Chapter 2 - Nate

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I punch in the final numbers in the calculator to tally up the total and jot it down on the budget sheet. Aria has been making less money these past couple of months and I know it's because I've taken a break from performing. Customers know it's my club and they love that I contribute to my business by working as a stripper. When I step back from that, I guess it looks like I'm being stuck-up or something because most of our locals haven't been coming by. I could just go back to performing but...I don't want to. I don't have much desire to. These past few weeks I feel like I've been sleepwalking and nothing can wake me up. I've been a miserable motherfucker and my entire staff knows it. If I took a minute to be myself I'd feel bad about it but I can't find it in me to care. I don't care about jack-shit.

Except her.

She's been the only thing on mind and it's beyond frustrating. I shouldn't be fantasizing about a pregnant woman. What the hell? Life just got a hell of a lot more serious for her and there's no room for me in it. That much is clear. She's about to be a mother and the last thing she needs is me trailing after her like some lost puppy. Even the thought is degrading. What the fuck is wrong with me? I've never been this guy. I've never been the one to chase and get my heartbroken or whatever the hell this miserable feeling is. I don't fucking like it. It's throwing me off my game and causing me to lash out when the only person I should be pissed off at is myself.

"Damn it." I curse and kick my desk in frustration. I flop back against my seat and rub a hand over my tired eyes. Sleep has been out of the question, too. Even my dreams are taken over with images of wispy blonde hair and startling grey eyes. My Angel. Except she's not mine and she never was and after this, she never will be. The sooner that gets through my head, the better.

"Everything okay, boss?" Sebastian, my right hand man and head of security, asks me as he steps inside the room. He probably heard me kick the desk and came running. He's efficient like that.

"Yeah." I mumble and gesture a lazy hand towards the papers scattered over the desk. "Income is down this month."

"Everyone wants The Knight back in action, huh?"

"Not sure why. We have plenty of talented dancers for entertainment."

"But it's different when the owner of the place is down there with the crowd. They feel closer to you personally and will want to come by more often."

"I know." I agree because it's exactly what I was thinking a few minutes ago. Sebastian is perceptive like me and it's one of the many qualities that makes him kick-ass at his job. "I just need a break."

"The blonde lass has got you all tangled up, hasn't she?" He smiles knowingly, his faint Scottish accent peeking through.

"She's pregnant." I blurt. I don't know why but I'm pretty sure it's because I needed to hear it out loud to have some sense knocked into me. Doesn't work though so that was a total bust.

"Aye." Sebastian nods. "The geeky lad that came with her last time she was here — that's the father, no?"

"Some father." I scoff and my anger boils all over again. Just thinking about him makes me feel murderous beyond belief. It's the same anger I felt when I found out about Aria's abuse. "Fucker walked out on her."

Sebastian's eyes darken. "That won't do. You want me to stroll the streets, see if I can find him? I can talk some sense into him, I'm sure."

The corner of my lips twitch. I know by "talk" he means a thorough ass-kicking and for that, I'm grateful. It's nice to know he has my back beyond our boss-employee relationship. "If it's cool with you, I'd rather have a chat with him myself."

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