Do you trust me?

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Stiles woke alone in a random hospital. He could see a blurred Dorito shape from the opposite side of the window. "Hey. How are you feeling?" 
"A lot better now your here," Stiles replied trying his best to sit up.
"Hey, calm down there. Bruce said you need to rest a bit more."
"Na I feel fine." The pain came over his whole body as he tried to move again. "Maybe I will rest a tad longer" Steve let out a little laugh. 
"Do you realise what you did for this world...for the universe? You could have died Stiles. We don't trade lives." 
"I had a feeling Tony was going to do the same thing. Steve, it would have killed him more than it would of me. "
"And Tony is very thankful for what you did. We all are."
"Why thanks, Cap...Wait does this make me an Avenger now?" 
"Only if that's what you want?" Tony responded entering the room.
"I'm not sure yet."
"You take your time kid. Get some rest." Tony patted him on the shoulder before leaving the room. 
"So what are you going to do now Cap?"
"Well, Bruce is making a smaller tunnel as we speak. I'm going to take the stones and Mjolnir back to its rightful time. Then we can decide when I get back. You just rest for now, okay?"
"Okay, Cap. Be safe." Steve nodded and left the room. 

Stiles was woken by his phone. Scott was calling. He hasn't heard his voice in five years. Stiles answers. "Stiles!"
"Scott is everyone okay"
"Well Beacon Hills is different, your dads older; other than that we are fine. Where are you? Your dad said it would be best told by you." 
"I have a hell of a story to tell you when I get home."
"Hopefully soon bud. Hey is Liam with you? He's not answering his phone?"
"He might have lost it in the blast. When I see him I'll get him to call you back. I'll be back in Beacon Hills before you know it. See you soon Scott. Scott, please tell my dad that I'm okay."
"I will do Stiles." The call ended leaving Stiles to sit and think. So much has happened in such a short amount of time, but the most important thing is that everyone is back. 

Within a day, Stiles was back up and moving. His powers meant his body healed its self. Stiles didn't know it yet but the guys immortal. Steve had long returned from his mission, he was busy trying to help clear up the destruction Thanos left behind. The Avengers needed a break but the universe just won't allow it. Stiles overheard Tony on the phone, Tony is giving up the Avengers gig, for now, so is Clint. Both have families that the cannot risk losing. After leaving the hospital Stiles went to the only place in New York he knew. Steve's apartment, he did have a key. Steve was not there but Stiles had phoned and told him. 

Steve arrived completely shattered and filthy. Stiles helped him in and turned on the shower. "I'll be here waiting, go get cleaned up. You hungry? "
"Thanks, Stiles, I'm starving." 
"well, there will be food waiting by the time you get out."  Steve hugged Stiles then went into the bathroom. Stiles grabbed his phone and ordered some pizza, Steve loves a plain Margherita. They ate the pizza and spent the rest of the night cuddled up on the couch until they both fell asleep. 

Stiles woke to the bitter smell of coffee. Steve was sitting at the table on his phone. Stiles got up realising he is just in his underwear, he just shrugged his shoulders and proceeded to make a coffee and joined Steve at the table. "Steve, I was thinking. I need to go back home. I have to take Liam back and make sure they are all okay."
"That's a great idea, Stiles. I need to get out of this city for a bit. I'll join, never been to this Beacon Hills before."
"Erm, okay sure. I'll pack and book a flight for tomorrow morning." 
"Oh don't bother booking a flight, I'll take us in a StarkJet. We will leave this afternoon. "
"That's fine with me. I'll text Liam, let him know." 
"Is there anything else you want to talk about Stiles?" Stiles sat there in silence for a minute 
"No, not that I know of." Stiles got up and left to pack. Steve put his phone down, he knows Stiles has something on his mind, but was, is it?


They arrived back in Beacon Hills around 9ish. The StarkJet is a lot faster than a normal plane. As the jet hanger door opened Scott and the pack were waiting outside. Liam walked out first, he was so happy to be home. Stiles then came out and gave Scott a hug before moving on to Noah. "Glad your safe son." 
"Glad your safe too Dad." 
"Stiles, how did you get one of these?" Scott shouted.
"Oh, it's not mine, it's his" Stiles pointed at Steve as he exited the jet. 
"is that Captain fucking America."
"Yes it is...oh and he doesn't like that tone, Scott."
"Hey not you as well" Steve responded. 
"I told you I had a hell of a story."
"Well let's get you guys settled, Stiles where will the Captain be sleeping?" Noah asked 
"We will figure that out later, let's just get home. " 

Back at the Stilinkski house, Stiles, Liam and Steve got everyone up to date. Noah was not happy that Stiles was in so much danger. Stiles did miss out a few things though until everyone apart from Scott left. Here he told them about his origins and his relationship with Steve. It was all too much for Noah to process, so he went to bed. Steve was next, leaving Stiles and Scott to have the huge catch up they needed. Scott said he could sense a change in Stiles as soon as he returned, but it was a good change. Then at 2 am the conversation moved to the future. Stiles wanted to find out more, but he can't do that here on Earth. Scott suggested going with him, but Stiles denied, he needs to stay here and protect Beacon Hills and his almost due child.  Stiles has no idea what to do. 

In the morning Stiles had a chat with his dad told him his dilemma. "Son, you got to do what you feel is right in your heart." Stiles doesn't know what feels right. After a week in Beacon Hills, Steve was ready to go and so was Stiles. He had made a decision but not shared it with anyone. When he got back to New York he made some calls and put his plan into action. Steve knew he was up to something. 

Steve managed to get the plan out of Stiles after some 'grilled cheese'. Stiles was going to find his mother or at least his brother. He has Shuri and Rocket building a ship. He asked Steve to join him but Steve was hesitant. He wants to go, but after losing Sharon, and almost Tony, and having no one to keep the Avengers in shape, he just can't.  Stiles understood, but he stills needs to do this, for himself. 

A few weeks later in Wakanda, the ship was ready. Shuri has based it from the Guardians ship but spiced it up a bit. Plus made his own version of the Cap Shield, an all-grey version with the silver star. Steve and Stiles were in a long embrace, Steve didn't want to let go. He finally had something good, and he was about to leave. "Do you trust me?" Stiles whispered into Steve's ear.
"I do."
"Then let me go." 
"Not alone Stiles. I just can't risk losing you."
"What do you mean not on my own?"
"Romanoff, you ready?"
"I sure am Rogers, Don't worry I'll have his back."
"Oh, I'm counting on it."
"You just worry about little ol'Earth. We will be back before you know it." They hugged before Nat walked onto the ship.
"Let's get going Stilinksi" Nat said as Stiles was still staring into Steve's eyes. Steve moved closer and pulled Stiles into a kiss. "You got this Stiles. I'll be here, till the end of the line."
"So will I, good-bye Steve." Stiles walked onto the ship and the hanger door closed. Steve watched as Stiles and Natasha left on their adventure.

"They will be fine Captain" Shuri assured Steve.
"I know they will. Thank you for giving them the best tech to ensure it."
"My pleasure. Also, I made you this."
"A phone? I already got one."
"This one will allow you to contact the ship and the other two phones on the ship. You can contact them no matter what."
"Thank you." Steve and Shuri went into the building once the ship had left the atmosphere.


"So what's the plan here guys?" Stiles looked over at Nat. 
"Who was that?" he asked. 

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