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Falling (Why Don't We)
Loving you never was in the plan
Stuck in your ways I sink in the sand

"Stop it. You have no idea what's good for you." My arms were crossed as I calmly but defiantly stared him straight in the eye. "I thought this was about us, not your stupid music career."

He looked down at me. Screw him for being so tall. "Come on, Liv, you know I love you, but I can't decline this offer."

"But I thought this was about us, Corbyn. About our music career."

"Well maybe, Olivia, it was never meant to be ours. Maybe it was always meant for me."

That's when I slapped him.

The shock on his face quickly turned into rage. "What the hell was that for?"

"For everything. For not caring about me. For not being there when my parents died. For not being there when I got promoted at the production office. For not being there at all, because you were too focused on yourself. I'm done. I don't need you anymore. Get out of my house." And with that, I shoved him outside and slammed the door in his face, shutting it before he could protest. Turning around, the last piece of him I had was his guitar, leaning against the wall.

Note: Flashbacks are in italics

"I need you in my life like limelight. Wherever I go I'm taking you." I listened to the raspy voice, captivated by his beautiful talent. His large blue eyes looked at me so gently, and his brown hair stick up in short waves on his head. I sighed.

"I only say it 'cause I really mean it. I ain't afraid of how you got me feeling. Skies so clear when you're the view."

Four more guys walked in at that time. The blue-eyed one put his guitar down to greet them.

"Hey guys. Where have you been?"

"Hey Daniel. We were just coming to see if the new production assistant has come yet." Said a short, young looking one.

"Right here. You guys are Why Don't We, right?"

"We sure are." Spoke the blue-eyed one whose name was Daniel. "And your name is...?"

"Olivia. Olivia Coleman."

"Cute name." It was the one in the back of the group. He was tall, with a cute face and bleached blond hair. "I'm Corbyn. Besson."

"Jonah Marais."

"Hey, I'm Zach Herron."

"Jack Avery over here."

"And I'm Daniel Seavey." He extended his hand for me to shake.

"Cool. So uh, just let me know your ideas, I guess, and I have to hand them over to the production manager. I'm also here to help out with whatever."

"Neat!" Jack's excited voice rang out, preventing an awkward silence from falling between us. "I think we're gonna have a lot of fun."
(Two years later)

I hopped in the car, sipping my iced tea, and drove to work. There, I was greeted by my boss, who always had a smile on his face.

"Welcome back, Olivia! Based on current statistics, your tour was a huge success!"

I had gone on tour for two months just recently, travelling across America to perform my music.

"That's great, sir. I'm really glad, and it was a good experience."

"Well great! Actually, there were some people who liked it so much, they want to go on their summer tour with you!"

Someone wants to go on tour? With me?

"I would love to! Uh, who is it?"

"I think you've worked with then in the past, so you may know them. They recently became more popular in past months with their newest single. Why Don't We?"

My heart stopped.

A/N: Hello! I'm starting new story that I'm really excited about! I'm a limelight, obsessed with Why Don't We, and I want to share that love! Basically, I'm going to try to include the song stated in the beginning of the chapter within the chapter somewhere, but that might not always work out, as seen with this first part. Anyways, the song pretty much sets the mood for the part, and if you listen to them while reading, it enhances the tone a lot. Anyways, I hope you like this!

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