Twelve- Corbyn

30 1 0

Perfect (Why Don't We)
And no matter what you say
You know, you're far from perfect

"Wait, so, you two are dating now? Like, boyfriend and girlfriend? Like, really dating?" Jonah fired questions at them, the smile on his face growing bigger by the second. "How did it happen? Who did it? Was there hand holding? There better not have been kissing."

Meanwhile, Jack and Zach had gotten themselves into an argument. Zach smiled cockily . "Ha! I called it, loser."

Jack punched his friend in the arm. "No you didn't! You didn't even finish high school!"

Zach looked confused. "Weird flex bro, but okay. I mean, neither did you. And anyways," he stuck his tongue out at him, "I was the one who came up with the ship name."

"Wait, we have a ship name?" Daniel asked in confusion.

"Yeah, it's-"

"Can we all just shut up already?" I groaned loudly, and everyone at the table fell silent. Well, Jack was probably only queit because there was almost a whole pancake shoved in his mouth, but still.

Jonah glared teasingly at me. "Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed."

"Or maybe I just couldn't sleep because Zach kept being an annoying little idiot and moving around."

"Hey!" Zach said, looking genuinely hurt. "It's not my fault you took up the entire bed!"

I rolled my eyes. Daniel looked at me. "Corbyn, are you okay?"

I scoffed. "Hell yeah, I'm perfectly fine."

Jonah opened his mouth, looking protectively at Zach. "Corbyn, there's no need for the language. And what has gotten into you?"

Jack, having swallowed his pancakes, leaned over and whispered into Zach's ear, but it was loud enough for us all to hear. "I think granny JoJo is mad."

Zach smiled, fighting back laughter.

"Maybe you two should just start dating too, then we can have a whole band full of sudden relationships." I passed again, getting increasingly annoyed.

"Alright, there is so much wrong with that one sentence. First of all, I'm not gay, no matter how much you want Jachary to be real-"

"Alright, shut up! We are drawing so much unnecessary attention to ourselves." Liv spoke up.

"Oh look, she speaks. The girl who thinks she can get with whatever guy she wants, whenever she feels like it."

Olivia's mouth hung open in shocked. Daniel furrowed his brows together in anger and frustration. "Corbyn-"

"Leave me alone." And with that, I stood up and left the table, feeling their eyes on me, as well as everyone else who was in the lobby with us.

"Hey, Daniel." I stepped into the room after Liv walked out.
"Hey, Corbs," Daniel said cheerfully.

"Why have you been hanging out with Olivia so much?" I decided to just be straightforward with him. I was done with whatever he was hiding from me.

"Um... because she's my friend?" Daniel said confusedly.

"And you're sure it's not more than that?"

He frowned. "Yeah dude, I'm sure."

"Because it seems like you're getting closer with her than you need to be."

He laughed. "Oh that's what you're talking about. No, no."

I glared at him, and he fell silent. "Corbyn, calm down. Me and Liv are friends. Me and you are friends, but she doesn't get jealous when we hang out, does she?"

"That's different."

"It's really- okay, well maybe it is sorta different. But still. I wouldn't go behind your back like that. And she wouldn't either."

I sighed. "Okay. I'm sorry."

"It's cool," Daniel replied, still looking at me nervously. "As long as I'm sure you're cool."

"Yeah. I'm good. I'm completely fine."

Was I really, though?

"Corbyn, I wanna know what's going on with you." Jonah crossed his arms, standing in front of the door. "And you're not leaving this room until you tell me."

I laughed, but it was cold. "Are you actually grounding me? Jonah, you're not my dad." I tried to push past him, but his larger build kept me from doing that.

He rubbed his brow. "Corbyn. Talk to me. Seriously. You're never like this."

"Never like what? I'm fine, Jo. Really."

He glared at me. "Really? Because you just treated your friends like dirt then walked out on them completely. That doesn't sound like the Corbyn I know."

"Well, maybe you don't know me."

"Maybe I don't."

"Can you leave?"

Jonah sighed sadly. "Whatever. Have it your way. But if you talk to any of them like that again, it's not gonna end well."

"Sure thing."

And with that, he walked out, closing the door behind him.

I sighed to myself, instantly regretting everything I said. "Oh my God, I'm such a horrible person," I mumbled, sitting down on the bed and putting my head in my hands.

A few minutes later, there was another knock on the door. I stood up and opened it, and Olivia pushed into the room. "Liv, I-"

But before I could get any words out, she slapped me. Hard.

"Listen to me, Corbyn. Do I have your attention now? Do you suddenly care? Because you didn't seem to care before this morning, and now suddenly you're a complete dick."

I stood there, shocked, my mouth partly open, cheek still stinging from where she hit me.

"I hate to break it to you, Corbyn, but you make your own decisions. That also means you're the one that's gonna have to face the consequences. I know I'm not perfect. You've told me that multiple times. But guess what? Neither are you."

And with finality, she walked out, slamming the door behind her, leaving me standing there, speechless with shock, jealousy, and bitterness.

I sat back on the bed and asked myself over and over what went so wrong.

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