Finding the special someone

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I watch Tom get up after we have finished the most delicious dinner. He smiles at Zac and Dahlia. "I would like to say a few words if it's okay".

"It most definitely is". Zac answer as Dahlia nods.

Tom clears his throat. "May you have the love only two can know. May you go where only two as one may go. May the sun rise and set in your bonded hearts and the moon never find you too long apart. May you cherish each other's dreams as your own and turn stumbling blocks into stepping stones. May you brave life's mountains and miles together. May there be no storm your love cannot weather. May you be lovers and allies and friends. May your souls conversation never end. May you capture on earth what's in heaven above. May your hearts know the rapture
of an uncommon love".

My vision is blurred with tears, damn Tom is probably one of very few men who can pull something like that of just like that. Zac gets up, his eyes brimmed with tears too and hugs Tom. "Thanks man, that was beautiful".

"It was perfect Tom, Thank you". Dahlia say, getting up to hug him tightly.

Tom just smiles softly. "It was nothing special, and you deserves it". He sit down again.

I put my hand on top of his. "That was truly beautiful Tom. You have such a way with words and well on top everything just sounds better with that accent too".

"Well thank you, I think". He says with a little nervous sounding chuckle, like he feels weird getting praised.

Zac clears his throat and look at Dahlia with a small cheeky smile. "Well it has been a wonderful day. Thank you so much for spending it with us, but I think we are ready to.. retire now".

Dahlia giggles softly and winks at him. "Yeah thank you so much both of you, you made this day even more special".

"Yeah I am feeling kind of tired". Zac stretches, putting his arm around Dahlia. "Are you ready to get to bed my beautiful wife ?"

"Oh stop it Zac, we all know you are not going home to sleep". Tom jumps in grinning, making Dahlia blush and Zac chuckle. "Get going kids, I am not really tired honestly".

I think for only a minute. "Neither am I actually".

"So what do you say gorgeous, should you and me soak in a little more of Rome on our last evening here ?" Tom say, looking questioningly at me.

I smile at him. "That sound marvelous, I'm in".

"But one last thing before you two run back to Your little cocoon of blis. A toast outside by the steps". Tom say and wave the waiter over, talking low into his ear. The waiter nods.

Soon the waiter is back with 4 plastic kids glasses and a bill, as promised Tom pays and leaves a pretty hefty tip on top of it. I look at him. "Trying to impress the cute waiter ?"

"Nah, not really trying to impress anyone, but if I was it would be you". He says handing me one of the glasses with a small wink.

We move outside by the steps, and Tom raises his glass. "A toast for the happy couple, this perfect setting and thousand dollar champagne in kiddie cups".

"And a toast to good friends that goes the distance to be here for us". Zac says, as he raises his glass. Both me and Dahlia raises our glasses too.

I watch Maddie pull a thin rectangular present from her hand bag. "I got you a little something too. The present is mostly for Dahlia, the card for both of you".

"Oh you didn't have to, thanks Mads". Dahlia say, accepting the present and handing the card to Zac, before ripping the paper in a rather impatient way.

Inside is a beautiful silver picture frame, Dahlia look at the picture, clamping a hand over her mouth, then she holds it up, first for Zac and then for me to see. It is Maddie and Dahlia with a small group of kids and 2 African women outside what looks like a refugee camp hospital.

"Oh Maddie it is wonderful". She points at the picture, showing Zac. "This is from Kenya, a camp outside Nairobi. And this is Anaya and Danuwa and some of the kids".

"It's a great picture darling". Zac says with a warm smile. "You both look great and right at home".

Zac opens the envelope, reading the letter. He looks up. "Oh Maddie sweetie, you really didn't have too".

"What is it ?" Dahlia is stretching her neck, trying to read the letter.

"We are going for a trip to the beach, one night in a luxury resort and transportation in a vintage Alfa Romeo with chauffour". Zac answers.

Dahlia goes to hug Maddie tightly. "Oh wow that was a great gift. Thank you".

"It's nothing special, kind of a small honeymoon". Maddie says with a warm smile.

I go to get a closer look at the picture. "It's a Great picture".

"Thanks, we had some great times there, everything considered". Dahlia say with a soft smile.

I turn to see Maddie sitting on the spanish steps, her glass in her hand, looking a little.. Well sad actually, so I go sit down next to her. "Something wrong darling ?"

"Nah not really, it's just .. Well look at them.. they are so damn happy and in love, not a single doubt that they are meant for each other". She nods towards Zac and Dahlia, who are standing with their arms around each other.

"They are really cute.. but it kind of makes you think right ?" I say with a sigh. "Like.. Will I ever have what they have ?"

She looks at me. "How did you know ? I mean how do you know how I feel ?"

"Then that makes two of us, because it is actually how I feel". I say, sending her a small smile.

She leans her head on my shoulder, and I put my arm around her. "I never thought I needed that, but after being out in the World, seeing things and then seeing those two, I kind of feel lonely".

"I get it.. believe me. Actually I feel lonely way to often lately, even when I am with people. I.. Well I think I am missing that certain someone that will make the loneliness go away". I say honestly.

She puts an arm around my waist squeezing a bit. "I am sure you will find the right woman Tom".

"And you will find the right man Mads, I am sure of that". I lean in, pressing a soft kiss to her temple.

Right then the car pulls up and Zac helps Dahlia in, waving at us. "See you kids tomorrow, now behave".

From Rome with love   (Book 1) A Zac Levi/Tom Hiddleston storyWhere stories live. Discover now