Her secret and that talk

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We are laying in the bed, snuggled up and ready to sleep. It has been a totally mind blowing evening. And I kind of feel I need to tell Zac an important thing. "Zac, there is something I think I should tell you".

"What is it baby ? You sound so serious". He pulls me closer to him, kissing my shoulder.

"Well it kind of is". I say, wondering what I am going to say. "It's just this thing you should probably know.. most of my boyfriends have.. Well found it problematic after a while".

He tenses up a bit, probably nervous of what will come now. "I am sure I can handle it darling ?"

"Okay, I.. well I don't know why, but I kind of have a.. very high sexdrive.. not like I have sex with a lot of people or would ever cheat or anything.. it's only when I really like someone". I say nervously.

He relaxes. "Uhh and that should be a bad thing because ??"

"Yeah they all say that at first.. then after a while they start calling me nympho, then they start treating me like a freak and well then they break up". I say, I couldn't bear for him to do that.

"So because they have a lower sex drive they chose to make you feel weird or bad ? Such gentlemen you have been dating". I can feel him shaking his head. "I mean of course it's fine for them to say no if they don't feel like sex, but it doesn't mean anything is wrong with you".

I snuggle into him, sighing. "Well I am happy you think that and I hope you will keep thinking that".

"I definitely can't imagine wanting to say no to you". He chuckles and kisses my neck softly.

His strong body against me, those arms around me. I snuggle closer. "Not even if I tell you that I am kind of turned on right now ?"

"Nope, I mean I might be a bit tired, but I also know that it wouldn't take much convincing from you for me to forget it". He leaves soft kisses over my shoulder.

"Oh what kind of convincing ?" I slowly grind back against him, feeling something spring to life. "Like this maybe ?"

In a flash I find myself under him, being kissed into oblivion. And he whispers against my lips. "Oh very much like that darling".

I watch her sleep, tucked into my side. My body feeling tired and heavy, but very much happy and satisfied. Holy shit that had been.. Wow ..okay I hadn't expected that. To tell the truth I had heard some wague rumours, that it had something to do with sex that at least one of her exes broke up. I had thought that she.. well was boring in bed, relying on her beauty or that she might have a very low sex drive, thinking that well with the right man it might change.. yeah I know, sounds a bit like I'm full of myself, but it wasn't like that, just you know if it's real love, the passion will be there too.

But this I hadn't expected, she was far more adventures than I ever imagined and the appetit did definitely not lack.. I mean I got a pretty healthy sex drive, but I don't hope she expects sex 4 times every day or I'll end up with my cock raw.

I sigh and pull her closer to me, promising myself that I will never make her feel wrong for it. I mean how can I be anything but grateful that this amazing and sexy woman wants me ?

It will all be okay, I am sure of it. And I snuggle my face into her hair, breathing her in, whispering hoarsely. "Please marry me, please be mine forever and please lets have a family.. maybe not now.. but soon".

Waking up, I feel and smell Zac before opening my eyes and I smile to myself. Hearing his sexy morning voice. "What are you smiling at darling".

"I was just thinking about last night and about you". I open my eyes, looking up at him from where I am snuggled up on his chest. "It was amazing Zac".

"Well I tend to agree on that". He say with a cheeky grin. His hair is a mess and he just looks so damn sexy.

I snuggle into him, breathing in his smell. Damn his scent drives me crazy. Well everything about him drives me crazy in all and every way. I can't help smiling. "Zac, I don't know if I am supposed to say it, but .. I love you".

A small gasp escapes him. His mouth slightly open and he swallows several times, before pulling me into his arm for a tight hug. "Oh God, I love you too.. so much".

I let him hug me, feeling the tears on my shoulder as he buries his face in it. It touches me that he seems so happy by the simple thing of me telling him how I feel. "Thank you Zac, for being you, for loving me, for letting me love you".

We just lay like that for a while, all snuggled up and it feels so nice that I suppress my urge to take it further. Zac whispering softly into my hair. "Just to be serious for a moment, I know you want kids, but well, is it something you think is far away or ? And how many are you thinking you want ?"

"Oh wow you are certainly serious for this time a day". This isn't topics men normally want to discuss in the beginning of a relationship, but well this don't feel like the beginning. "Hmm I kinda think that I am ready for kids, as soon as I am sure I have found the right man.. and I want at least two, but actually I think more like 3 or 4, maybe even more, but I might be to old for that".

He smiles softly, his fingers drawing little pattern around my belly button. "Well then I might really hope you decide that you have found the right man, because.. Well I kinda feel ready to.. and I'd love to have as many kids as you wish for.. but wouldn't it be.. difficult with Your career ?"

"I hope you don't think me stupid for this, I mean I know women in these days is supposed to care a lot about their career and being something.. but I kinda just want to be a mother.. I would love being at home with my kids, at least while they are little". I bite my lip.

Kissing me softly and very loving, he lets of a content sigh. "I would never force you to, or even ask you to. But honestly I think it sounds perfect, I mean I wouldn't want us to be apart.. I want you and the kids with me as much as possible".

"So this suddenly went from being a theoretical conversation to being very much real". I feel my heart beat like crazy, I know we shouldn't be thinking about these things already, but it just feels so natural.

"I guess it did". He actually blushes slightly. "Sorry, I know I am getting a bit ahead of myself.. But .. I don't know, I just has this feeling I never had before, not even at my wedding, which should have been a warning.. but I feel that this is it.. the real thing.. there is no going back".

I smile and kiss him. "Don't worry love, because.. Well I kind of feel exactly the same".

From Rome with love   (Book 1) A Zac Levi/Tom Hiddleston storyWhere stories live. Discover now