• Love songs •

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»I'm not writing love songs for you anymore.
I'm not singing what you want to hear anymore.
I'm so done with you.
I'm not writing love songs for you anymore.
I'm so done with you.«

Even and Isak were laying on their living room carpet on a warm Sunday afternoon.
Isak's head rested on Even's chest.
"Isak?", Even asked.
"Yes, honey?", Isak waited for the question.
"I've written down some lyrics, that would probably sound good if someone would sing them out loud. Would you mind if I'd sing them to you?", Even asked, a bit nervous.
"Of course not! I don't mind at all! I'd love to hear you sing, darling", Isak said while he lovingly stroked Even's cheek.
Carefully, Even got up and went to their bedroom. After a few minutes, he came back with two sheets of paper.
Even sat back down, Isak laid on the fuzzy carpet in front of him.

"You know how much I like German, right? And since I had to talk about my favorite German rap song in German class last week, I thought I could write a few lines on my own and I dedicated them to you", Even explained, slightly nervous.
Isak nodded.
Even cleared his throat, before he began to read.
,,Oh Isak, du bist meine Medizin. Wenn es mir schlecht geht, dann bist du immer für mich da.
Ich möchte dir herzlichst dafür danken, dass du an meiner Seite bist.
Isak Valtersen, Ich liebe dich", Even read in perfect German.
Isak tilted his head a little bit. "Could you translate it now? I don't speak German that well yet, since I always used to skip that class in order to go to eat kebab with Jonas and the rest of the squad instead", Isak asked, smiling at the memory. The sophomore year of high school was long gone and now he couldn't afford to skip classes anymore.

After Isak translated his text for Isak, he continued to read the next sheet of paper: „Wunderschöne lockige Haare, grüne Augen und eine Stupsnase - das ist Isak Valtersen. Aber er ist auch noch viel mehr.
Isak ist sportlich, witzig, süß, talentiert und der beste Freund, den ich mir vorstellen könnte.
Ich werde alles dafür tun, um ihn zu beschützen. Er wird immer sicher in meinen Armen einschlafen können."
Even immediately translated it, so Isak could understand the content of the text.
,,Aww, you're truly the best boyfriend the world has ever seen!", Isak said and pulled Even in a tight hug.
Isak pulled Even closer, so that the taller one laid on the comfy carpet as well.
The smaller one giggled.

"Even.", Isak asked.
"Huh?", Even responded.
"Do you want to sing something with me together?", Isak asked while caressing Even's cheek.
"Yes! Yes, I'd love to!", Even said, excitedly.

And the two men started singing "5 fine frøkner" by Gabrielle together.
(Wortcount: 484 words)

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