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Just to See You Smile (Why Don't We)
I'd walk, I'd run, I'd even learn to fly
Just to see you smile

And just like that, I was on a plane to Los Angeles, California. On my way to see them again. To see him again.

I sighed and looked out the window, the clouds below us. What would Corbyn say when we saw each other? What about Daniel? Zach? Jonah? Jack? My stress grew and grew.

When the plane landed, I took my bag and got off. I looked around the pickup area, hoping to see a chaffuer or something, holding a sign that said my name. Instead, I saw something way different.

It was Corbyn.

"Catch!" He called, tossing me a granola bar. I caught it gratefully, starving after the hours of work we had just done creating the new music video. He looked at me.

"Hey, Olivia, can I talk to you about something? Like... alone?"

"Sure." I let Corbyn lead me into the next room over, where he picked up his guitar. I faltered for a second, remembering the first time Daniel played a song for me on his. But I forced myself to shove those thoughts down. I was over him now. He never wanted me to be any more for him than just a friend, and I learned to accept that and move on.

I looked at him, blushing a little. Dear God, did I like Corbyn? No way. But, when his fingers started strumming over the strings, something inside me softened. I sat next to him as he began singing.

"You have my focus.
I can't control it.
You find a magic
In every moment.
No sleight of hand
In every truth.
And when I'm in love the ordinary just won't do."

He looked at me, and I could already see it in his eyes.

"You look so beautiful.
You walked out of a dream.
I've never felt this way before,
Your eyes are all I need
To make forever feel like
Just a little while.
I swear I'd walk, I'd run, I'd even learn to fly"

He took my hand in his.

"Just to see you smile."

I look at him. "Corbs, are you- are you asking me out?"

He smiled shyly. "Maybe."

I kissed him on the cheek. He was so sweet. I could never forget the love in his eyes as I said, "Of course."

"He- hey, Olivia." He said sheepishly, rubbing his hand on the back of his neck. "Um- how's it going?"

I looked at him coolly, almost faltering for a split second when I saw his deep, blue-green eyes staring at me in question. "I'm great. You here to pick me up?"

"Uh, yeah, we're all staying at the house for a couple nights before the trailers come to pick us up." As if by a sudden jolt of electricity, he moved into action, reaching down to pick up my bags, almost tripping over his own heels. "Here, let me get these for-"

"It's okay. I got it." I picked up the suitcase and he looked back up at me. I almost laughed at the sight of him blushing furiously, embarrassed. Almost.

"O- okay. Let's go, then." He opened the door to the small, silver Toyota, and I climbed in.

He tried to make conversation on our way to the house, which I expertly avoided. When you become famous, you start to learn how to avoid talking to people. Especially when there are hundreds talking to you at once.

"So, uh, how have you been the past couple years?" His voice was nervous, and I could tell he was too.

"Fine, I guess. Needed a change of scenery."

"Ye- oh. Yeah." He realized what that meant a second too late, and he went quiet.

Twenty minutes later, we were pulling into the driveway of a large, beige-colored house.

Stepping out of the car, I looked around. Corbyn, having finally convinced me to let him get my bags, walked up to the door. Right before he could open it, however, another person walked out. It was Jonah.

"Hey Olivia!" He exclaimed, the biggest smile spreading across his face, "long time no see!" He ran up the driveway and wrapped me in a hug.

"Hey, Jo. I've missed you." I replied, wrapping my arms around him. Corbyn stood awkwardly by the door, unsure of what to do next.

"Oh, the other guys are inside. Come in, make yourself at home." He held the door for me and Corbyn. The moment I set foot inside, I was bombarded by the other three, all equally excited at my appearance.

"Oh my god, Olivia!" Zach ran over and wrapped his arms around me. I smiled into his mushroom-shaped hair.

"Hey, Zach!" Looking over at the other two smiling giddily, I said , "Oh my God, I've missed you guys so much.

Daniel hugged me when Zach finally let go. "We've missed you too, Liv."

"Woah, hold up- Daniel? You're BLONDE?!"

They all laughed, and Daniel smiled at me, running his hands through his hair. "Yep. It's a new thing I decided to try out."

"Don't worry, we were as surprised as you when it happened." Jonah called from the kitchen.

"Oh my God, I mean- it looks good but like- wow. Look at you. My giraffe is all grown up."

He laughed, and Jack stepped forward. "We could say the same for you."

I hugged him tightly. "It's good to have you back." He said softly. I sighed, realizing how much I missed this feeling. "It's good to be back."

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