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Words I Didn't Say (Why Don't We)
If I was your sinner, then you were my saint
Guilty of breaking your heart

"Wake up, sleepyhead. It's June 14, and you know what that means." A pillow hit me in the face gently as I heard Zach's voice coaxing me to wake up.

"Ugh." My eyes slowly opened to see him smiling down at me. "Zach, can you not think if any better way to wake a person up?"

"Nope!" He exclaimed.

I sighed, rolling over. Today we were in New York for our next concert. I just hoped this one would be as good as the last.

"Hurry up. We need the bathroom." He gave me one last hit with the pillow before walking out to the living area.

"Yeah, yeah," I muttered, reluctantly pulling myself out of bed to shower.

Twenty minutes later, I walked out to the kitchen, where Zach, Jack, and Corbyn were waiting.

I frowned. "Where are the other two?"

Well, Jonah just went into the bathroom behind you, and I think Daniel is still sleeping."

I smacked my head with my hand. "You didn't wake him up?"

Zach shrugged. "Oh, I did. He must've fallen back asleep."

I shook my head, walking back to the bunks to get Daniel up.

"Dani." I spoke softly into the curtain. "Get up."

I opened the curtain and poked him gently. He had his giraffe in his arms, his shirt wrinkled from his sleep.

Startled, he shot up, nearly hitting his head on the top of the bunk. "God, I'm up, I'm up."

I laughed. "You okay?"

"Yeah, yeah," he said, putting a hand on my shoulder, squinting his eyes from the bright lights. "I'm great."

I laughed softly again before standing up. "You gotta get ready. We have-" I checked my phone- "about 45 minutes before we get there."

He nodded. "Okay, great."

Shaking my head in amusement, I walked back over and sat on the couch next to Zach, who was eating a bowl of Frosted Flakes. He nodded towards the counter. "Want some? They're over there. Also coffee if you want any."

"Thanks." I poured myself a cup of coffee before sitting back down and pulling out my phone.

The first thing I saw on Instagram was a picture of me and Daniel hugging, with the caption "Are Daniel Seavey and Olivia Coleman dating?"

I rolled my eyes. People could never mind their own business. However, at the same time, I wondered how someone got that picture.

"Hey, Zach," I looked over at him. "Did any of you guys take pictures on the bus?"

Zach looked over at me, cereal still dripping from his mouth. "No. I mean yes. Well, Jack and I may have taken some."

"Of what?"

"Well, mostly of us convincing Corbyn to try and fit inside the trash can. Which he did by the way."

"Nothing else?"

"Don't think so."

I looked across to the other couch, where Corbyn was laying down, falling into a doze. It couldn't have been him.

Could it?

I sighed, putting my phone away. I did not want to deal with this right now. Looking back at the bunks, I saw Daniel walking out of the back room, fresh clothes on and his hair combed. He sat next to me on the couch, squishing me in between him and Zach.

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