Twenty Two

15 1 0

8 Letters (Why Don't We)
Isn't it amazing
How our hands align when your hand's on mine
It's like I'm whole again, isn't that a sign
I should speak my mind

I woke up to blinding sunlight filtering through the window. Confused, I looked around, realizing I was on the tour bus instead of inside the van. Daniel's head leaned on my shoulder, still peacefully sleeping.

On the other side of the bus, sitting on the other couch, Zach and Jack were fast asleep too, Zach laying with his head against the armrest and Jack on top of him, his curly hair falling into his face.

Jonah walked over. "Hey, Liv," he said quietly, crouching down beyond the couch.

"Hey, Jonah."

The cloak on the wall showed that it was almost noon. Jonah looked at me, concerned. "We need to talk."

"Yeah," I said, sighing. "We really do."

Ten minutes later, we were all squished onto the couches, three on each side. Zach and Jack were looking at Corbyn next to them with obvious disgust.

Jonah looked at Corbyn. "What happened last night?"

Corbyn sighed sadly. "I'm so sorry. I screwed up so bad-"

"What happened?" Jonah asked again, more aggressively. Daniel, still not fully awake, wrapped his arm around my shoulder, pressing his face to my neck.

Corbyn looked around at us. "Okay, look. I was jealous. And I always have been. Maybe I was jealous because I felt guilty."

I scoffed. "Guilty of what?"

He looked into my eyes. "Guilty for being such a terrible boyfriend. For treating you like dirt when I know you didn't deserve it."

"Well that's a first," Zach said quietly. Jonah gave him a glare, and he fell back into silence.

Corbyn took a deep breath, then kept going. "Anyways, so all this guilt kinda just... built up in me over the past two years until it became a mountain. And then, when Daniel and you got together, I couldn't take it anymore. I let all of these jealous and angry feelings just fill up until past night, they all spilled out."

Jonah looked down at his hands. "Did you not trust us enough to talk to us?"

"I did. But I also didn't want to screw up even more. I was scared."

Daniel spoke up. "That gives you no excuse to act like a complete moron to all of us, try and expose us on social media, then hit on Liv."

Corbyn dropped his head. "I know. And I'm not gonna try and make any excuses."

"We can't just forgive you," Jonah said. "You know that, right?" Corbyn nodded.

"I need to go out." I stood up.

"Liv-" Daniel started, but I cut him off.

"Just give me a minute."

I walked out onto the steps. The bus had parked on a street next to a park, so I walked over to one of the benches, sitting down. I pulled out my phone, but instantly put it away when I saw everything on Instagram. It was the videos of Daniel and Corbyn fighting, with captions about how their friendliness was all an act.

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