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Nobody Gotta Know (Why Don't We)
See, I been tryna find the right way to say to you
That I would walk a million miles to find my way to you
And there is no one else that ever could compare to you

The hotel room was quiet, and lonely. I sat out on the small, cramped balconty, overlooking the city. Inside, Daniel was showering, and Jack had fallen asleep snoring on the couch. I looked up at the stars, wondering if things would ever go back to being somewhat normal, but knowing in my heart they wouldn't.

Our next tour was in six days. Plenty of time to think and just relax.

The half-broken slider door opened with a quiet squeak, and I jumped, startled.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you," came Daniel's soft, raspy voice.

"No, it's okay." I smiled at him over my shoulder, reassuring him quietly.

He came and stood next to me, so close our shoulders brushed together. After a few moments of silence, he spoke. "It's beautiful out tonight."


He breathed in and out slowly, deeply. Then, he began to sing quietly, so soft it was almost a whisper, a sound that only I could hear, because it was only meant for me.

"Take the time with me tonight. You should come with me tonight. We can feel the free tonight."

He paused a second to breathe, and I joined in on the last lyric.

"Nobody gotta know," I sang with him softly. He fell silent.

"You have such a beautiful voice," he murmured in my ear. I remember the person who said that same exact thing to me, almost three years ago. But this felt different. This felt genuine.

"So do you," I said back to him, and I could feel my cheeks growing warm with blush, despite the cool night air.

"Olivia... there's something I need to say to you."

I looked up at him. "I have something to say to you too, Dani. But you go first."

He put his hand on my arm. "Olivia Coleman, I like you. A lot. And I have for a while. I have liked you since before you started dating Corbyn."

I blinked, shocked. "But- why did you say you didn't?"

He sighed. "I thought that you deserved better than me, and I didn't want to hurt Corbyn, because he liked you, too. I thought- well- I guess I thought Corbyn had more of a chance with you than someone like me ever did."

"Daniel James Seavey, listen to me." I put my hand on his, resting on the railing of the balcony. "You are an adorable, talented, and amazingly kind guy who should never doubt himself."

He blushed. "Thank you," he mumbled.

I breathed, regaining myself. "And I like you, too."

We looked into each other's eyes, searching them like we didn't know what we would find in them.

"...do you, um, well... do you want to be my girlfriend, Liv?" He blushed as he said it.

I leaned into him. "Yes, Daniel. Yes, I do."

He smiled, and wrapped his arm around my waist, pulling me in tight for a hug. "I'm glad."

And we kept hugging, until we heard the door open again, and we pulled apart suddenly.

"Uh... guys?" Jack stepped out, rubbing his eyes, holding Daniel's giraffe.

Daniel and I looked at each other in amusement. "What's up?" I said, after a few awkward seconds.

"I, uh," he paused to yawn, "I didn't know where you guys were."

"Oh, okay. Um, we should probably go to bed." I glanced at Daniel, and he nodded in agreement.

Jack gave us a weird look.

"What?" We both said at the same time.

"Nothing," he replied, with a cocky smile. "Are you guys gonna sleep in the same bed or does one of you want the couch?"

"I'll take the couch," I said, not wanting to get caught in an uncomfortable situation, and Daniel nodded in understanding.

"Okay," Jack said, yawning again. "Goodnight, then." He walked back inside, and Daniel chased after him.

"Wait, Jack, give me back Geoffrey!"

I shook my head, laughing, then went inside and, after putting on my pajamas and brushing my teeth, I collapsed on the couch, falling asleep almost instantly.

I woke up the next morning to find Jack shaking my shoulder. "Oh my God, Liv, get up already! We have to go get some breakfast."

"Ugh. Fine." I rolled over, blinking away the blurriness in my eyes. The sun was shining through the curtains on the window. I got up slowly, heading to the bathroom to start my morning routine.

"Oh God, no. Can I go first? You always take so long in the bathroom."

I gave him a look, and he raised his hands. "What? It's the truth." He raised his eyebrows at me, sticking out his tongue. "In the meantime... you can go wake up your boyfriend."

"What are you talking about?" I looked at him, confused as to how he could have known.

"Olivia, Olivia, Olivia. I'm not stupid. I know what happened last night," he responded matter-of-factly, before walking into the bathroom to get changed.

Sighing, I walked into the bedroom, seeing Daniel splayed out on his bed, sleeping soundly. I sat next to him.

"Dani," I said softly, rubbing his shoulder. "Wake up."

"Unnn... no." He rolled over, resting his head on my leg.

I laughed. "You have to, silly."

He kept his eyes closed, but I could see a small smile beginning to form on his face. "What if I dont want to?"

I sighed, smiling at him. "Fine, you asked for it." I got off the bed, pulling his blankets off with me, and pushed him towards the edge.

"Ah God, okay, okay, I'm up!" He exclaimed, half falling off the bed. "Oh my god."

"Come on, we have to get ready for breakfast."

"Yeah, yeah, I'm coming."

Ten minutes later, we were out the door, walking with Jack to meet the rest of the boys downstairs. "You guys can hold hands, you know," Jack called teasingly from behind us.

"How does he know?" Daniel questioned.

I shrugged. "Don't ask me." But he took my hand anyways, and I leaned gently on him, my head barely reaching his shoulder, feeling a sense of happiness that I had forgotten for a while.

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