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We the Party (Why Don't We)
Cause all we wanna do is party all night
And every song playing is our

The tour bus was filled with the sound of conversation and laughter. I leaned into Daniel's chest, my eyes closed, while he laughed about something with Jonah. Corbyn lay in his bunk, fast asleep, getting much needed rest. Jack and Zach, meanwhile, were playing with their chow mein noodles from Panda Express, making noodle mustaches, and Zach putting it in his hair to imitate Jack.

"Look, Jack, it's you," he teased, chow mein noodles dangling off his head, causing Jack to snort with laughter.

I smiled. I could get used to this.

Daniel played with my hair gently, tangling it in his fingers. "Tired?" He murmured, whispering so only I could hear.

"It's been a long day."

"No kidding."

I leaned my head up so I could see him smiling down at me.

Jonah cleared his throat. "Hey, um, so, one of my friends, her name is Tate-"

"Oooo," Zach said. "You sure this Tate is a friend?"

Jonah blushed, causing us all to laugh. He shook his head. "That's... beside the point. She invited us to a party tomorrow. I was thinking maybe we could go. I mean, we don't have another show for four days and it's on the way to Buffalo."

Daniel sighed. "I'm... not much of a party person."

"What he means is, of course we'll come!" Zach exclaimed. "Why not? Gives us a chance to have some fun." He smirked at Jack. "Maybe you'll meet a nice girl."

Now it was Jack's turn to get red. "The only girl I ever wanna know is you."

"Hey!" Zach faked being angry. "I thought you were the girl here!"

They continued their playful arguing. Daniel looked down at me. "How about you?"

I stayed in my position, thinking. "I guess Zach is right. And maybe we all need a little stress relief. That is, if I don't end up sitting awkwardly by myself like usual."

"You? No way." Daniel smiled at me, his hands still curled up in my hair. "And anyways, you'll have me."

I smiled, then looking at Jonah, I said, "Yeah. Let's do it."

He smiled brightly. "Great! I just gotta tell Corbyn. I think he's feeling a bit better, he just needs rest."

"Mhm," Daniel responded, laying his head back on the couch, his eyes closing. He yawned. "God, I'm so tired."

"Then go to sleep, dummy!" Jack yelled, still in the midst of a debate with Zach.

Daniel sighed. "Yeah, I guess I should."

I leaned up so he could move off the couch. "You going to bed soon?" He asked, looking at me and taking my hand.

"Yeah, probably in a bit. I might watch something."

He nodded, dropping my hand, and walked to the bathroom to get ready for bed.

"Oh, how cute!" Zach teased me, a new chow mein mustache completing his look.

Jonah sighed. "Dude. Eat your food. I have ice cream."

"Ice cream!" Jack said excitedly, and he began to furiously stuff noodles into his mouth, Zach laughing hysterically next to him.

Jonah sighed. "What am I gonna do with these boys?"

I sighed, laying my head on the couch. "I don't know, Granny. Maybe you need to read a book on parenting."

Jonah looked at me, annoyed, and I smiled mischieviously. "What? They love you."

He shook his head, sighing in frustration.

I closed my eyes and, within a few minutes, sleep took over.

"Run it
Can you see us, we the party?
Run it
Drive fast like we Ferrari,"

I sighed, putting my head down on the table, listening to the girls on stage singing karaoke. Definitely not as good as any of the guys sounded. I don't know why Corbyn dragged me to this party in the first place. Now he was in an unknown location, probably hanging put with his multitude of friends.

Or girls.

I prayed it wasn't other girls.

The music blasted, and partygoers crowded the floor, drinking stuff I assumed probably wasn't fruit punch. I looked around. Not a single person in sight did I know. I put my head back down.

"Is this seat taken?"

I looked over, seeing a tall figure. When I saw his face, I relaxed, relieved at the sight of those deep blue eyes and straight brown hair.


Daniel sat down next to me, letting out a heavy sigh. I looked at him suspiciously. "Did someone put you up to this?"

He laughed. "Trust issues much?" Then, looking at my face, he became more serious. "No, I'm sorry. I'm just... well, I'm not that much of a party person myself. I tend to get left out."

He fidgeted with his hands, eyes on the table, obviously embarrassed. I smiled at him comfortingly. "You too, huh?"

He looked at me. "Yeah, I guess."

"Well, at least it's nice to have some company."

"Where's your... boyfriend? Shouldn't he be here?"

I sighed, and I think he saw the hurt in my eyes, because he quickly said, "I'm sorry. If you want me to go talk to him-"

I cut him off. "No, no. It's fine. He can do whatever."

He looked at me, not convinced. "Well, I'm not going anywhere. I don't need to get involved in-" he waved his hand at a group of guys showing off, performing dance moves in front of a couple of girls who looke on intriguingly, "-whatever that is."

I laughed. "Alright, then."

He smiled at me. "What do you say we go get some food? I'm starving."

"Sure," I said, and he took my hand, leading me through the endless crowd of unknown faces, determined to make my night better.

Diss Track// Why Don't WeTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang