Meeting a dog and mocking the beard

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We walk through the park towards the zoo and Tom is holding my hand. It actually feels totally natural and not awkward in any way. "I've heard it's a pretty good zoo".

"It's in a very beautiful area, that is for sure". I say. I love this park, with its many fountains and ruins, it has a lot of hills too. Somehow things in America seems so new and pristine compared, I love this old feeling.

"Yeah it's a lovely park, I am happy that I live near a very big one, hampton heat, I couldn't do without the possibility to take a walk or run out in nature". He say, a soft smile spreading on his face at the memory.

I realise something, Tom is both a lot like people imagine and a lot different. He is no doubt handsome, fun, a true gentleman and a very nice person. But there isn't much movie star about him. He is so very much normal I feel, his life are not fancy parties, but quiet time at home. "You are lucky, I have none near enough to walk".

"Have you ever been to London ?" He looks curiously at me.

I shake my head. "Unfortunate not, I actually always wanted to go, I'd love to see all the historic buildings and all the new interesting architecture".

"Well I'd be happy to show you around, I know some great places". He say sending me a warm smile.

"I would like that, I would like that a lot actually". I smile back at him, I mean what better way to see London.

Suddenly a big dog is running straight for us, and honestly I feel myself tense up, I had a very bad run in with a dog as a kid and I am still nervous around especially big dogs. "Don't be scared darling he is friendly, look at his face, he just want to say hi".

"I.. I was bitten once, I am not good with dogs". I trust Tom and it looks friendly, but you just never know.

Tom kind of step in front of me taking a hold of the dogs collar. "Hey there friend. You see Maddie here is a little nervous about you, so what about we just keep a little distance ?"

There is no doubt Tom is good with dogs, he is scratching it behind the ears. "Who's a good boy, you're a good boy, yeah you are". He looks up at me. "He really is a sweetheart".

"He looks sweet". I slowly move closer and hold my hand out to the dog. It stretches its neck sniffing my hand, then it gives my hand a big lick with it's wet tongue.

I can't help giggling, drying of my hand in my shorts. "Uhh sweet but kind of slobbering, hey dogs are a lot like men".

"I haven't slobbered on you, not yet anyways". Tom say winking at me, making me blush slightly, something I never do, I am so not the blushing type.

The owner of the dog shows up, it's a pretty young woman and she looks rather flustered. "Sorry, he saw a squirrel and took of, I hope he didn't scare... oh God you are.. you are him.. Loki.. I mean Tom.. Hiddleston".

"Well I can't really claim that I am not". He say, and it is like he instantly just switch on something, like this is public Tom. "It is a pleasure meeting you darling. What is Your name".

She blushes deeply. "Oh it's Silvia, Mr Hiddleston, it is such a pleasure".

"Please say Tom, Silvia. It's a very pretty name". He stands up. "It's a very sweet dog you have, he is a golden retriever right ? What's his name ?"

"Yeah he is Tom". She giggles when she says his name. "His name is Rover.. you know a lot about dogs".

Tom just smiles. "Well not a lot, but I got one myself, I cocker spaniel, so well I need to know the basic".

"Oh I think it is great that you have a dog. I am really a big fan Tom and this is such an honor". She is getting a bit ecstatic here.

Tom glances at me, and seem to notice that I feel a bit weird. "The honor was all mine Silvia, but I better get going I got places to be. But it was so nice to meet you".

"Before you go, could I please trouble you for a picture ? Or else no one will believe this happened". She looks at him pleadingly.

"Sure, no problem". Tom say with a smile, and she takes out her phone, trying to get it on camera, but fumbling with it because she is nervous.

I step over. "Here give me the phone, you'll get a much better picture like this". I take the phone from her and she sends me a grateful smile.

Tom puts his arm around her and she looks like she might faint. Tom is sending the camera his best smile and I quickly snap a couple of pictures.

"Thank you Tom". She takes his hand to shake it, but Tom pulls her into a hug and I snap a few more pictures.

I hand her the phone back and Tom gives her a wave, grabbing my hand again. "Have a nice day Silvia".

When we are out of earshot, I look up at him. "You are really good with Your fans".

"Oh thanks, but I have to, I owe them my career. Without fans I wouldn't be allowed to do what I love to do". He say softly.

"You really are that perfect, aren't you ?" I look at him, giggling lightly.

He looks at me weirdly. "That perfect ? What do you mean ?"

"You know, as perfect as the internet claims. It's not an act or an facade, you really are that perfect. Well except for that caveman beard". I reach up to pull slightly at his beard.

"Hey now, don't mock the beard". He strokes it softly with his free hand. "It might get hurt".

I make a face at him. Yeah I keep teasing him with his thick ginger beard, but truth is that I actually like it quite a lot, but the hell I am gonna tell him.

From Rome with love   (Book 1) A Zac Levi/Tom Hiddleston storyWhere stories live. Discover now