Chapter 18: The Thunder Legion

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"Next up we have Fairy Tail's beloved Animal Creation Mage, Zinnia!" Max exclaims. Smoke covers the stage and Zinnia grins to herself from backstage as her animals walk across the stage everyone was in awe. 

"Animal Creation: Fairy!" Zinnia made her last creation before following the glowing light out onto the stage. She sent the little fairy up showing it's formed as the guild mark. She's never seen a fairy, Zinnia can only imagine what they look like.

"Hello everyone! Are you having a good time?" Zinnia grinned as the crowd cheered. She was happy with how happy everyone was.

"Thank you, Zinnia! Next up we've got everyone's favorite Celestial Spirit Mage, Lucy!" Zinnia exited the stage giving Lucy a thumbs up. Zinnia wasn't in it for the money, if she did end up winning she was going to give it to Lucy for her rent seeing as they all spend so much time there.

There was some shuffling around on stage which Zinnia ignored until she heard screaming. "EVERGREEN!" Zinnia heard, she hid to the side of the stage knowing better than to get into Evergreen's sights.

"Freed and Bixlow too. What's going on here?" The guild was exclaiming. Overhead they could hear Laxus talking about the Great Fairy War and if they wanted to save the girls, the guild would have to fight each other, as well as the Thunder Legion, they also had to beat Laxus.

"Where do you three think you're going?" Zinnia asked coming out of her hiding spot. 

"Oh Zinnia, good you're just who I was looking for." She heard Laxus' voice boom. "It's time to see who really is the strongest, let's see a little fight between you and you're little brother shall we?" Laxus laughed.

"Laxus!" She roared. There was no response and the rest of the Thunder Legion was gone before she could grab them.

"He wants us to fight?" Natsu asked looking at her.

"I'm not fighting you Natsu. I'm going straight to that little brat." Zinnia growled going to the door. When she tried to cross the threshold she was stopped by an incantation. "FREED!" She roared.

"Let me at him!" Natsu exclaimed trying to run through the doorway. He was thrown back as well, makes sense, Zinnia did know his secret but she wasn't going to say anything.

"I'm going to shave that green haired brat's head." Zinnia growled reading the incantation.

"Can you break it?" Makarov asked.

"I've never even seen writing like this. Well, it's been so many years, I'm not even sure how to read it. We need to figure out how to get the girls back to normal, we need Levy." Zinnia sighed looking at the girls who were frozen in stone. This wasn't good.

"I'll just melt the stone!" Natsu exclaimed running over to Erza.

"Are you crazy?! You'll burn her alive!" Zinnia exclaimed looking at Natsu and Gajeel trying to break the stone. It soon cracked and both of them freaked out dropping the stone Erza.

"You idiot!" Zinnia exclaimed the stone had cracked but it wasn't broken. Soon it began to glow and Erza was back to normal.

"What happened?" Erza asked.

"Evergreen. Erza none of us can get out, you need to find Evergreen and defeat her. That will break her spell on the others." Makarov says and Erza is off.

"We believe in you Erza," Zinnia said hanging her head. There was nothing she could do but trust in her guild mates.

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