1- Let the Game begin

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It was just another normal California school day. If you live in California you know that the heat can sometimes be extremely brutal sometimes. Today is one of those days when the sun seems to be shining at maximize power. Luckily I just need to suffer through just one more period, but sadly my sixth and final period of the day is P.E.(gym class).

My school district has a policy that if the temperature is more than 100 degrees, we must stay indoors for PE. For once I'm not complaining about school policies, who in their right mind wants to be out in the heat when you can be in cool gym.

I walk in to the girls looker room and read today's activity board, lucky for me it said we are playing indoor soccer. I'm a huge soccer fan, I may not be the best player but I still love it. I walk through the locker room and noticed that its already pretty empty. That walk from my previous class is a long one which makes me have less time to change.

I find my locker and as quickly as possible I change into gray shorts and maroon T-shirt. I put on my bright yellow Nike indoor soccer shoes. My friends always make fun of the bright yellow color, yes they are weird color choice but I love them. I only wear them when we have PE indoors, because I don't want to get them dirty from the gross orange track dirt. What can I say, as a soccer fan these Nikes are my babies.

I walk out the locker room and walk through the halls towards the gym. Before i walk through the gym doors I put my hair up in a messy ponytail, I'm already running late I don't have the time to make it perfect.

Like always, the gym is already packed with people, but the good thing is that the gym teacher is not there yet. I look around for my three friends that also have this class with me. We always have gym class together. Since freshman year we always had 6th period PE together. To graduate we only need two years of physical education, but we choose to take the extra two years to stay in shape and to just be together for at least one period.

"Jasmine over here!!" My friend Rose yells out. The three of them are sitting at the very top of the bleachers. Birdy is sitting next to Hope, which is sitting next to Rose. I made the long climb to the top, i will never understand the need to sit up this high up. Everyone sees you go up and you always run the risk of tripping and making a foul of yourself. but i have no choice, they get here first so they choose where we sit.

Before I even sit down the jokes begin. "Hi twinkle toes. You are cutting it short, you are lucky that miss Bonnet is always late." Hope always has something to say about my neon yellow shoes. she also always tells me I'm 'late'. Before I have a chance to respond the gym doors open and miss Bonnet walks in.

"Ok listen up!!" miss Bonet calls out "I know you all think we are playing indoor soccer, but sadly we are not." The whole gym erupted in complains "Quite!!! The soccer goals where broken last period. So we are playing dodge ball instead." some people cheered but most complained. I for one complained I hate dodge ball, like really really hate.

If there is one sport I suck at, it would be dodge ball. I don't understood why. I'm pretty good at every sport but dodge ball. This is not going to end well.

"I see Jasmine is going to play here favorite sport" Hope teased. Hope is the goalie and captain of the girls soccer team, so dodge ball is walk in the park for her. She is supper sporty and is good at EVERY sport.

"Hope, leave Jasmine alone." Birdy protested. Birdy is the sweetest kindest person you will ever meet. She is always defending and helping anyone and everyone.

"Birdy this is why you're my best friend" I teased. I love the three of them equally. I will never be able to choose a favorite.

"Hey!!! I thought I was your best friend" yelled Rose. Rose might be the loudest person I know. She is supper approachable and friendly and outgoing.

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