Chaster 21

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HEY. So my computer is stupid and doesn't let me reply to your comments but THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH! I'm sorry I can't reply but you're all the greatest people ever and I LOVE YOU GUYS! :D So this chapter is kind of short and a filler but I promise next one will be longer! Oh and I put a gif of Josh from You Me At Six on the side, he's a cutie. (;

Okay song of the chapter is: 

The Best That You Can Be-Artist Vs. Poet

(Check them out they rock! One of them is following me on Twitter!)

This song is encouraging someone to be the best that they can and even though times are rough they'll be okay. It's for Sarah from Alex mostly (:

Okay, I love you guys so so so much THANK YOU! ♥



The next morning we were on the bus on the way to Ireland for two shows. I sat in the front lounge on my laptop just messing around on Tumblr.

"Whatcha doing?" Jack asked coming up behind me.

"Stalking the All Time Low tag on Tumblr," I said with a smirk. He sat down next to me with a grin on his face.

"I do that all the time! Our fans are perverts," he said. I laughed and nodded.

"Believe me I'm aware Jack," I said scrolling down to a post about me.

It read:

"I'm sorry, Sarah Dawson just seems so fake. She's so down on everything since she's depressed and I don't think she makes Alex happy. He'd be much happier with Liz or someone else. She's not even that pretty or anything."

I had tears in my eyes reading this, Jack must have noticed because he looked at the screen, worry on his face.

"What a bitch. Sarah please don't believe that shit. You're amazing, some of our fans just suck," he said hugging me sideways.

"Maybe she's right though, I'm miserable and just cause Alex trouble," I said shutting the laptop.

"Are you kidding?! Sarah he's never been happier in his life. He never stops talking about you and always has this stupid smile on his face when he is. You're the best thing that's happened to him. And I know you're not very confident but just please try to see how awesome and amazing you are, we all love you," he said.

A couple tears fell down my cheeks at this, "Thank you Jack, I needed that," I said.

"Anytime," he smiled hugging me again.

I was still upset but Jack was helping. "I think I'll just go take a nap," I said heading off to my bunk. He nodded sadly and I closed my curtain.

"Is she okay?" I heard a voice ask; Alex.

"She just read some hate on Tumblr, she got upset over it. I can't stand when fans do that shit," Jack said.

Suddenly I felt my curtain open and a body slide next to mine. They put their arm around my waist and kissed my neck.

"Please don't listen to them," Alex whispered in my ear.

I turned to face him and placed my head on my chest, "Why do they say those things when they don't know me?" I whispered back.

"I have no idea, but I know you're the best you could ever be right now. You're amazing and beautiful, don't ever forget that," he said kissing the top of my head.

I drifted off to sleep with those last few words.

When I woke up I was told it would be twenty more minutes until we reached the hotel. Alex was asleep beside me, snoring lightly. I smiled down at him and carefully climbed over him and out of the bunk.

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