53- You Can Have Them

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Times like these is when I wish that I was invisible or that the world would swallow me  I make it my point to live under the raider, I want to be drama free have the ability to be not forgettable  I know this is the opposite of what most people want, but not me. 

I never wanted to be put in the situation where a whole class knew me, let a lot have more than half the school talking about me. This is my nightmares come to life. 

"Earth to Jacky. Are you going to pay attention or not? Because if not let me be captain." A guy I think his name is Ned.

"It's Jasmine, Ned is it. I just lost my train of thought. I got this, I will let you know though that basketball is not my thing but I will try my best." He just rolled his eye. 

"Justin will kill me if I don't play nice but that doesn't mean I will mingle with nerds." Now it was my turn to roll my eyes. 

"I wouldn't expect anything less from a guy like you. I wouldn't want to mingle with you anyways. So let's just pretend that the whole Justin thing didn't happen and we can go back to the high school hierarchy." I shoved the basketball hard against his chest knocking the air out of him. 

I turned around to face my so called team. I needed to come up a game plan before we start. 

"Dang, I see what he means now."I heard him whisper to him self. I smirked hearing that he was slightly out of breath. I know I didn't hurt him hard, I just caught him off guard. 

"Okay guys. Now that we are familiar with our teams, let's get this game started. And remember 7 players on the court not 5." Mrs. Bonet call out. 

I quickly picked my other 6 players to go up and told them their positions. I tried my best but I knew I lacked the knowledge of basketball. 

"Ned you take the lead on the court, and if you need me to do subs you let me know." I wasn't going to give him full power of team captain. If it was any other day or person I would've but because he was being an A-hole I had to prove him wrong.  

"Just let me be captain." He rolled his eyes again. 

"No Mrs. Bonnet assigned me the role and I won't back down. So if you're so concern about winning this stupid game you can switch teams." I glared at him. 

"He guys relax this is just a friendly game. Ned we got this we will win trust me, Justin made horrible choose for his team. Just look around we are taller on average." Hope appeared next to us. She can normally defuse arguments when it involves being competitive. 

"Fine lets go." He finally walked on to the court. 


"I wouldn't in a million years taught I would've said this but, you're not half bad nerd.  But you're a terrible basketball player." Ned stood next to me as I helped put the balls in side the ball bag. 

We had won the two games and like custom, the winner needs to clean up.

"Not the first time I've heard that, but thanks I guess. Don't act like I didn't tell you, I warned you I sucked. But we won so I guess that's what matters. I didn't effect your machismo status so you can relax big guy." I put the last ball in the bag and turned to him. 

"I see why Justin warned us about you." he laughed "But this doesn't mean we can be buddy buddy. But from the looks of it you will be moving up the ranks soon. You can count on me, I won't spill the beans. And like I said, I don't want to mess with Justin. I'll see you around Jacky." With the smirk he had I can tell he was joking. 

"Funny" I rolled my eyes at him but I had a smirk of my own. 

We went our separate ways. The girls had already gone to the locker room since I insisted in helping. 

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