• Trip to Belgium •

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»Smokey eyes, but only when she's high. Vodka Cranberry Juice with a lot of ice. The first eye contact should be avoided. You could become her slave after the second one.
Her smile is like a shotgun, her grip on something a boxing match. She messes up your hotel suite and runs away, just like a rockstar.
There is no one who comes too close to her. She burns on the floor like Napalm.
You are paralyzed as on Tilidin. But to her it's like medicine.«

"Even? Are you ready to leave?", Isak shouted.
"Yeah", Even said, walking towards Isak.
"I just need to put my shoes on and then I'm done", Even mumbled while sitting down on the wooden stairs.
He put his grey Converse sneakers and his grey hoodie on.
The two left their house, put their suitcases in the trunk of the car and entered the car.
They arrived at the train station after about 10 minutes.

Since they were driving to Eupen, they had a 19 hour and 46 minutes long train ride ahead of them.
If they would've lived in Germany, it would've taken about an hour to get there.
But they really wanted to see that furniture store called "Villa Romana", so they took the long way to themselves.
While Isak read a book, Even caught up on the sleep that he had missed last night.
Even hasn't been doing very good lately which Isak had noticed, that's why he decided to take his boyfriend on a two day long trip. They'd be back home on Sunday.

The both fell asleep, since a 19 hour long train ride is really tiring.
When Isak woke up, it was Friday. A quick look at his phone told him they had about an hour left to drive.
At 8 am they'd get off the train.
The time passed and the train stopped at their station, finally.
"Even? Even sweetie, wake up. We're finally here, the train ride is over", Isak said while gently shaking his boyfriend's shoulder.
Even's eyelids opened. Luckily he had taken a cushion for his neck with him, otherwise he'd experience the neck pain of his life right now.
The both got off the train and walked to their hotel, which wasn't that terribly far away from the train station.

Isak suggested that they should buy something to eat somewhere, because he was very hungry.
He hadn't eaten that much on the train, because he didn't want to get sick and eventually throw up.
"Look! There's a nice Café which probably has some sandwiches", Even said and the two men walked into that Café and bought two sandwiches there.
They didn't want to sit down inside the Café, since they had been sitting on their butts for 19 hours.
So they decided to stroll around Eupen while eating their sandwiches.
At 1 pm, the two made their way to the furniture store "Villa Romana".
The store only had one floor, so it wasn't that high of a building.
While walking around, Isak saw a beautiful couch.
"Look Even, that couch looks really comfy", Isak said, pointing to the huge, white couch.
Even nodded, a wooden table had caught his attention. Isak followed his boyfriend's gaze.
"That's a good looking table", Isak said and Even nodded again.

The two kept walking around the store until there was nothing more to see.
In the end, they ended up buying the wooden table that had caught Even's attention and a small table for their living room.
"We can finally put the remotes on there instead of always having to put them back on the TV's lowboard", Isak said happily.
It would take a while until everything would arrive at their house in Norway, but that was fine.
Isak needed some time to convince Noora into taking their old dining table anyway, so it was totally fine.
Happy with their decisions but also very exhausted, the two boyfriends returned to their hotel.

The second day in Belgium started off with a warm shower.
Isak had showered with Even together before, but now he wanted to do it again.
Even had already ordered some breakfast, so the two ate their breakfast and chatted about different things.
Since they both slept in, it was already 11 am.
"How about we take a walk around Eupen for today?", Isak suggested, since they had nothing else to do anyway.
"Sounds good. I'll take my camera with me", Even said while finishing his Pancakes.

Isak enjoyed being outside. The birds were chirping, the leaves were shaking and the wind was warm.
Plus the sun was out and the vitamin D3 really lifted up his and Even's mood.
The two walked through a park right next to a very beautiful church.
While Even took a photo of the church, Isak looked around the park. Suddenly he spotted a tree with many plushies on it.
"Hey sweetie, don't you want to take a photo of this beautiful tree?", Isak said while pointing up to the tree.
Even turned around and he saw the tree as well. "Yeah, that's a really special tree! Let me take a photo of it", Even said as he got on one knee to get the perfect ankle.
At 4 pm Even got tired, so the two walked back to their hotel.
Isak connected Even's camera to his iMac, now the two could look at the photos that Even took.
There were a few photos of them together.

Isak was a little camera-shy, that's why he usually was never on a photo that Even took.
But the day had been so lovely and nice, plus Isak didn't want to turn down a photo with his beloved boyfriend outside in the beautiful spring weather.
The photos of them in front of the tree with the plushies turned out really nice.
"You're such a good Photographer, baby. I'm so proud of you", Isak said while kissing Even's cheek.
"Thanks, I'm proud of you, too", Even said, shutting down the iMac.
The both fell asleep very soon, since the had to get up at 2 am.

Sunday, 2 am.
Isak got up, still very tired. He almost felt like he was wasted, but he didn't get enough sleep.
Even was already up, surprisingly.
Without wasting any more time, the two went to the train station.
"On to a 19 hour long train ride we go", Even said, rolling his eyes.
Isak sighed. "Did you get any sleep last night?", Isak asked while brushing one of Even's curls behind his ear.
Even nuzzled his head into Isak's shoulder.
"Not really. I was thinking too much", Even mumbled, letting out a long sigh.
"Well, I guess you'll get enough time to catch up on some sleep now", Isak said and that comment made Even giggle.

Sadly, train rides this long don't fly by too fast.
When Isak and Even came back home at 9 pm.
While brushing their teeth in the bathroom, Even said: "Thank you Isak for taking me outside for two days. It felt really good to spend some quality time with you somewhere else than here in our house."
"No problem, baby. It was fun being out and about with you", Isak said before he spat out the toothpaste that was in his mouth.

While the two were laying in their bed, Isak couldn't stop kissing Even's cheek.
The taller Norwegian giggled while he tried to kiss the smaller Norwegian back.
"Even, I like seeing you laugh", Isak said.
"And I like kissing you", Even said before he gave Isak a kiss on his forehead.
After the two had a little tickling session, Even kissed Isak on the lips and said: "I love you so much."
"I love you too, my love. God natt, kjæreste", Isak said. ["Good night, sweetheart."]
Pretty exhausted, the two lovers fell asleep.

And that's how a very successful weekend ended.
(Wortcount: 1325)

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