The apartment that gets a man laid

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I feel reality pull at me, but I am so damn comfortable that I do not want to wake up. Instead I snuggle further down under the blanket, hearing a soft content sound and feeling something tighten around me. My eyes snap open and I am staring directly into a t-shirt clad chest.

"Zac, release me". I try getting my arms free, so I can wake him. I am literally laying on top of him, my leg between his, my arms caught between us, my head on his broad chest. His arms are wound around me. I am very comfortable, but kind of stuck.

As I wiggle to get loose, which is pretty much impossible, Zac makes an annoyed sound, squeezing me even tighter to him. "Shh stay still teddy bear".

"I am not Your damn teddy bear..wake up Zac, you are smothering me". I use my foot to kick his leg.

His breathing changes and slowly his arms opens. I lift my head looking up at him, our eyes locking as he is looking at me. "Uhh morning darling".

"Morning Zac". I roll down beside him on the small bed. "Damn you take up a lot of bed space".

"Uh sorry". He sits up, rubbing his eyes. "Not exactly a big bed. But honestly I slept like a baby".

I stretch. "I actually slept very well too, you make for a very nice bed". I say with a grin. Honestly I had slept better than I have in a long time.

"Well my life goal has been achieved, being a nice bed". He chuckles, getting up and stretching his body. The t-shirt sliding up, revealing his abs and I can't stop myself from staring just a bit.

Damn that stomach is sexy as hell, he has definitely tightened it up, the muscles clear to see right under the skin even with the cover of dark hair. I like a man to be masculine and the right amount of hair is definitely a plus.

"Dahlia darling". Zac is clearing his throat and I look at him in confusion. Shit he had been talking to me. "I asked if you wanted to use the bathroom first ?"

"Sure, thanks". I get up and hurry out to change and brush my teeth, splashing some cold water in my face.

When I get back from the bathroom the bed is turned back into chairs and Dahlia smiles at me. She is wearing a cute white summer dress that look like some lace fabric. It looks amazing on her, but I honestly think everything does.

"Breakfast has been served". She say as I sit down.

"It looks good". I say, looking at the food. But honestly I have a hard time eating, my mind keeps slipping to her body on top of mine.

Dahlia has her hair in a loose ponytail while eating, probably not to get food in it. But when she is done she pulls out her hair band, shaking her brown hair loose, so it falls in shiny waves down her back. Yeah Zac stop staring, she is Your friend.

Before we know it, we start descending and there is a bit of turbulence. Dahlia grabs my hand, squeezing it. And I let my thumb slowly caress her knuckles.

"Sorry, I never really get used to turbulence". She say softly, pulling her hand away from mine when we are safely on the ground.

I send her a warm smile. "It's totally okay darling, I didn't mind".

"So Rome, I can't wait to go see everything and soak up the atmosphere". She say looking out the window.

"Me neither". I say smiling. But I suddenly has this nagging feeling that I could actually end up burned here. Not because she wants to, but because I am already unsure if I can keep my feelings untangled here.

We are walking through the airport, Zac letting me go first through doors, opening the ones that aren't automatic. Taking my suitcase from the conveyor belt, insisting on taking it to the car for me. Yup he really is a gentleman.

There is a chauffeur waiting for us, he takes over the luggage and Zac hurries to open the door to the black SUV with the dark windows. "Thank you Zac".

"Nothing to thank me for, just the way I was raised to treat a lady". He say climbing in beside me.

Soon I am totally absorbed in watching the landscape as we drive by it. A part of me wishing Zac would stop being such a gentleman and so god damn sweet. I mean how can I not be charmer by that ?

We stop outside a fancy apartment building, the chauffeur unload the bags and Zac thanks him. Then he unlocks the front door. "After you my lady".

I walk inside, holding the door for him to get the suitcases inside. He push the button to the elevator. "So which floor ?"

"The top one". He say with a small smile and I push the button.

When it dings he turns to the left door, unlocking it and pushing it open, stepping aside to let my step inside first.

I gasp out loud as I step inside. "Oh damn Zac. I might have said it before, but that woman was crazy as hell not wanting to come here. This is like heaven".

Walking through the living room I look at all the beautiful details, in one corner is a jacuzzi with a view over the city. "It's pretty awesome right ?"

"Awesome ? That is not the word". I say running a hand along the edge of the tub. "This is the kind of thing that gets a man laid".

Zac literally trips over the suitcase, landing on his hands and knees and I hurry over, squatting down beside him. "Are you okay ? You know I meant if he brought a girlfriend here right ?" I feel my cheeks go red, afraid he thought that I had suggested that we should.. God this is embarrassing.

"Yeah sure, the view distracted me for a moment". He says. His cheeks are if possible even more flushed than mine, as he scrambles to his feet. "Here come see Your bedroom".

He walks to a door opening it, and I step inside. "The view is breathtaking Zac. Are you sure you don't want the bedroom ? I can take the pull out couch".

"We are not discussing it, you are taking the bed". He walks over to the window. "But you should come see the view".

I walk over beside him, gasping again, clamping a hand over my mouth. "Shit is that the Trevi fountain ? Oh God Zac that is.. I don't even have words.. wow".

From Rome with love   (Book 1) A Zac Levi/Tom Hiddleston storyWhere stories live. Discover now