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Why Don't We Just (Why Don't We)
Why don't we forget about about all of the drama
All of the odds and the problems

"Well my friends, welcome to the wonderful Memphis, Tennessee!"

I looked out the window at the passing city. A few hours had gone by, and Zach was passed out on the couch, Jack also asleep next to him. Corbyn was busy taking pictures of the two of them and laughing hysterically. Jonah and I had been playing chess. He beat me every single time. "Guess I'm just better than you, huh?" He had said with a laugh, after checkmating my king for the fifth time in a row.

When I looked over at Daniel, he was still staring out the window, as he had been doing this whole time, holding his stuffed giraffe. I walked over and sat at the table next to him.

"You good?"

"Yeah, I guess."


"Yeah. I always get like this before a tour. I'm okay." He squeezed his giraffe. It was too cute. I blushed.

"Alright then, little dude. Can I get you some chocolate milk too?"

He shot me a glare, but I could see him trying to keep from smiling.

"Maybe put it in a little sippy cup?"

"Hey. That's an insult to me and Geoffrey," he said grouchily, but his smile only got wider.

"THE ZOMBIE APOCALYOSE HAS STARTED ZACH YOU HAVE TO WAKE UP!" Corbyn screamed, making all of us jump.

"What?!" Zach jumped up and looked around, suddenly wide awake. Jack groaned next to him.

"Oh my god," Jonah said, "you really got him good that time."

"What the hell man?" Zach pouted, then he punched Corbyn's arm.

"Ow!" Corbyn faked being hurt, falling to the ground, before he burst out laughing.

Daniel looked at me. "Welcome back to life with Why Don't We."

"Hey, Liv, catch!" The next thing I knew, a juice box had hit me in the face.

"Zachary Dean Herron! That is NOT how you treat your friends!"

"And in comes Granny Jonah" Jack sighed.

"Are you okay?" Zach asked me, in between chokes of laughter.

In response, I wadded up a page of the notebook I was writing in.

"Ack!" He yelped, as it bounced harmlessly off his head.

I laughed. "Oh Zach, don't be such a baby."

"Livvy, the only baby here is Dani. He still sleeps with his stuffed animals."

"Hey!" Daniel cried out in indignation. "That was between me and you only!"

Jonah and I watched with amusement. Soon after, Corbyn walked through the door.

"Hey guys!" He walked straight over to me. "Hi Liv."

"Hey Bean," I said back, as he walked over to sit next to me. "Where have you been all morning?"

"I have been stuck in a meeting discussing the next music video."

"Oh yeah, about that, I have the costu-" I was cut off when he pressed a kiss against my cheek.

"Oh, come on guys, here?" Jonah complained.

"Oh, shut up Granny, I think it's cute." Daniek countered him with a cocky smile.

Corbyn nuzzled my neck. "Dinner tonight?" He asked quietly.

I kissed the top of his head. "Sure."

"Why don't we just love," he murmured in my ear.

"Why don't we just love," I sang back to him, a little louder.

"Why don't we forget about all of the drama," Jack jumped in.

"All of the odds and the problems," sang Daniel.

"So we can just chill, so wavy we spill," Zach and Jonah jumped in at the same time.

We all took a breath. "Cause we wise enough to know that we don't know nothing at all." All of our voices rang out, filling the room with sound.

Corbyn kissed me again. "You have a beautiful voice, babe. You should do something with it."

I sighed. "Maybe one day."

"Liv, let's go! Are you ready?" Daniel called from the front of the bus, still holding Geoffrey.

"Yep! Coming!" I grabbed my bag and stepped off the bus, straight into a screaming mob of fans.

All though I was used to this, it was different being with other people. Daniel smiled at me as girls screamed "Marry me Daniel!", "I love you Jonah!", and "You're so hot!" from all over the place.

"Oh my God it's Olivia Coleman! Guys there she is!" One younger looking girl screamed around the security guards lining the railings keeping the fans from mobbing us.

I waved at her, blowing her a kiss, and she screamed in happiness.

"Olivia! We gotta go!" Daniel shouted over the chaos, grabbing my hand.

He pulled me into the building, and suddenly I could hear myself think again. "Thanks," I said breathlessly.

After a few seconds I realized he was still holding my hand.

"Oh God, sorry." He said, dropping it. He was blushing again.

"No, no, don't worry," Now I was blushing too.

He smiled at me.

I got a weird feeling in my chest. It was like... butterflies.

I looked to the side to see Corbyn staring at us. Was that.. jealousy I saw in his eyes, in the way he stood so protectively? I sighed.

Why can't we just love?

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