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Friends (Why Don't We)
All we want
Is a little place where we can all have fun
And I sware I won't break a thing

"Guys, Corbyn is getting a lot worse. He can barely talk." Jonah closed the curtain to Corbyn's bunk, obviously comcerned.

Zach scratched his chin, thinking. "How bad is it?"

"No, guys-" Corbyn began in a raspy, sharp voice. "I'm-" he began to cough. When he had recovered, he continued. "I'm fine, really-"

"No, you're not." Jonah scolded him. "And you're gonna stay in bed. We'll figure this out, don't worry."

Corbyn gave a disgruntled groan and retreated back to his bunk. After a few minutes, we heard heavy snoring.

Jonah sighed. "I have no idea what we're gonna do tomorrow."

I looked over at Daniel, who had a thoughtful look on his face. "Well, what if... we replaced Corbyn with Liv?"

Zach, Jack, Jonah and I all looked at him in disbelief.

Daniel's face turned red. "No, seriously. Why not? She knows all the songs by heart. And it would only be for one show."

"About forty five minutes till we reach our destination, kiddos!" Gary called from the front of the bus.

Jonah looked at me. "I mean... would you be willing to?"

I shrugged. "Sure. I mean, if you guys are sure."

"How good of a Corbyn impression can you pull?" Jack asked, looking at me with a smirk."

Daniel looked at him. "Oh, she doesn't have to-"

"MOVE, EBEN!" I yelled, imitating my best Corbyn voice.

We all laughed, then Jonah said, "Oh, that reminds me, we're going a have to ask Eben to come and be our opening act if you're performing with us. I feel bad for doing it on such short notice, but he's in the area anyways."

Daniel waved his hand. "He'll be fine."

"So, you're doing it, then?" Jack asked.

"Yep, guess so."

"How about this one? I can introduce them to all your friends. If..." he looked at me expectantly, waiting.

"If they get along, we can all be friends," I answered in song. "Or I can come alone, just me and you, on our own."

Corbyn laughed. "Wow, you really do know all the lyrics babe."

I smiled. "I love your music. What else do you expect me to do?"

He laughed, then leaned in, kissing my cheek. "I love you."

"I love you too."
"Uh, Liv? You good?"

I snapped out of my trance to see Zach waving at me. "Oh, yeah, I'm fine." Through the wall, we could hear Eben singing one of his new releases. Daniel sat on the floor against the wall, drinking a bottle of water and hugging his giraffe.

I sat down next to him. "You ready?"

He looked at me. "Am I ready to perform with the most beautiful and talented singer I know? Because no."

I blushed. "Aw, thanks."

"He was talking about me, you know," Jack joked, sticking his tongue out at me, making me laugh.

"Guys. We're on." Jonah nodded towards the stage, and we all got in our positions, leaving Corbyn sitting half asleep in his chair.

"Guys...I'm...fine..." he muttered, his eyes half closed.

Jonah laughed. "Have fun, buddy."

And we all stood in our spots as the lights dimmed and the music began to play.

Twenty minutes later, we were halfway into one of my favorite songs. "And I know they look like they get up to no good," I sang Corbyn's part happily. "But they ain't nothin but fun when you get to know."

I looked over at Daniel, who gave me a smile.

"And I can cook, yeah, you won't even have to do a thing. Tell me what you wanna drink and I'll bring a couple things along."

"Cause your friend's daddy got a real big house, real big house, real big house. Heard they  gone away, we can all hang out, all hang out till Monday."

We sang and we danced, and I watched Daniel, truly in his happy place, singing and yelling to the fans while doing his signature dance moves.

And it made me happy. Really happy. Because, even though there may be stress, I always had my friends.

At the end of the show, we all lined up, taking our bows as the fans screamed and cheered. Daniel held up his microphone. "You guys were probably surprised to see Liv with us tonight, right?"

Shouts of "Yeah!" and "Where's Corbyn?" rang out across the crowd.

Daniel laughed. "Well, unfortunately, Corbyn was super sick, and he couldn't perform tonight. We hope he gets better soon, though."

Zach nodded. "But how about that performance from Olivia? I'd say it was almost as good."

The crowd cheered, and I blushed, holding up my mic. "Thanks, Zach."

We all put our microphones down, and I turned around to walk away, but just before I could, Daniel grabbed my hand. "Liv, wait."

I looked at him. "Yeah?"

He sighed. "There's been a lot of rumors going around about us-" he smiled. "How about we settle them once and for all?"

I smiled. "Your move, Dani."

Leaning over, he kissed me. The screams of the crowd were muted as I felt the same electricity spread through me and, closing my eyes, I smiled, kissing him back.

A/N: Yes I know concerts take like weeks/months to be ready for but you know what, we just gonna let it go ;)

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