order."
"Stiles Son of Stilinski, I can assure you there is no order with this man." Steve stood up pushing the sadness out of his eyes. As Steve was about to move Thor walked towards Oshtur. Before anyone could stop him Stiles ran in front of Thor holding his arm out to stop the God of Thunder in his path. Thor angrily said, "I do not want want to use force midguardian." 
"I'm not just midguardian" Stiles snapped. Within an instant, Thor's hand shot out, as he paitently waited his face became angrier as Stiles was not backing down. Oshtur just stood wide-eyed and silent.

"Stiles, what is your plan here?" Steve asked with a stressed tone.
"To not give up. I've worked too damn hard to get Oshtur, you think I'm going to let this hammer-wielding punk to take her away from me." He replied not breaking eye contact with the Norse God. Stormbreaker came smashing through the glass not giving one single care about what or who is in its path. As soon as the axe touched his palm, the lightning filled Thor's eyes. Stiles's eyes on the other hand filled with fire as he mumbled a heat spell. His arm burst into flames making the God step back. Everyone around moved back; everyone but Oshtur.

Thor made the first move; moving closer to Stiles. "Please don't take this further" Thor pleaded yet ready to fight, being used to his opponents ignoring his plea. The flames seemed to settle down starting from eyes moving down his arms. Thor put Stormbreaker down and moved towards Oshtur.
"I'll stop if you leave her alone," Stiles ordered. Thor ignored him and continued to move closer to Oshtur keeping his eyes locked on hers. She didn't even flinch when he came 3 feet in front of her. Stiles shouted, "I said leave her the fuck alone". The flames did not return but Thor was about to taste his own medicine when Stiles' hands lit up with bright red lightning. He pushed his arm out towards Thor blasting the lightning into his back.
Thor stopped in his track and turned around and said, "This is no time for games midguardian. Just let me prove it to you. If not I will leave it alone" while glaring over at Oshtur.
"Prove it then." 

Thor went over to Oshtur and demanded that 'she' show her true self. 
"I have no idea what you are talking about Thnor..." she paused and smirked "Thor."
"Don't act like this brother. I don't want to have to use force." Oshtur just stayed silent and smiled. Thor turned around and walked the other way. "See brother you have been gone for some time since Thanos 'killed' you that you haven't got to see my new replacement. This is Stormbreaker; the weapons of all weapons. One strike and you're gone." He paused lifted the axe placing both his hands on the wooden handle. He then proceeded to move his arms back in preparation to throw the axe towards her. However, Oshtur remained still. Thor said, "Fine, your mistake brother." Thor threw the axe but it went straight threw Oshtur who then faded. 

Everyone in the room was shocked apart from Thor and some random stranger in the back who started clapping. "How did you now oh mighty brother." The figure said sarcastically while moving throughout the crowd. Stiles face transformed from shock to anger; which became worse when the figure fully transitioned into Loki the god of mischief. He looked over at Steve then at Thor, then Loki before darting out of the room. "We have a lot to talk about Loki."
"Such a pleasure to see you too brother," Loki replied sarcastically. Thor guided Loki out of the building swung the axe around to summon the Bifrost and just like that they were off.

Steve found Stiles in the communal lounge, wrapped up in a huge fluffy blanket. He was completely hidden underneath it. As Rogers got closer he could hear the small sobs coming from his boyfriend. He softly asked "Stiles, babe, are you okay?". Stiles took a deep breath in and peeped his head out of the blanket. "No, I don't think I am." He wiped his tears before continuing. Steve had now joined him on the couch. "I..I just don't know what to think...or feel. One second its confusion, then its anger...like a lot of anger then this huge sense of sadness." He sat up and cuddled into Steve; who was still sat there in silence trying to process what happened and what to say. He then finally replied, "I think all of them emotions are normal Stiles. This was a big deal for you and you worked so hard. When things go sideways you do feel anger and sadness. I think its best we leave the party and head to bed?"
"Bed does sound good right now. Maybe a hot shower."
"I'll go turn the shower on and you meet me there. Love you."
"Love you too Rogers."

Stiles woke up the next morning still feeling shitty but not as much as he did the last night. He had kind of processed the events but not fully. Steve was not in the apartment. But he did leave a note on the fridge: 'Hope your feeling better today. Take some time to rest. Love Steve x' 
Stiles smiled at the note made some coffee and toast and was on the couch. A few hours and a power nap later Stiles got hungry again. He ordered some pizza and hopped into the shower while he waited for the food to arrive.

Steve came home early evening. Stiles was still on the couch. 
Yes still.
Rogers took his shoes and jacket off and joined Stiles on the couch in silence. Stiles asked, "Steve. Is everything okay? You seem offish." Steve nervously turned towards Stiles.
"We need to talk about last night. Not the Thor and Loki drama but the other thing."
"Okay. Go ahead; I'm ready."
"You know what I was about to do right?" 
"Yes, Steve."
"Buck and I had it all planned out. And I feel like the moment was ruined. I know its not your fault but I'm just a bit upset that it didn't go as planned."
"Looks like we were both pissed and upset last night over ruined plans." Steve nodded moving his hand onto Stiles' "Why don't you try again?" Stiles added.
"What now?"
"Why the hell not. What are you waiting for a Norse god to pop up out of the blue?" Stiles laughed as his comment. 

Steve got up went to his jacket and got out the box. He kneeled by the couch.  Steve cleared his throat and begin his speech, "From the moment we met back in 2019 I knew you were special. We became such good friends over the next 5 years and I'm so glad we bumped into each other in that restaurant and I'm so happy that both our prior dates went shitty because if not we would never have become this close. I have found my dance partner for life; you are so special to me." he paused and took a deep breath. 

"Stiles Stilinksi, will you marry me?"

Hey guys. Just wanted to say thank you to everyone who is reading! I can't believe it's gone over 1k.  If you're liking it so far please vote. Let me know your thoughts on RogerStilinksi! 

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