Designer clothes and inviting lips

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"Look at those". I point at a pair of designer shoes in a window. "Does anyone really wear anything like that ?"

Zac looks at them, making a thoughtful face. "Well, someone probably do, and well what is not to love ? They are both expensive and ugly as hell".

"You are right, you really get it all.. Well except style and comfort, but who need those ?" I say grinning, the shoes might be expensive, but they are just so ugly.

He slides his arm around my waist, pulling me into his side. Then he leans in, kissing my temple, making me slightly tremble. "You don't.. You already have those naturally".

"Well style maybe, even though I doubt it very much, but comfort, nope.. I honestly hate heels". I say grinning softly.

"You don't really need heels, you are tall enough without". He say, keeping his arm around my shoulder as we walk on.

I giggle and shake my head. "Heels isn't so much about height. They makes Your legs look long, give a great posture and well make Your behind look better".

He leans back, his eyes sliding down over my backside and legs. "Nope, you don't need it for that either".

"Zac !" I slap him on the chest, but he just chuckles. "You are such a cheeky ass sometimes".

"Sorry darling, can't help it". He says shrugging. "It kind of just spill out".

I watch him laughing, the way it makes his eyes sparkle and his nose scrunch up is utterly adorable and breathtaking at the same time. My eyes sliding to his lips and all I can think is how badly I want him to kiss me.

"Something wrong Dahlia ?" He is suddenly looking at me.

I know I am blushing badly, but I mean I can't really say the truth, that I was staring at his lips, fantasising about him kissing me. "No, nothing wrong.. just kind of .. Got lost in my own thoughts".

He looks like he wants to say something, but instead he just tightens his arm around my shoulder, pulling me with him, to the next window.

"That would be a great look on you". I say pointing to a all white set of designer clothes in the window. The pants are really tight and the top is all puffy with spike likes things on it.

"Oh God no". Zac makes a disgusted face. "That is not a great look on anyone, not even the mannequin. Could you imagine me in those pants, or leggings or whatever that is ?"

I giggle, nodding slowly. "Oh I definitely can imagine that".

"Why do I get a feeling that Your vision of me in that outrosity is quite different from mine ?" He say raising one eyebrow.

I make a face. "Well those pants are really really tight.. soo..". I giggle and wink at him.

"Well you cheeky little minx". He say with the most sexy grin I ever saw, and my whole body is literally begging him to kiss me. I wonder if he can't see this or if he chooses to ignore it.

I mean I could take the first step, I could kiss him, but I simply don't know how to go about it and I am also unsure how his view on public display of affection is.

"Oh wow, this is a lot better than those designer clothes". I stop in front of the Harry Winston, admiring the beautiful jewelry. "Not that I can afford anything like these things".

Zac looks through the window. "There are some really pretty things and some that are a bit to much.. which one do you like ?"

"You are right, some are to much, to big and flashy.. the simple ones are much more beautiful. I really like that one, that flowery necklace". I say, pointing to a diamond necklace with diamond flowers.

He looks at the necklace, then at me, like he is imagining it around my neck. "It would look amazing on you darling".

"Well you might be right, but I can't afford to put it around my neck.. I mean look at the price € 10.000, that's way over my pay grade". I say, shaking my head. I have never owned anything like that.

"Diamonds don't come cheap and there is a lot of them on that necklace". He say looking at the necklace again, biting his lip in a thoughtful way. "So are you hungry ? Because I am starting to feel my tummy rumble a bit".

Well we had a late breakfast, but it is close to six hours ago now, so I am kind of starting to feel hungry. "Maybe early dinner is the way to go today, I mean it is almost 5 pm so to late for lunch".

"Fine with me, there is a cosy place just up the steps". He say, taking my hand and leading me to the steps and up them.

We get a table looking over the steps and a smiling waiter brings us the menu. It all looks so good it is hard to choose. "Can I just order it all ?"

"If that is what you want, then no problem". He say smiling at me.

I shake my head. "Zac you need to stop giving into my every idea, you are spoiling me rotten you know".

"What about the tasting menu then, it has a lot of different food on it, small portions but you get to taste a lot of different things ?" He say pointing at a special menu on the table.

I look at the tasting menu, it has 4 servings of little dishes, but you need to be at least two to order it. "Only if you want to order it to, if you want something else it is totally okay ?"

"It is totally fine by me". He pulls out his phone. "Could you order please, there is an important call I need to make".

"Sure no problem". I watch him as he gets up, it is not really like Zac to do something like this, so I guess it must be a really important call. "Hey what do you want to drink ?"

He stops for a moment, looking thoughtful. "Just a small draft beer and water, thanks. I'll be back in a minute".

From Rome with love   (Book 1) A Zac Levi/Tom Hiddleston storyWhere stories live. Discover now