Nine- Daniel

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Hooked (Why Don't We)
You know I wouldn't walk away, even if I could
It took, one night, one try, ay
I'm hooked

Surprise!! Now you get to see what Dani thinks about all this ;)

"Daniel, I- I like you."

But she couldn't. It just wasn't meant to be. I knew that, no matter how hard I tried to deny it. So I denied her.

It wasn't fair to Corbyn.

When I saw the tears pooling in her eyes, I knew I'd screwed up. Bad.

Because I really liked her.

But Corbyn liked her too. And I told myself to back off. I don't have a chance. I don't deserve such a perfect girl.

But Corbyn does.

When she walked through that door, after two whole years, I couldn't hold it back. I thought I would have been over her, but all those feelings came rushing back. I hugged her. I told her I missed her. I told her I loved her. Because I did.

But the question was how.

Then she kept coming back to me. I told myself there's no way she could like me too. It was impossible. I mean, me? Look at me.

Then, the bus ride. She teased me. Could it have been flirting? And when she sat down next to me before the concert...

Could it be?

I shook my head, trying to clear my thoughts. Kind of impossible, though, with the screaming of the fans all around me. Jack finished his part. Now it was my turn. I stepped forward.

"You were there when I was low, you helped me high
And baby when you take control, we can go all night,"

The thousands of fans screamed. I smiled into the microphone.

"Every single place we go, you start a fight
But then,"

I pointed at one if the girls in the front,

"You kiss my neck and take a bite"

Then I made the crowd go wild with one of my signature body rolls. I glanced to the side of the stage, and saw Olivia standing there, concealed by the wall. She gave me a thumbs up, making me smile even wider.

I liked her. A lot.

"You've just gotta feel the music. Its not just your hands playing, it's all of you. Sorry, that was kinda cheesy." I blushed.

She laughed. "No, I thought it was beautiful."

I blushed even more. No, Daniel. She's taken. You need to stop.

"Can you play me something?"

"Sure," my fingers strummed the guitar.

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