Chapter 34

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Hey hey heeeeyyyy! I'm in such a good mood for some reason! Okay, so yeah, I'm just gonna get right into it and say song of the chapter is:


(Emblem3 play Sarah's band in the story! THEY'RE AMAZING!)

Basically this song has the cutest lyrics ever and it's my kind of song ya know? It's so adorable, and here's the chapter lovely loves! ♥



"Tay!" I said hugging the girl in front of me. She turned around and squealed as we were reunited.

We were getting ready in the dressing rooms and I was glad We Are The In Crowd was here, I really missed them.

"Okay, so we should make a YouTube video," Mike Ferri said grabbing his flip cam.

I laughed as he recorded Rob and Cam jumping over a stack of chairs.

"You know if Jordan did that it'd be funnier since he's like eight feet tall," I said.

Jordan's eyes got wide before he stood up and leapt over the chairs, crashing on the last one.

I started cracking up immediately, "Please...tell me you got that..." I said inbetween laughs.

Everyone else was laughing too and Mike nodded.

"Glad we didn't miss any festivities," a voice said from the doorway.

"Jess!" I said getting up to hug the drummer of The Summer Set.

"Hey girl! Long time no see, I missed you!" she said.

"I missed you too!" I said hugging her.

Brian, Stephen, Josh, and John came in after her and I hugged all of them as well. I remember meeting The Summer Set a looooong time ago, and have been really tight with them ever since.

"Dang girl, you're tinier than Tay! Are they feeding you over there in Baltimore?!" Josh joke around.

I stuck my tongue out at him and everyone laughed. I was so glad to have my friends around before the show.

I decided to check the band's Twitter before rehersal.

@TheDreamSequence: Seattle! We are just hours away from our very first show! Holla if you're coming!

Moments later my phone buzzed.

@AlexAllTimeLow: Wish I was there ): good luck! Y'all are gonna kill it!

@TheDreamSequence: @AlexAllTimeLow Thank you sir (:

"Are you guys doing Warped Tour?" I asked both bands.

"Hell yeah!" Cam shouted for We Are The In Crowd.

"No, we've got our first headlining tour in the UK," Brian said.

"Oh my gosh that's amazing! Congrats you guys!" I said.

"Thanks!" Brian said.

Suddenly someone picked me up from behind and I gasped. It was John who apparently thought it would be funny to scare me.

"John! Put me down!" I said.

He just continued laughing and I groaned. By now everyone was laughing.

"Stephen will you tell your brother and bandmate to please put me down before I crush him?" I said sweetly.

"You weigh like two pounds how would you crush me?!" John laughed.

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