Meet the mellowphants

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"You don't have to pay Tom, I can pay for my own ticket". I say as he pays for our tickets at the ticket boot outside the zoo.

He just shakes his head. "No I invited you and I wouldn't be a gentleman if I didn't pay".

"Again, you are the perfect gentleman". I say with a smile.

"You kind of say that like it is a bad thing". He looks curiously at me. "Don't tell me you are one of those radical feminists that take offence to men opening a door or paying the bill ? I mean I am all for women's rights but I was raised to threat women with respect".

I shake my head, I actually have a friend like that and I wonder how Tom would handle himself on a date with her, suppressing a giggle. "No I'm not. I am for womens rights of course, but I also acknowledge the fact that men and women are different in some ways".

"Seems like we agree on that point. I love a strong Independent woman, but I also love getting to treat her like a princess". He say with one of those smiles that makes butterflies erupt.

"Enough women's rights talks, come on, let's go see the animals". I take his hand, pulling him along with me to the entrance.

We get inside, and turn down the road to the left, it feels nice walking hand in hand with Tom here in the warm sunshine, between all the greenery. There isn't to many people around, probably due to it being a work day.

"Oh look, they are so big". I pull him along to the first animal enclosure. I look at the sign. "European bison, oh I didn't know they even existed".

"Honestly, neither did I. I like animals, but biology was never a strong subject for me". He say looking at the big animal.

I giggle lightly. "Well for Your sake and the sake of your former and future girlfriends I hope you have some parts of biologi nailed down".

"Did you". His eyes grow wide and I can't help but laugh. "Oh you cheeky girl, watch out, that could come back to bite you arse".

"Well hearing you utter the word arse in that delightful accent made it all worthwhile". I say cheekily and he looks like he is about to say something, then he just laughs and pull me along.

The next area we reach is the children farm, with small cute donkeys, rabbits and Guinea Pigs. "Oh look at his ears". I point to one of the donkeys, it is so adorable.

"Yeah he is kind of cute in a goofy looking way". Tom say, tilting his head slightly to the side. The donkey mirrors his head movement. Tom cocks his head to the other side and the donkey follows. "I think he is making fun of me". And as to answer the donkey starts braying, sounding like he is laughing.

"You and him would make a cute couple". Tom says pointing to the donkey. "Both cheeky and loud, you even have kind of the same voice".

I pull my hand from his, slapping him hard in the diaphragm, making him gasp out loud. "Oh you didn't. I am angry with you now you know".

"Are you.. like really angry". Something in his voice has changed and well he kind of sound like Loki.

I walk ahead, stopping at the next enclosure, it has several kinds of mountain goats. "Well I would like to have one of those hit you where it hurts the most. Do you think I am angry ?"

Suddenly I kind of feel him to close, a hand on each side of me on the railing and I snap around, looking up into his face. "If you forgive me I'll buy an ice cream.. please, I didn't mean it, you have a very pretty voice".

"I don't believe you. You are just saying that so I won't be mad at you". Honestly I find it hard to breathe. Having Tom this close will do that I guess.

He leans closer, whispering in my ear. "Your voice are as innocent as the sound of footsteps in newly fallen snow on Christmas morning and as sexy as new lovers first moans of passion".

Okay now I definitely can't breathe. That smooth bastard. My voice coming out halfway as a squeak. "How big an ice cream are we talking ?"

"As big as you can handle". He say with one eyebrow raised.

"Okay, you are forgiven for this time". I mumble, making him grab my hand, kissing it, before he pulls me along with him.

We walk for a bit, looking at wild dog, different monkeys that are playing around and Zebra's with long legged foals. And end up at the lemur enclosure. "I love lemur's, they look so cute and funny, but I always expects them to start singing and dancing".

Tom chuckles. "I think you have watched one to many cartoons".

"Oh no, you can never watch to many cartoons, it's just not possible. And I mean you have to love King Julien". I answer.

"Of course, how could you not. And you are right about cartoons". He say with a grin. "I think these are normal boring lemurs though, no singing and dancing".

We walk on and soon I spot the giraffes. "Oh look, did you know they have like a really long tongue and it's really slimy ?"

"I am almost afraid to ask, but how do you know that ?" He looks at me like he is unsure that he wants the answer.

"Well when I was a kid we visited an animal park and the giraffes had their heads outside, were you could touch them. I held up a leaf to one and it wound it's tongue around my hand and pulled it into its mouth".

Tom makes a face. "Eww that sounds, wet and slimy I guess. Did anything happen ? Did it bite you ?"

"No it just sucked on my hand, back then I thought it was the most awesome thing ever". I say laughing at the memory.

He shakes his head. "You really had some.. not normal experiences with animals I would say".

"I guess you are right". I say giggling softly. "At least I am not scared of giraffes".

"What about elephants ? Scared of those ?" He say as we walk to the next enclosure.

I shake my head looking at the giant animals. "Nope, they always seem so mellow for some reason".

"Mellowphants". Tom says nodding. "Well I like that".

"Oh look a miniature hippo, it is so cute". I say, pulling him over to the railing. Looking at the small grey animal.

Tom looks at it. "It is kind of endearing.. but the full size one are scarily dangerous, many people don't really realise".

"Yeah, they kill a lot of people in Africa, smashes the boat and drown people. Definitely to be taken serious". I say nodding. "Much more dangerous than these". I say walking over to the lions.

"They are so majestic". Tom looks at the male lion as it lifts its head and roar.

I look at the lion, then at Tom. "Yeah, but he really got it made for him. The lionesses are the one doing the hunting and the care for the cubs, all he does is eating, sleeping and.. Well mating".

Tom chuckles. "Yeah he has it all figured out I guess. A bit old fashioned maybe".

"Oh look tigers. I love tigers, they are so beautiful. I wish I could have one as a pet". I say looking at the big feline. "Is it weird that I kinda want to hug it ?"

"Yeah maybe just a bit weird". Tom say, making an amused sound. "You are something else Maddie.. come on let's go get that ice I owe you. We can eat it by the lake".

From Rome with love   (Book 1) A Zac Levi/Tom Hiddleston storyWhere stories live. Discover now