Dancing in the rain

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"Please let me pay today Zac". I say when he as always make a grab for the bill as soon as it is placed on the table. "You have paid everything until now, it has to be my turn".

He looks like he is about to argue, then he looks thoughtful for a moment. "Okay then, I guess it is fair enough if you pay this one time".

"Thank you, nice to see you can be agreeable". I say with a cheeky grin, finding my credit card and handing it to the waiter.

We walk outside, hand in hand, walking down the spanish steps, watching the sky turn pink as the sun starts to set and I sigh. Rome is so breathtaking and romantic, if just this damn guy would get a move on it and kiss me, the world would be perfect.

Down by the fountain at the bottom of the stairs some musicians have just gathered and the start playing some kind of italian folk music. It is happy music, that makes my feet want to move.

"What was the call about ? You were gone for so long". I ask him. He hadn't returned before the first round of food had arrived.

"Nothing special". He say, then he bows slightly towards me. "Can I have this dance my lady ?"

"Here in the middle of the street ?" I ask.

He takes my hand, pulling me into him. "Of course, never be afraid to dance, no matter when or where".

"You are something else". I say, letting him pull me along. I mean how could I say no to him ? And of course he is a great dancer, leading me with no problems.

Soon I am lost in the music and lost in his arms, it is like being in a dream, a very good dream. I am floating along, under the pink sky to the happy music.

I feel the rain start falling gently, but I don't care and Zac don't seem to care either as he just keep dancing, humming softly along to the music.

But soon the rain gets much worse, and people starts seeking shelter. The band is still playing though. "Zac, I am getting all wet here".

"Oh you are ? Well I don't mind". Zac say grinning and I roll my eyes, slapping his shoulder.

In the end the musicians give up, grabbing their instruments and running for their van. Zac grabs my hand and we run through the rain, looking for cover.

I can't help laughing and I look up at Zac, seeing he is laughing too, his eyes shining and I don't think he has ever been more handsome than there, dripping wet in the rain, laughing happily.

"Here get in". Zac lets my get into the doorway first, making sure that I am standing completely sheltered from the rain.

I look up at him, as we are standing there, close together. It's a doorway to a closed store. On each side of us are mirrors, making it possible for me to see Zac kind of all around me. And I am not complaining.

"Close Your eyes darling, you have something right here". Zac say, making a weak motion, that leaves me a bit confused about where I got something. But as I trust him, I close my eyes.

I feel something cool against my skin and instinctively pull away. "Stand still darling, trust me". I stand still, feeling his hands go around my neck. "Now you can look".

"Oh". I gasp slightly as I open my eyes, seeing myself in the mirror. Around my neck is the beautiful and very expensive necklace I had admired earlier. "Zac you didn't.. it is way to much".

"You deserve it, I saw the way you looked at it and I knew it belonged around Your neck. And I was right, it was made for you". He say softly, ghosting his fingers along the necklace.

I know I am having tears in my eyes, it isn't so much about the price, but the thought behind it and the love I see in his eyes. "Thank you Zac, Thank you so much". I reach up, gently pressing my lips against his.

Pulling slightly away, I look up at him, his eyes closed and his tongue darts out, almost like it is tasting me on his lips. Then his eyes slowly open, burning into mine. His big hand comes up to cradle my neck, pulling my face to his, our lips melting together.

I forget being wet, I forget the rain and that we are standing in a doorway in Rome, I am pretty sure this is heaven or as close to it as you can get. His lips warm and soft, molding to mine.

A soft groan rises from his chest, and my tongue slips out, caressing his lips. As they part for me, I seek his warmth, my tongue finding his, tasting him. His hands are on my lower back, mine is around his neck. The kiss is like chilli flavoured chocolate, sweet, but hot and spicy at the same time.

I whimper when he breaks the kiss, his breathing shallow as he rest his forehead against mine. I breathe in deeply, trying to contain my feeling. "Damn Zac, I have wanted you to do this so badly all day".

"And I have wanted to kiss you all day, I just.. I was looking for the right time and the right way to do it". He say softly, kissing my nose and den finding my lips again, making me moan, pressing myself into him.

When we finally break apart I realise that it isn't raining anymore, and I lace my fingers with Zac's. "I think it is about time we get back to the apartment and out of this wet clothes".

"That sounds like a good idea". He say, sending me a loving smile, as we start walking back towards the apartment.

"What are you doing ?" I walk into the living room after getting ready for bed. Seeing Dahlia pack away the sofa bed. "Where am I going to sleep ?"

"With your arms wrapped around me". She say, coming over to wind her arms around my neck, kissing me softly.

I still have a hard time understanding that this is actually happening. Her soft perfect lips molding to mine. When she pulls away I smile at her. "Well I am not going to complain about that".

She takes my hand, pulling me with her into the bedroom. And my mind is literally running circles around itself. Does she just want to snuggle ? Does she want more ? Do I want to move that fast ? I mean of course I can't wait to have all of her, but at the same time I want to wait, let it come naturally.

"Zac, breathe.. I can see Your mind running a million miles an hour right now. There is no pressure". She say gently placing a hand on my cheek.

"Sorry, I tend to do that". I say grinning. "I am just a bit overwhelmed by this.. us, if you knew how long I have been dreaming about this".

She smile softly at me. "I wish I had known, then I might have been more open about my feeling. But hey luckily we are both still young right ? We have a lot of time".

"Yeah, but right now I want to snuggle". I pull her with me to the bed and we snuggle up under the blanket, kissing and talking, until we fall asleep in each others arms.

From Rome with love   (Book 1) A Zac Levi/Tom Hiddleston storyWhere stories live. Discover now