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Talk (Why Don't We)
We go breaking up like cell phones
When I speak cause you don't
Listen when I talk

"Maybe you should just take your picture and move along." I raised my eyebrows at the girl. Daniel was obviously uncomfortable. Crossing my arms, I glared at her.

"Fine," she scoffed, "you're lucky I never really liked you anyways. Your songs are stupid."

I rolled my eyes, but she didn't notice.

"You okay?" Daniel asked. He seemed a little freaked out. "That was... well... thanks, I guess?"

"I'm sorry."

"No, no, don't be sorry. I mean, that was pretty cool." He smiled, before turning back to the next couple fans coming up the line.

I tried to push the jealousy back down.

He hasn't said anything to me in a while. We've been sitting in the same room with everyone else the past two hours, and he hasn't said anything directly to me. At all.

Whatever. I guess I should just give him space.

"Hey, Liv!" Daniel ran to catch up with me after the meeting. "Are you okay?"

I rubbed my eyes. "I don't know. I'm just tired, I guess."

"But are you and Corbyn okay?"

I sighed. "I just- I feel like I can't talk to him anymore. Like he doesn't listen to me. Or maybe it's because I don't listen to him."

He looked at me worriedly. "Did anything happen between you guys?"

"Not really. I don't know, I guess we're just getting really distant with each other."

"Hey. It's okay." He must have seen the tears threatening to spill out of my eyes, because he wrapped me in a hug, pressing his nose into my shoulder. Classic Daniel. "If you need me to talk to him, just let me know, okay?"

I nodded. "Thanks, Dani."

He kept hugging me for just a second longer. The same second that Corbyn walked in. "Uh, is something happening that I don't know about?"

I looked at him.

"Hey babe, why are you crying?"

I looked at Daniel, and he nodded, signaling he wouldn't intervene. "Oh, I just um... well, my dog died, and Daniel was just making sure I was okay."

"You have a dog? I've never met him."

"Oh, yeah, well, uh, when you came to my house he was actually at a friend's place. For, uh, well, they were dog sitting because me and May were both leaving."

"Well, are you okay?"

"Oh, yeah I'm fine now."

Everything was just perfect. Not.
"Hey, great job tonight everyone!" Jonah exclaimed, giving us all high fives.

"What do you guys think about a celebratory dinner?" Jack piped up.

We all nodded. "Sounds great," Daniel said with a smile. He glanced at me. "Can't wait!"

I smiled back.

"How about pizza?" Corbyn asked.

"Pizza? Really, dude?" Jonah looked at him.

"Hey, why not? We all like pizza, right?" He looked around at all of us.

Daniel smiled. "Pizza sounds great."

a half hour later, we were all sitting, squeezed into a booth at Marty's pizza. Already having been approached by a couple fangirls just minutes after walking in, we were all wearing hats, and Zach had even pulled out a fake mustache.

"Good evening, lads," he joked, wiggling the mustache with his lips. "And what are you doing out on this fine, fine summer night?"

Corbyn laughed. "My guess is as good as yours, buddy."

I sat between Jonah and Daniel, just listening to their easy conversation. It made me realize yet again how much I had missed this. I didn't want to leave again.

"So, um, how did you like the concert?" Daniel looked at me, his eyes full of kindness and interest.

"Oh, I thought it was really good! You guys are amazing!"

"That's great!" His eyes lingered on mine for a few seconds longer, but then we both looked away.

I knew I liked him. But I just... wasn't sure how to say it. Maybe it's because I was scared. Scared of how he would react. Or scared that I would end up in a mess again.

"Olivia, I am so sorry about what happened with Corbyn. I don't know what's happened to him."

"Yeah, well... it's not your fault." I wiped away the tears that were starting to pour down my face. I could tell Daniel was still crying too.

"I just... well... if you need space that's okay. I miss you, though."

I could tell what he said was genuine.

"Thanks, Dani. So, what did Corbyn say?"

"He said he regrets it. He said he let an amazing, perfect, beautiful girl out of his life too soon, and that he doesn't deserve someone like you."

I smiled, beginning to cry even more. "Thank you, Daniel. But what did he really say?"

Daniel sighed sadly. "He said you walked out on him. He didn't know what he did wrong."

"Typical Corbyn, now that I think about it. He was always making excuses." I said this bitterly. I was the one with regret. Regret for always trying to understand. Regret for putting in the effort he never gave back to me.

"Daniel, I have to go now, okay? I- I'm sorry."

He gulped for air, and when he spoke again, his voice was shaking. " Oh- okay. Call me if you ever need anything, okay?"

"I will," I said, then I hung up, promising to myself that I would call him back when I was ready.

I never did.

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